The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2170: It really is a trap

"Is this the forest of obstacles?"

Standing not far from the confused forest, Han Qianyu frowned, staring closely at the confused forest, even Xia Ming frowned at the confused forest. This confused forest is also a forest, but what is different from ordinary forests is that there is a layer of obstacles in the confused forest. From a distance, this layer of obstacles appears gray. brown! This looks extremely strange. At first, the gray-brown mist on the periphery of the forest

It looks pale.

But if you look intently, the gray-brown mist will become more and more dense, until you can't see the situation inside.

This is the obstructed forest!

Moreover, it is very easy to get lost in this obstructed forest, that is to say, if you are not careful, you will get lost in this obstructed forest. If you want to come out at that time, it will be difficult.

What's more, this obstruction is still poisonous. Over time, it can also make people poison. This is even worse for those who are lost. If you are unlucky, you may die in this place.

Xia Ming hesitated a little, hesitated and asked, "If it's inside, can you crush the jade charm and leave here?"

Xia Ming still remembers that anyone who has a jade charm cannot die here, but Xia Ming is a little afraid to confirm it in the obscured forest.

"Should be inseparable!"

Han Qiandi paused and said, "If you can leave, I don't think these elders will try their best to tell us that this place is forbidden."

Xia Ming nodded, and then took a deep breath. At this time Xia Ming looked at Chu Feng again, and said, "Deng Ye, are they really here?"

As they walked along, they didn't see a few figures, which slightly puzzled Xia Ming.

"Haha ..."

At the next moment, a loud sound rang through this place. With this loud laughter, at this time, there were several shadows coming from a distance.

The speed of these figures was quite fast. In a few breaths, it was not far from Xia Ming. They looked around, and there were hundreds of people.

These battles, even when Xia Ming saw them, all became heavy.

Hundreds of people, but also elderly!

Xia Ming's complexion became a little heavy. So many people gathered here are a huge hidden danger and trouble for them, not to mention that this person is still not weak, at least with the prefecture level. "Chu Feng, you are very good, this time I will give you some tokens to help you pass this final test." Under these many eyes, a teenager, a teenager, came out of this team slowly. Wearing a silver shirt, holding a folding fan, long hair is bundled, and there are two dazes running down his cheeks.


The young man is well-organized. Obviously, the young man is also a person who does not like to be stingy. The young man has his left hand behind his back.

However, when the people who were present met the young man, they all shrank their pupils.

"Deng Jun! The fifth in the mysterious list."

As soon as this statement was made, the people present were a little flustered. To be more calm, it was a few people on Xia Ming's side!

Xia Ming frowned, looking at Chu Feng, and her eyes became sharp at this moment. Chu Feng stepped, and instantly came behind Deng Yue. At this moment, Chu Feng couldn't help but say: Brother, I'm really sorry. "

"Brush ..."

At this moment, even if everyone is stupid, they fully understand it!

Yes, they all understood that it turned out that all of this was Deng's conspiracy. What's more terrible is that Chu Feng, as a new disciple, became a traitor.

"Chu Feng, you are doing very well!" Deng Yue smiled and looked at Chu Feng in front of him, and said, "If it weren't for you, I don't think these people would come here easily. If I want to catch them, I have to Take some time. "

"Thank you for your compliment." Chu Feng hurriedly hugged his fist.

"Chu Feng!"

Han Qianyu stared at Chu Feng with an angry face and scolded: "Chu Feng, what do you mean, do you know what you are doing?"

"Han Qianyu!" Chu Feng heard and sneered: "Of course I know what I'm doing, and now I'm just doing something for Brother Deng Jun, so I can't help you with my guidance."


Han Qianyi exclaimed: "Do you really think Deng Ye really will help you? The main purpose of their existence is to eliminate the entire new disciples. They succeeded, and they can also learn the mysteries of mystery. What can you get by then . "

"Ha ha!"

Chu Feng laughed and said, "This word is bad!"

"I don't have the luxury to hope for a final victory, but ... if I was the last one eliminated, I have already succeeded, so ..."

Having said that, Chu Feng laughed.

Chu Feng's words made the rest of the people look difficult. Indeed, as Chu Feng said, if he wants to win the final victory, it is tantamount to dreaming, but the same.

If he is the last to be eliminated, this will also have great benefits for Chu Feng. A person who is finally eliminated will show the potential and mentality of this person.

Han Qianyi's face became a little gloomy, and the rest of the newcomers and disciples were all angry at Chu Feng.

"Well, don't talk nonsense."

At this moment, Deng Yan smiled and looked at Xia Ming and others. This glance swept over the Xia Ming people. Eventually, Deng Heng's eyes fell on Xia Ming's body, and he smiled and said, "Presumably, you are Xia Ming. Right. "

Xia Ming glanced at Deng Yue a little in surprise. He did not expect that Deng Yue would know him, which made him a little surprised.

Xia Ming said lightly: "Yes!"

"Well! It's worthy of being a childlike brother, name the person to suppress."

Deng Yue glanced at Xia Ming and nodded with satisfaction.

It seems that he is amazed by Xia Ming's strength, but at the same time, he doesn't understand why a new disciple in the district still suffers from childlike suppression.

However, this statement made Han Qianyi's face a bit ugly. The reason why innocence suppressed Xia Ming was entirely because of him.

Unexpectedly, this child really did so much.

"Well, I won't say much nonsense, now you all leave the tokens in your hands and drop out of the game by yourself, so that we don't bother us to do it." Deng Yan looked at the present. Man, said with a grin.

As soon as this remark was made, all the people present changed their faces and looked angrily at Deng Yue. At this moment, Xia Ming looked up slowly, and his dark eyes were like a pool of deep water, which was not bottomed out. However, deep in the eyes, the light was shining.

Xia Ming grinned. "Oh! It's up to you ..."

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