The strength that Xia Ming showed has surprised many people!

"This guy, even realized the vitality, but he only realized the aura the day after tomorrow, and he seems to have hit the iron plate this time." The thought in Deng Yun's mind also turned quickly.

Even he didn't touch the threshold of the innate realm, but Xia Ming even touched the threshold of Juling Realm. Once he was promoted to Juling Realm, there would be a qualitative change in the strength of the whole body!

That kind of change cannot be imagined or spoken at all.

This is also why the core disciples of Xuan Xinzong are masters above Juling Realm, because these are the root of this sect.

"No, you have to solve it anyway today!" Deng Jun set an idea in his mind. In any case, he must defeat Xia Ming today and eliminate Xia Ming. Otherwise, his reputation will be lost. , Xia Ming will be completed by then.

Thinking of this, Deng Yunyin said in a grim test: "Very good, let me meet you today."

As soon as Deng Yue stepped, the vigorous vitality erupted from his body, but Xia Ming was not far behind, and the vitality mixed with the aura in the body also burst out. Then, the figures of the two turned into light and shadow, and they slammed together.

The jaws that hit each other, all kinds of vitality waves undulating, this space is swept by the wind, the leaves are scratched.

"Blasty." Then Deng Yue gave a violent sigh, and he was full of vitality and quickly condensed. Under those eyes, he actually sacrificed a large knife. On the blade of this large knife, there was a faint light. Cohesion, it is clear that Deng Jun has not yet reached the capacity to release his vitality, and even condensed this sword.

It is also difficult to do.

Because this is really too difficult.

Of course, if Deng Yue at this moment has been promoted to gather in the spirit realm, this sword will also come handy, so the power released will be even more powerful. The sword, the wind and the wind, and the surrounding trees were all under this knife, and they snapped off. These big trees, with smooth fractures, were obviously cut off with magic weapons, and even more, on some of the other big trees. , There are also dense knife marks, even on the ground, are like


It is conceivable how powerful this knife is.

"This is recklessness? Brother Deng Jun actually used recklessness?"

"Blasty." Han Qianzhen's pupils also shrank, passing a ray of light.

"What is Recklessness?" Liu Mengxi bit his silver teeth and looked at the scene nervously. If Xia Ming loses, then they may all be eliminated today.

"Slashing is a sword, and it is rumored that Slashing was a predecessor, and the sword book created by cutting a monster python was called Slashing."


When referring to these two words, Liu Mengxi's face was white, and the beast, in this entire ancient continent, was a heart-wrenching existence!

Because monsters are inherently powerful, they have strong physiques, and at the same level, this person is not an opponent of these monsters at all, of course, this is not absolute.

However, the progress of monster training is extremely slow, but their life span is extremely long. Sometimes, God will always give you some restrictions, and it will never let you break the balance of the biosphere.

Of course, in this daily life, monsters are definitely not uncommon. For example, in the World of Warcraft Forest before Xia Ming, I have encountered some monsters. Of course, these monsters are not very strong, because those powerful monsters Most beasts can be transformed into humans.

Human beings are the main protagonists between the heavens and the earth. They are born with the most suitable constitution for cultivation. Therefore, even many monsters will be transformed into human bodies for cultivation.

Of course, in the same way, human life is not as good as these monsters. Therefore, to some extent, it is also extremely restricted.

However, for so many years, the image of monsters in people's minds is not very friendly.

Therefore, this is why Liu Mengxi's face turned white when Han Qianzhen mentioned that the mangshu was created by cutting off a demon with one finger.

"This reckless technique is also a very strong martial art. I did not expect that Deng Yue even used the reckless technique in order to deal with Xia Ming."

"It seems that Deng Yue is extremely afraid of Xia Ming."

A series of elite students sounded around, apparently, they were all amazed by Xia Ming.

"Although the mangshu is a low-grade martial art, but this show is comparable to a medium-grade product, Brother Xia is in trouble this time." Huang Yan on the other side glanced, his eyes were condensed, and he sank.

"That may not be so."

Han Qianyi looked indifferent and said, "Xia Ming, there will be no hole cards."


During a conversation between a group of people, there was a strong breath covering the battlefield. This breath made the people present unable to resist the retreat, and then there were several flashes of light running fast. The speed is also extremely fast, these light blades severely cut the surrounding trees.

"Hmm ..."

The big trees around them broke off.

Even these two light blades issued by the two men could not dodge, they could only rush to resist with the weapons in their hands. In a short period of time, the two had fought dozens of tricks, and blood stains appeared on the two, but everyone could see that although the two looked a little embarrassed, the wounds did not Did n’t cause them much damage, it just looked a little bit leaky

People stop.

The two figures looked at each other remotely, and were so stalemate here.

Those present were dignified when they saw such situations.

"It was blocked."

Some old people couldn't help but speak out.

"This guy is really terrifying." Another master of the day after tomorrow, took a cool breath and stared at the scene in front of him.

The two had just fought, and they did not even react. How did they fight? In the blink of an eye, it became the current situation. How can they not be surprised.

"You said, could Deng Yue defeat Xia Ming?"

"It's really hard to say, the newcomers and disciples now are really getting stronger and stronger, what the **** is going on." These old people have also been shaken for a while, and this time they can advance in the mysterious list The first three are all newcomers and disciples, which makes them extremely annoyed. The three newcomers occupying the top three are a shame for them, so they are also stunned.


Therefore, many people challenge the top three, but the end result. All are abused.

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