The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2190: Disastrous

Under these many eyes, Tong Zhen suddenly grabbed the hilt of the iron sword. The appearance of this scene has attracted the attention of countless people. They are all slightly curious, some do not understand why the child is suddenly doing it at this moment. Such a move, in theory, this master should not be out

What is wrong.

This is a fight, but nothing else. An accidental mistake will cause an instant change in the battle between the two sides, but the sudden scene of innocence at the moment makes him very confused.


However, at the moment when everyone was puzzled, an iron sword suddenly appeared in the left hand of the childlike child. The iron sword between the childlike child and the childlike child was exactly the same.

This iron sword is like dividing the original iron sword into two!

"Hmm ..."

A sound pierced into the muscles, and at this moment Nangong also heard a muffled hum, and a pale color flashed on his face. Nangong Xiong looked incredibly at his chest, but it was unknown when he had a black iron sword inserted in his chest, blood flowing down the wound of Nangong Xiong, a little bit of dripping On the ground, this dull sound made almost everyone's mind

He shivered fiercely.

They all saw that a sword was inserted into Nangong's chest. This sword looked very ordinary, like a black iron sword, but it was this ordinary sword, but it was Already inserted in Nangong's chest.

"Hmm ..."

Then, the innocent palm shot, Nangong Yu took the palm, and fell from the air to the ground fiercely. The terrible force smashed the ground into a deep pit.

In the big pit, Nangong Yuan looked pale in the innocence of the distance, while Nangong Yuan was pale, with a weak breath, blood flowing down the wound, showing a weak look, obviously not badly injured.

He looked indifferently at the Nangong who was stabbed in front of him, without any mercy, because this is the battlefield, although the disciples cannot kill each other, but even this injury cannot, then Xuan Xinzong cannot exist. For many years.

"Brush!" Innocent hit Nangong Yan with a smirk, and he smiled, with a sword in his hand, pierced the key of Nangong Yan. Obviously, Tongzhen wanted to force Nangong Yan to withdraw from the game, as long as Nangong Xu withdrew from the game , Then their elderly will have a greater advantage, and then these newcomers will be integrated

In the future, it will be even simpler.

After all, Nangong is among these new disciples and has a very high status.

However, just as this attack was about to fall on Nangong's body, suddenly, a sharper sword rippling between the heavens and the earth, and a black martial art flashed away, directly passing his The blow stopped.

"Huh?" The sudden attack made Tongzhen's brows frown, and his eyes showed a bit of coldness. He turned his eyes and looked forward, only to see a young man in a black shirt blocking his way not far away. , The juvenile is holding a wide long sword, the sword is wide and heavy, but

This clunky iron sword is in the hands of the teenager, but it exerts great power.

As this iron sword looks like an iron sword, but to everyone, this iron sword is more like an iron plate!

Among them, the most eye-catching, I am afraid, is the pupil of a teenager, because the teenager is born with twin pupils, and the breath on his body is strange, especially the trace of death, which makes people feel scared. With this pair of pupils, virtually, both It is a shock.

"It's you……"

Tong Zhen glanced at Yan Chen, and suddenly recognized Yan Chen. Yan Chen may be unknown to many people, but this does not mean that no one knows.

Yan Chen is a very special being in this Xuanxin sect. Because of his own uniqueness, no one wants to be friends with Yan Chen. Yan Chen therefore hides himself and rarely shows up, but this is not It means that others do not know the existence of Yan Chen.

Even Tong Zhen is a little curious. Since Yan Chen is an ominous person, why is it still better to leave Yan Chen in Xuan Xinzong and drive Yan Chen out of here?

Of course, this kind of thing is not what he can do.

The child looked at Yan Chen lightly and sneered: "Are you going to help him?"

Yan Chen looked at Tongzhen indifferently, it was no different from the previous Yan Chen, even when he met such a master, Yan Chen's indifference made him innocent.

"He can't die!"

Yan Chen's faint voice sounded clear, and she couldn't help laughing when she heard the words, and Tong Zhen laughed: "It's up to you, can the day after tomorrow be complete? Can you stop it?"

"Try it."

Yan Chen shook the iron sword in the handshake and stood here quietly, watching childlike seriously. He didn't say much, but each sentence represented his firmness.

The appearance of this scene has also attracted people's attention between heaven and earth. Obviously, many people are unfamiliar with Yan Chen.

"Who is this two-eyed person? Dare to fight Brother Tongzhen?"

"Well, he is another man who can't help himself, and the day after tomorrow is complete, he is worthy to fight Brother Tongzhen. Even Nangong Yu is not an opponent. What qualifications does he have?"

"It's really beyond our control. It seems that these newcomers have also worked hard ..."

"It is not easy for them to come to this point, and at this point, they are enough to be proud."

"Yes, the newcomers are getting stronger and stronger, and even the local and sky charts are occupied by the newcomers. I really don't know how they did it."

The sounds of various discussions also echoed each other.

"I ... I remember."

Someone exclaimed in the crowd, immediately looked at Yan Chen, exclaimed: "This person is called Yan Chen!"

"Yan Chen?"

As soon as this statement came out, many people were shocked, and some people looked at this Yan Chen in doubt, obviously some did not understand the meaning of the words Yan Chen!

"What makes this person different?"

"The difference is big."

Immediately an older disciple Shen Shen said, "I once remembered that when Yan Chen entered my Xuanxinzong, it was all the rage. This person's combat strength and talent were excellent. This person entered Xuan Until Xinzong, I'm afraid it's only about a year. "

"At that time, he defeated countless arrogants of heaven, countless opponents fell to his hands, but later did not know why, this guy turned out to be ominous. So he rarely shows up."

"I know, I know." Another person added: "Yan Chen has a gray breath on his body. That breath is extremely dangerous. If he spends time with him for a long time, it will affect the lives of people around him."

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