The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2203: Beheaded

The two who met each other, do n’t know why, innocence from this Tianyuan magic soldier, felt a horrible force, that kind of power is like a small mountain peak, suppress it directly towards him, wait Power, now he can't resist.


However, this is not over yet. When the two of them hit each other, the childlike mysterious long sword exploded, and eventually turned into countless fragments, shot in all directions, banged, and shot at this big tree. On, even the big tree is instantly penetrated, as for innocence ...

"Hmm ..." The whole body's body fell instantly, and a loud boom banged, and the childlike body was severely hit on the ground. At this moment, a light curtain appeared suddenly on the childlike body. This light curtain seemed to be in Resisting the strength of innocence like a deadlock, but this light curtain is only

It took two breaths, a loud noise, and it broke instantly.

"Do not……"

Seeing this scene, Tong Zhen's pupils suddenly shrank, and the vitality in his body swept out instantly, trying to resist Xia Ming's sword!

"not good……"

Outside, the hall of Xuanxinzong!

There were several elders who all changed slightly.

"This boy moved his heart." The elders present were all moved by their hearts. At this time, even the elders of the wine looked at the light curtain in shock, he could see that at the beginning Xia Ming was still in a disadvantage. But now, Xia Ming turned defeat into victory, directly threatening the innocence of life, but for the innocent life

His life was threatened, and he had no mercy.

In his opinion, the child died, and he died. What he really cared about was his apprentice.

"The elder quickly stop him."

The seven elders couldn't help but go out of their tracks.

"That's too late."

The elder shook his head slightly, and his eyes were staring at the light curtain! Now they are not in the battlefield at all, and they never thought that someone would break the boundaries of the Jade Rune and kill their opponents, which they did not expect.

The elders all changed their faces and stared at the light curtain diligently.

At the same time, Xia Ming's Tianyuan Shenbing also fell outright.

"Boom ..."? Accompanied by a loud sound, the next time, the ground was shaken fiercely, as if an earthquake.

Countless people have seen it, Xia Ming's sword was cut on the childlike body.


Countless eyes are projected into this battlefield. They are all looking at the scene in front of them. Inside, they are extremely anxious, because the battlefield at this moment is covered by a layer of dust and it is impossible to see the situation inside. A gust of wind blew away the dust of this heaven and earth. This battlefield finally showed his original appearance, and then countless eyes looked at the battlefield. They held their breath and the atmosphere was Not daring to breathe, a pair of eyes, a constant glance, seems to be raw

Afraid of missing something.

"Where is Brother Innocent?"

Countless people have seen that Brother Zhenzhen disappeared.

This made countless people nervously watching the scene in front of them.

"What's going on? How did Brother Tongzhen disappear?"

"Is that Brother Innocent was teleported out?"

"Should it be? If not, how could Brother Innocent disappear?"

Many people are talking about it. Obviously, the disappearance of innocence has caused them some shocks. The innocence has disappeared. In other words, the innocence has left the battlefield. Once it leaves the battlefield, what does this mean?

On behalf of innocence lost.

Yes, innocence lost.

And still lost in the hands of an innate early master, they could not believe that Xia Ming really defeated childlike.

"how is this possible……"

Not far away, Zhou Huang, Lan Luo and others all looked at this scene in shock. They could not imagine that innocence, they really lost, and they lost so thoroughly.

How could this be? Obviously, the two realms are still lost, and this is still innocent wearing a spirit armor.

Innocence wearing a spirit armor, even the masters of the innate peaks, I am afraid that he cannot kill him. After all, the spirit armor is too precious. If you can't break the defense forces, you can't harm the innocence at all.

However, innocently dressed in spirit armor, all lost.


The whole group could not help but took a breath and looked at the thin figure in shock.

"Xia Ming, won?"

Han Qianyi and others, their brains crashed for a while, and even Nangong Yu and others were looking at this scene in disbelief.

"Suddenly won?" Jiang Taichong couldn't help but swallowed his mouth and looked at the battlefield in front of him. At this moment, the innocence had disappeared. Obviously, it was Xia Ming who won.

"How could this be?"

Wang Fan frowned, looking at the scene in surprise, even he couldn't imagine that Xia Ming really won, but what happened?


At the next moment, Nangong Su suddenly noticed something, and said in shock: "Is it Ling Jia?"

"Spirit armor?"

Wang Fan and others all looked at the innocence and asked in wonder: "Nangong, what are you talking about?"

"That's Spirit Armor."

Nan Gong said in a deep voice: "Look at the battlefield, five meters away from Xia Ming." With this remark, Wang Fan and Jiang Taichong hurriedly looked at the battlefield, and then their faces changed because they were shocked. It was found that there was a broken silver-white spirit armor there, but this spirit armor was broken and even countless fragments appeared. Obviously, it was due to

Because the Spirit Armor couldn't withstand that huge power, it caused fragmentation.

Not only that!

They also found a more striking scene!

That's a mess of mud.

The mud on this beach looks a little different, because all the blood on it is not like mud, but rather, it is more like being smashed into mud by a person.

Immediately, in the eyes of Nangong Yu and others, Xia Ming stretched out his hand, and a suction came, and then a storage ring was sucked into Xia Ming's hand from the ground. The ring looked like It was a little dirty, because there was blood on it.

When the three people in Nangong saw this situation, all three of them couldn't help looking at each other. An unimaginable thought instantly poured into their hearts. After that, all three of them couldn't help but **** down. Take a breath.

At this moment, a bold idea came out in their hearts.

"Innocence ... Maybe he didn't leave here, but was smashed by Xia Ming's sword?"

As soon as this idea came out, they could no longer restrain their inner thoughts, their pupils narrowed, their breathing was short, and they couldn't imagine looking at the slightly thin figure in front of them. "How could this be……"

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