The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2208: Nine Towers (1)

Xia Ming shook his fist, his strength in the body, surging and surging, like a torrent of rivers, endless, he is now a congenital master, and he is also a late congenital, he also opened up the second pulse of Rendu and communicated the bridge between heaven and earth. Vitality can be produced continuously.

Therefore, this led to Xia Ming's vitality, endless, as long as it was not overloaded, it was almost exhausted. At this moment, Xia Ming finally understood the strength of the innate realm.


Xia Ming thought about it. When he made a breakthrough in the battlefield in the past, another 10% of the vitality was transformed into aura. Now, 50% of the vitality in his body has been transformed into aura. At the time of the final battle with innocence, also It was these 50% of the aura that gave him great support.

Had it not been for the 50% of his aura to support him, he would have fallen, if not, it would not have allowed Tianyuan Shenbing to exert such powerful power.

For Tianyuan Shenbing, Xia Ming was also slightly shocked.

Tianyuan Shenbing weighs 100,000 kilos. Such a terrifying force can really smash people into meat sauce. That innocence is directly under his own sword. Got meat sauce.

In the past, he betrayed the innocence, which is still fresh in his memory.

"It looks like you have to be careful in the future."

Xia Ming secretly thought that he was using Tianyuan Shenbing in front of so many people, I hope no one can see some of the features, after all, Tianyuan Shenbing is too precious, if it is known by other great forces, Certainly will cause a **** rain in the ancient continent. As soon as Xia Ming waved his hand, a group of auras fell into his palm. Xia Ming glanced at the aura, because the energy and the aura were mixed, so this aura didn't look so pure, even though In this way, Xia Ming can also feel the power contained in the aura.

the amount.

"It's really strange energy," Xia Ming thought secretly.

Reiki is a very special kind of energy. He is several times more powerful than vitality. Even Xia Ming is slightly aspiring. If the vitality in his body is completely transformed into reiki, how much power can he exert?

"I just don't know, after my vitality is transformed into aura, will it make me directly advance to the spiritual realm." Xia Ming's eyes flickered a bit, and a strange light flowed. According to Xia Ming's knowledge, innateness is spiritual conversion. The so-called spiritual conversion is a process of converting innate aura into aura. However, the so-called innate aura is also a kind of aura, but this aura is more important. Pure, generally speaking, after promotion to congenital perfection, since

Your own vitality will become extremely pure. Unless you absorb the power of others, your power will be dappled. If you practice step by step, it will not be a problem. There is a total of nine levels of transference. Once it breaks through the ninth, it will directly advance to the gathering of spirits. Between the transference and the gathering of spirits is a watershed. However, the gathering of spirituality is the real door to martial arts because Once in the spiritual realm, this person will use heaven and earth aura, and

Flying is the symbol of the spiritual world.

Of course, the master of the innate realm can also achieve short-term flight, but the psychic realm is different because he can fly for a long time, and this power is aura. As long as the aura is continuous, it can fly all the time. This situation of Xia Ming is somewhat different from some other practitioners. In the congenital realm, almost no one has cultivated Reiki, at least never in Xia Ming's cognition. Therefore, this makes Xia Ming a little curious. If it ’s all converted into Reiki, will it be directly promoted to poly?


If he can be promoted to Gathering Spirit, he is equivalent to crossing a great realm.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming shook his head slightly, and secretly thought: "With my cultivation speed, it won't take long for me to be able to advance to the Spirit, others have bottlenecks, and I don't have, or even a solid foundation than anyone else, this is me "If anyone knows Xia Ming's thoughts, I don't know how many people will be stunned by Xia Ming. Whoever practices martial arts does not know that everyone has a bottleneck for everyone, and this bottleneck Some people ca n’t even break through their lives.

How much attention is given to Taoists.

Xia Ming has no bottleneck. If anyone says that, he can't believe it.

Xia Ming thought secretly again: "I will return to the earth once I have been promoted to Gathering. I haven't returned for a long time, and I don't know what is happening on the earth."

Xia Ming still misses Lin Wanqing, especially his relatives are all on the earth, which makes Xia Ming want to go back all the time, but it is not the time when he can go back. Now he is only in the state of congenital mid-terms. In this ancient continent, his strength is not enough to protect himself. If he receives his relatives here, I am afraid that there will be endless danger. This is not Xia Ming's wish. To see, therefore, as long as he arrives in the spiritual realm, he can protect himself


At that time, he can also take over his loved ones. Thinking of this, Xia Ming also has some thoughts that can't suppress his heart. The only thing that makes him miss is Chen Yuhan. It ’s been half a year since Chen Yuhan entered the ancient continent. I do n’t know where she went. , Xia Ming has never heard of this girl's name, this

Xia Ming was anxious.

What if Chen Yuhan is in danger?

"Apprentice." Just when Xia Ming thought about it, a slightly rude voice opened up, which made Xia Ming a little hesitated, and then lifted the formation around him. For the sake of insurance, Xia Ming arranged a matrix next to himself, this matrix can block the outside sound,

It can also be used to protect him.

Although the formation method cannot stop some masters, it is more or less useful, because Xia Ming is the arranger of the formation method, and Xia Ming has woke up, so the outside voice is under his control.


The one who fell in front of Xia Ming was the drunken drunk old man. The old man looked a little stingy and had long hair. I didn't know how long it hadn't been washed. Some ragged clothes seemed to be too poor to afford. same.

However, those who really understand Jiu Lao will never say that Jiu Lao cannot afford clothes, and masters in a state of grandeur cannot possibly afford even one piece of clothing.

Jiu Lao took the wine gourd in his hand and drank two sips. At the moment, Jiu Lao blushed and seemed to drink a lot. Xia Ming glanced at the unscrupulous teacher silently. This guy was drunk all day! No one is there. "Master, look for me." Xia Ming said helplessly.

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