The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2184: Please advise

"This Nangong is pretty good!"

In a corner in the distance, there are two figures, these two figures look indifferent, a little bit of Yingqi is revealed between the eyebrows, but the breath on these two people is ups and downs!

That seems to be a breath that opens up the bridge between heaven and earth. In the breath, it can even involve the surrounding heaven and earth aura into their bodies!

One of them, wearing a blue robe, stood there quietly, looking proudly at the scene in front of him, with a little peace in his face.

The other man was wearing a robe of Xuan Xinzong, with a faint smile on his face. This smile looked very mild, but only those who knew him knew that this smile was only a superficial phenomenon. If this person is It's quite terrible to start soaring!

These two are not too low among the disciples of the inner door. If they are seen by others, they will certainly exclaim!

Yun Haotian, Zhou Kun.

These two people even have another identity, that is, the League of Gods and the messenger of Fengshentai!

Divine Alliance and Fengshentai are the forces created by the disciples of Xuanxinzong. There are three forces in the entire Xuanxinzong. These three forces are Divine Alliance, Fengbang and Fengshentai!

Of course, these three forces are also inextricably linked, especially the God League and the Fengshentai people, the most fierce fighting, and Yun Haotian and Zhou Kun can stand here!

It's really unexpected!

It is precisely because of these three forces that the three major forces are restraining each other and restricting each other.

As messengers of the League of Gods and Fengshentai, their role is to find talent for their respective forces!

Yun Haotian glanced at Zhou Kun indifferently, his voice indifferent: "This man, I have the League of God."

"God League?"

Zhou Kun heard the words, laughed suddenly, said calmly: "This person, I'm afraid you can't afford it!"

"Excuse me?"

Yun Haotian heard the words, but smiled lightly, and did not take Zhou Kun's words to heart. In this entire Xuan Xinzong, there is no one who is beyond the power of his God League!

You know that their alliance is one of the three forces!

It is also the most powerful one!

Zhou Kun glanced at Yun Haotian faintly, shrugged his shoulders, and did not continue to speak. His eyes fell on the mirror, and he looked at the scene in front of him quietly.

Because next, it will be the time to win!

Not only the two of them are concerned about occupation, but even the elders of the Xuanxin Temple are all looking at the scene in front of them. They also want to see where the newcomers can go this time!


In the battlefield!

The two teams are immense, and a sky of war is slowly condensing in this sky. This battle is a battle between newcomers and the elderly!

"Brother Innocent, let's go!"

Under these eyes, Nangong clenched his fists and whispered softly.

The faint sound spread, the sound did not contain the slightest emotion, it seemed to have been waiting for a battle with innocence!

As soon as the phrase "Om ..." came out, there was a silence between heaven and earth, and countless eyes were gathered on Nangong Yu. At this moment, Nangong Yu has gathered his personable side, and instead, A proud and indifferent look, in those bright eyes, even

Also mixed with a strong sense of war!

He defeated the congenital master, naturally knowing the terribleness of the congenital master, now facing the innocence, there is no fear, but on the contrary he has a strong sense of war!

This is Nangong Yu, a proud Nangong Yu in his bones. In the past, he just never showed it. When he showed it, it proved that he paid enough attention to a person!

Only then will he fully reveal his character!

"Are you going to start?"

All the people present were watching this scene fiercely, and even they were a bit surging. This is the top battle between newcomers and old people ...

Just don't know, who can get the ultimate victory!

The people present looked nervously at the scene in front of them, their eyes were motionless, and they seemed to be afraid of missing some details!

"Ha ha!"

Tong Zhen glanced at Nangong Yan, chuckling: "Wait until you defeat Zhou Huang!"


The voice dropped, and from this side, a figure came out instantly. This figure was dressed in a golden yellow shirt, and various patterns were embroidered on the shirt. However, the most striking thing was from this person. momentum!

He was Zhou Huang, the disciple who led Xia Ming and others into Xuan Xinzong at that time!

The appearance of Zhou Huang caused a lot of people's eyes. Obviously, they all knew Zhou Huang!

Nangong narrowed his eyes, and an irritation erupted in his heart. He could feel the strong disdain from the childlike painting, and seemed to disdain him. This proud man seemed to be challenged!

Nangong Yu exudes a sense of chill, staring coldly at Zhou Huang!

That kind of confrontational momentum also made the whole scene extremely uncomfortable!

"Brother Nangong, if you want to fight Brother Tongzhen, you must defeat me first." Zhou Huang smiled, his voice indifferent.

Nan Gongxi took a deep breath, staring at Zhou Huang with a burning gaze, and smiled, "Since Brother Zhou Huang is going to fight, let's fight."


Suddenly, the sky-like vitality erupted from Nangong Yu's body. The terrible vitality erupted into ripples. The terrible breath even carried a little hot air. It seemed that the vitality was very strong. Not so ordinary!

The condensed breath of Nangong Yu also shocked the people between heaven and earth!

"Are you going to shoot!"

"Finally shot ..."

"Nangong Yu is really not weak ... just by looking at the breath on this body, it is not worse than the innate masters ... If all the hole cards explode, I am afraid that the innate early masters may not really be the opponents ! "

"Yeah ... presumably only the masters of the innate period can suppress him?"

"Unfortunately, Brother Tongzhen is born late ... these new people today are destined to fail ..."

"Even so, they are enough to be proud of themselves. This time, the martial arts sent five congenital masters. This shows that this time the attention of these newcomers to the party, even if they lose, I am afraid this time will be the biggest winner!"

"Budo Daxing, I haven't been born in this era, otherwise ... these newcomers will really be crushed to death!"

All of you are telling me at a glance, it seems that you are admiring the courage of these newcomers, and you are also sorry for these newcomers! "Brother Zhou Huang, please advise!"

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