The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2236: Explore Xia Ming's Strength

When Xia Ming came to Bai He and others, Bai He and Jiang Yunan and others all couldn't help looking at Xia Ming, with a deep horror in his eyes. "Teacher ... brother, you ... have you cultivated to gather together?" Or Bai He couldn't help but break the silence in this scene. As soon as this sentence came out, the people present, even Mare, went straight. Looking at Xia Ming, it is clear that even they want to know Xia Ming's strength urgently.


However, Nangong's heart is even more shocking. If Xia Ming is in a state of spiritual gathering, then Xia Ming's cultivation speed is too horrible, right? This is almost equivalent to one state per day. Is this a joke?

But he remembered that when this newcomer was an old man, Xia Ming's strength was only in the middle of the congenital, how long did it take to advance to the spiritual realm, your mother, are you crazy?

However, just now Xia Ming used Reiki, there is absolutely no falsehood, but relatively speaking, only masters who gather in Reiki can use Reiki.

The change of vitality to reiki is a qualitative change. Once a complete change occurs, then the strength of the entire person will also undergo a qualitative change.

"I'm still innate."

When Xia Ming saw these people looking at him like a wolf, he couldn't help shaking his head and said, "But I converted the vitality into aura in advance, and all the transformations succeeded."


When this sentence came out, it was more shocking than Xia Ming's direct promotion to Juling Realm. At this time, Bai He couldn't help asking: "You mean, you are not Juling Realm, but you can transform your vitality into Reiki, you ... how did you do it?"

Speaking of the moment here, even Jiang Yunan and others all stared at Xia Ming fiercely. It seems that some people can't wait to know it?

Nonsense, if they can transform vitality into aura, then they will practice less for a long time, and they may even take a big step directly to reach the legendary spiritual gathering, without entering the spiritual gathering, and eventually become ants. This is absolutely Not empty talk.

"It's all about luck and some adventures."

Xia Ming shook his head and said, "Because of that adventure, there was some change in the vitality in my body, so I started to change towards the reiki. I did not expect that all the vigor has been transformed into reiki." Xia Ming's words made Baihe and others a little bit disappointed. After all, this strange thing is something that can not be met. Xia Ming can turn vitality into reiki. This is all luck, but it is the first time in so many years. Seeing that someone has n’t reached the spiritual realm,

The vitality is transformed into the existence of aura.

Jiang Yunan looked at Xia Ming and asked in confusion: "Master, what kind of state have you reached now? I am talking about strength, not state."


Xia Ming heard the words and remained silent for a while and continued: "In fact, I don't even know what kind of state I have reached. Now I want to find someone to try and see what kind of state I have reached. "

Xia Ming couldn't help grinning, indeed, now he really doesn't know what's going on with him. In this case, logically, he should be a master of the spiritual realm, but it's just because he is still in the middle of the congenital period. It feels strange.

"Brother Mare, why don't you give Xia Ming a try and see how far he has reached?" Baihe couldn't help but look at Mare and paused.

Marley groaned, and said, "Okay!"

"Brother Xia Ming, come and attack me and try, use your full strength to attack me."

Xia Ming was slightly hesitated by Mare's words. Xia Ming looked at Mare and couldn't help but said, "Brother, are you telling the truth? Do you really want me to attack you with all my strength?"

Xia Ming was hesitant, for fear of hurting Mare, but thinking of being able to test his strength, Xia Ming was more or less excited.

Now even he can't tell what his specific strength is, so Xia Ming is also confused.

"You can attack with confidence, you don't need to keep your hands." Mare said confidently, and anyway, he is also a master of triple spirits. Even if Xia Ming has transformed all his energy into aura, he doesn't believe it. Xia Ming was able to compete with him.

Therefore, he directly asked Xia Ming to make a full shot. In this way, he can also test Xia Ming's true strength.

"Okay, so be careful, Brother."

Xia Ming took a deep breath, and next time he opened a distance from this Marrell, at this time they were staring at each other, and Nangong and others could not help but step back After dozens of meters, everyone present was staring at Xia Ming.


At this moment, Xia Ming's eyes moved, and his soles slammed on the ground. Xia Ming's figure jumped up, and his breathing appeared in the sky.

Xia Ming flew in the sky. Now Xia Ming has transformed his vitality into aura. Now he can completely fly, even if it is a long flight, it can also be done because of the aura between heaven and earth. With a steady stream, he can fly all the time.

Xia Ming came to the sky, he stared at the Mare in front of him. With a look, his index finger and his **** were close together, and then placed on his waist. This time, some of Xia Ming's eyes and pupils appeared. Mysterious runes, these mysterious runes keep flashing and turning.

In Xia Ming's body, there was also a powerful force gathered, which was an aura.

"Mystery is mysterious, all ways are unified."

In this heart, Xia Ming roared, and these **** were pointing at Mare!


A loud noise rang through, and Xia Ming's finger appeared a beam of light, which swept across the world, and went straight to Mare, and the terrible sound made Nangong Yan and others, My heart was shaking.

"Boom!" They saw where the beams passed, and there were traces of crickets on the ground. The vitality, under these attacks, also collapsed, and the terrible power broke out. Within 50 meters of the circle are signs of destruction.

It's terrible.

"not good……"

However, Mare, who was still waiting for Xia Ming's shot, noticed this terrible attack, and his face changed at this time, and Mare roared, "Master, hurry up to retract this attack."

Mare's mind was trembling slightly. At this time, Xia Ming also noticed the embarrassment of Mare. Xia Ming's face changed. If Mare couldn't resist such attacks, it is estimated that this attack would be directly blasted into dregs. At that time, it was really troublesome.

However, once such attacks were launched, how easy was it for him to recover them, and Xia Ming put his hands together. "drink……"

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