The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2199: Death battle

With innocence and vitality, he shattered all his tattered clothes. At this moment, he was wearing a silver-white spirit armor, and the whole man was standing quietly here like a silver armor **** of war. Although he took Smile, but anyone can see it, in this eyes full of smiles

But there is a killing intention in God that gathers quickly.

Xia Ming heard the words, and there was a chill in his eyes, because even at this moment, even he was hard to beat the innocence.


However, it was too late to think about it, Xia Ming's pupils shrank, and her body hurriedly retreated.

"call out!"

Xia Ming had just retreated, and there was a boxing bang in an instant, a loud bang, and a deep pit appeared in his original place. However, at this moment, the childlike figure appeared instantly, and he tried again. Terrible power shrouded away from Xia Ming. The two fought together again, but this time the scene was completely different, because everyone could see that Xia Ming jumped up and down and actually fled around. Obviously, the innocence wearing the armor was innocent, even Xia Ming can't beat it, such strength is really too scary


For a while, countless old apprentices shouted loudly and made ridicule towards these newcomers. However, these new apprentices were tense and reddened by these old apprentices.

"Xia Ming, I'm afraid to lose ..."

When Zhou Huang saw this scene, he couldn't help sighing. Xia Ming's talent was in his eyes, because Xia Ming was brought by him in the past. For Xia Ming, he was naturally impressed.

Unexpectedly, it took only half a year to reach the point where it is now. It was a battle with innocence, and it even forced the innocence to use spirit armor. This terrible talent and combat power are really terrifying.

"It's worthy of being a genius." Even Lan Luo looked at Xia Ming again and again and said gently: "Zhou Huang, are you familiar with this person?"

"Not very familiar!" Zhou Huang shook his head slightly: "I used to bring him in."

Lan Luomei's eyes flowed, and she whispered softly: "Zhou Huang, until the end of the newcomer elderly comparison, you can help me introduce him ..."


Zhou Huang looked strangely at Lan Luo, feeling a bit incredible. He didn't think that Lan Luo even had such thoughts, but it was right to think about it. Such a talent, would any girl be slammed?

Thinking of this, Zhou Huang's eyes could not help but look far into the distance, and sure enough, many of the young girls around them were looking forward to their eyes. Obviously, they all had a very emotional need for Xia Ming.

Zhou Huang sighed helplessly.

"Hmm ..."

Tongzhen punched Xia Ming in a punch, Tongzhen looked down at Xia Ming with a cold look, with a contempt: "Xia Ming, no one can save you today."

Xia Ming's body moved, and he came to a corner again, his palm moved, as if something had been driven into the ground, he didn't pay attention to the innocence.

"Huh! That being the case, then I will fulfill you now."

Childhood was furious, and there was no hesitation anymore, and he drank loudly. In childhood, he had a monstrous vigor and cohesion!

This violent and violent vigor has made many newcomers and disciples' hearts very tight.

"Success ..." But just when Tong Zhen was just about to destroy Xia Ming's jail, suddenly, a slight loud sound rang through the heavens and the earth, and then the vitality of this heaven and earth seemed to have undergone some changes. Quickly gathered toward the battlefield, and looking at this battlefield, there was a light


It was only for a moment that innocence was shrouded in it. These sudden changes made some of the people present unprepared, even for innocence.

The child suddenly disappeared, and many people present couldn't help but exclaim, all of them looked at the situation in front of them.

The people present could not believe that the innocence in front of them disappeared? how can that be……


Even Zhou Huang was in a state of mind for a while, and suddenly looked at the battlefield. A little horror pours out from the depths of his eyes, looking at the scene in shock.

"how is this possible……"

"Matrix ..."

Not far from here, Nangong trembled, staring at the battlefield in astonishment, saying inconceivably.


Jiang Taichong didn't understand the words of Nan Gongyu clearly, because he has been paying attention to the movement of the battlefield, so he didn't hear it too clearly.

"Matrix ... he arranged a matrix."


As soon as this statement came out, Jiang Taichong and Wang Fan couldn't help but took a breath, and they looked at the thin figure together. At this moment, even the two of them were shocked. .

"Master of Formations ..."

These four words are lingering in their hearts. They naturally know the formation method, and they know that the formation method master is a very special profession. The name of the formation master in this ancient continent is too loud!

Everyone knows that once the master of tactics is arranged, the power of this master of tactics will increase exponentially. They thought of everything, but never expected that Xia Ming was still a master of tactics.

This is really shocking.

Master of Formation Law! The entire Xuan Xinzong never had a master of matrix formation, because the master of matrix formation is too rare, and to become a master of matrix formation requires not only superhuman talent, but also capital. This arrangement of matrix formation is a Super expensive item.

"But ... his formation doesn't seem to be enough!" Nangong Yan's voice resounded again.

Jiang Taichong and Wang Fan both observed again. They are the top masters of Xuanbang. They can reach the realm of today, and they have some eyesight.

They can all see that Xia Ming's formation is trembling slightly. That is to say, this formation cannot trap childlikeness at all, nor can it defeat childlikeness. It is only a matter of time.

The few people present were a little nervous. They looked at the scene nervously. If Xia Ming lost, they would not be better in the end. Naturally, they did not want Xia Ming to lose the game.

"Boom ..."

The rumbling sound continued to rang out from the formation. This formation was also under such attacks, and became somewhat shaky. It looked as if it could be broken at any time.

Xia Ming glanced down at the formation in a low voice and muttered to himself: "Can't you be trapped ..."

"It seems that this can only be done ..."

Thinking of this, Xia Ming took a deep breath and stared at the battlefield. At this moment, Tong was really attacking the formation with his own strength. Xia Ming's formation method only traps the masters who have completed the day after tomorrow. It is still difficult for some strong men to trap the congenital masters.

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