The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2179: Mandolin

As soon as this remark came out, even the original Nangong Yu, who had nowhere to go, had a little attention in those eyes!

Obviously, this sentence is enough to attract his attention!

How hard it is to defeat the inborn master the day after tomorrow, he knows! Because he once defeated a master of innate level!

He did not expect that Xia Ming defeated Fu Qingxuan and eliminated it! It was indeed something unexpected!

"This guy is really good!" Nangong Yu also said a sentence, but through Nangong Yu said this sentence, you can also see that Nangong Yu attaches great importance to Xia Ming. Generally speaking, Nangong Yu is difficult to say Such words can make him say these words, which is already very good.

Jiang Taichong solemnly said: "It is really great! This guy can defeat Fu Qingxuan and eliminate it. This guy should also have the innate ability of a congenital master."? "To be honest, I also want to see this strength Strong boy! "

Jiang Taichong is also slightly curious about Xia Ming! At first, he didn't know about Xia Ming, because they rarely paid much attention to these small things.

It was not until Xia Ming defeated Fu Qingxuan and Deng Jun that Xia Ming entered his eyes and was able to defeat Fu Qingxuan, which was enough to attract their attention.

After all, Fu Qingxuan was a master in the early days of the innate, and the strength of Fu Qingxuan, they are also very clear, it is really difficult to defeat this person.

"Well, now this guy has also led a team. It is said that during this time a lot of newcomers and disciples have gathered, I am afraid that there are as many as a hundred people, now this guy is also rushing to this mandala." Jiang Taichong said.


Nangong Min nodded slightly and said, "Since he has this strength, coming here to gather with us can also give us more strength."

"Indeed! Hey!" Jiang Taichong grinned and said, "Now one of the four wars will be eliminated, that is to say, there are still three left. I was a little worried at first, who would deal with Brother Tongzhen, but now it seems, We also have a chance. "Indeed, if there are four major generals under the control, then they will face five innate level masters. At this level, one innate level master will be enough to reverse the war. So, they had a headache at the beginning, and they were still thinking about how to hold this person


But now hearing Xia Ming's elimination of Fu Qingxuan, they are all a bit surprised, of course, accompanied by more surprises.

Because one of the four wars will be missing, in terms of numbers, they can be considered balanced.

At that time, several of them dragged one by one, then the three wars will be divided. As for this innocence, of course, Nangong Yu will deal with it.

Nangong Yu is terrible, but he knows deeply that although Nangong Yu himself has no inherent strength, but that kind of superpower is enough to make anyone jealous! At that time, as long as Nangong is undefeated, they will be eligible to fight against innocence.

Their first three strengths all have experience in defeating congenital masters, and Xia Ming also has. At that time, they only need to defeat their opponents and free up their hands to help innocence. Then this exchange game between newcomers and old people, maybe they The newcomers really have hope.

Once successful, they are eligible to learn that mystery!

Mysterious Mystery! That is the only way to learn successful Li Xuantong. If they learn it, it will also be of great benefit to them!

Therefore, they are also a little excited in their hearts!

Jiang Taichong discussed with Nangong Yu again for a while. At noon, Wang Fan was late. The three top masters gathered together, which naturally caused a commotion. The three masters brought There are thousands of newcomers.

With such a large number of people, it is of course magnificent!

"Why are you leaving Mandala?"

It is already noon, and they want to arrive at the Mandala by tomorrow, so Wang Fan is in doubt.

Wang Fan wore an armor. This armor is a little different. The upper surface is full of lines. These lines look better like snake lines. They are very strange. This color is very similar to the lines of snakes!

The arrival of Wang Fan also aroused the cheers of many people here!

The top three mysterious masters are gathered. Such a scene is rare, so they have a little hope in their hearts, so when they look at the three, they are mixed with a little fiery.

"Waiting for someone!" Jiang Taichong said.

"Who are you waiting for?"

Wang Fan frowned. The three of them were at the top of the battle this time. It was also the key to defeating Tong. This time Jiang Taichong was still waiting for others, which puzzled Wang Fan.

Who are they waiting for?

"Soon you will know."

Jiang Taichong said with a smile, but with the voice of Jiang Taichong just dropped, from this distance, there is a team running in this direction!

Such a mighty team, it is naturally impossible to have no sound at all. Wherever this team has passed, it can be said that chickens and dogs jump, and countless birds quickly fly to the distance!


Jiang Taichong's words caught Wang Fan's attention. Wang Fan couldn't help looking at the distance. Sure enough, there was a team running quickly in the distance, which made Wang Fan slightly surprised!

Wang Fan did not expect that there should be such a team, which was a little unexpected than he expected!

He knows how strong he will need to live here, especially the four wars will lead people to sweep the battlefield, but many new disciples will be eliminated.

Except for the three teams who survived, it is difficult for him to think about the other teams that will survive. I did not expect that there would still be such a team here, which was really beyond his expectations!

This team is truly Han Qiangyun's team!

Han Qiandi and others along the way, also joined a lot of new disciples, so their team also reached a terrible 200 people.

Fortunately, none of the four major wars will be here, nor will they come to intercept them. Otherwise, their team might really end up being wiped out.

"Look at it, there is someone in front."

At this moment, a voice rang out from the crowd of the newcomers and disciples, and many people looked at them in the distance.

After seeing the mighty crowd, these newcomers and disciples were all shocked, showing a hint of fear and heavy.

"Is that an old man? If it is an old man ... we are in trouble this time."

As soon as this remark was made, many people looked dignified, and they all couldn't help looking at the distance. If the elderly were so many people, they could not escape if they wanted to escape! How can so many people escape?

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