The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2247: Kill the summer (2)


She left the stone wall in the summer, spit out blood, and looked at Xia Ming with a horrified expression in her face, with a pair of pupils, with deep fear and vibration.

"How is it possible ..." Xia Xing couldn't think of anything. In just one blow, he was injured by Xia Ming. Such a terrorist power far exceeded his expectations. How could this be possible? He is just a strength in the middle of the innate, and there is a huge horizontal groove between him and him, which is almost insurmountable, but,

Xia Ming actually defeated him with one stroke.

For a moment, he could not believe the fact before him.

Xia Ming stared coldly at the summer in front of him, and his indifferent voice rippled from the cave: "If you want to die, I will fulfill you."

Xia Ming was also intent on killing. At this moment, Mare's face changed slightly: "Xia Ming, don't kill him, he is the prince of the Daxia Dynasty."

For summer, Mare still has a little bit of jealousy, but Xia Ming has no jealousy. He has a hatred with the Daxia Dynasty. This kind of hatred is almost endless. Even if he doesn't kill summer, summer will definitely kill in the future. Got him.


Xia Ming didn't listen to Mare's words. When his body moved, a flash of light came to Xia's body, and Mare and others all turned their faces, and at this moment, Summer was angry.

"It's not that easy to kill me."

With a roar in summer, the vitality in the body exploded. The next moment, the hands changed rapidly in summer, and a strange seal quickly condensed. In the summer, he slammed aloud. In the beginning, even the cave trembled slightly.

"go with."

This summer's blow, even Mare and others were frightened. As if Xia Ming had already expected, Xia Ming took the lead in attacking in the summer.

"It's too wild."

A horrible palm force suddenly shot from Xia Ming's hand, and a kind of wild atmosphere wafted out. Everything here seemed to be wiped out by this kind of waste.

"Hmm ..."

In the end, the two met with each other fiercely, and the light-yin and Taihuang Zhenling touched together, and the whole cave shook a bit, and a strong aura wave also followed.


In the summer, he opened his mouth and spit out blood again, and the whole person flew directly upside down, just like the kite with a broken line, hitting the surrounding stone wall severely.

Xia Ming didn't give Xia almost any more to stand up. A breathing room came to Xia's body. Xia Ming didn't hesitate, and slapped his palm on the chest.

"Hmm ..."

The muffled sound rang out, but Xia Ming hit the chest of the summer, and there was a rapid burst of light from the chest since summer, terrible explosive power, even at this moment Xia Ming did not even respond come.

"Hmm ..." This light met Xia Ming fiercely, and Xia Ming's body suddenly trembled at the bump, and he stepped back for several steps immediately, and next time he saw Xia Ming suddenly In a light, this figure also locked Xia Ming's brow, Xia Ming stared sharply at the one in front of him.


This appeared was a woman. This woman was wearing Fengxia, and a country-like face appeared under the sight of everyone. I have to say that this woman is really beautiful.

Sheep fat jade-like skin is like ice and snow! She stretched out her slim fingers, with a strong momentum on her body, which contained an indescribable nobleness.

"My mother rescued me." After seeing the familiar figure in summer, a rush of joy appeared in her eyes.

The woman stood quietly in the void, looking at Xia Ming's eyes, with a touch of indifference and contempt, screamed: "Bold, dare to hurt my queen, you can confess sin."

The woman's voice repulsed in the cave. This one, gathered the eyes of all the people present, they all looked directly at this woman, which made all the people present with a sudden shrinking pupil, a horror.

"This ... Is this Ming Fei."

"Ming Princess! Ming Princess of the Daxia Dynasty."

As soon as this remark came out, all the people present were fascinated. It is said that Ming Fei was beautiful and unparalleled, and was loved by the emperor Da Xia. It never happened that Ming Fei appeared here.

Obviously, this Ming Fei left something in her body, and Xia Ming touched this thing, so she would drive Ming Fei to this place.

For a time, all the people in the heavens and the earth were staring directly at Ming Fei.


In the face of this sea-like momentum, Xia Ming stood there with his feet. At this moment, Xia Ming was like a pillar of heaven between heaven and earth. No matter how the world shook, it could not fall.

Xia Ming snorted coldly, staring coldly at this wonderful and unparalleled woman. He could feel that this woman was abnormally horrible, but if this woman threatened him, it was not enough.

Because this figure is not the true body of a woman.

"If you want to offend me, is it up to you?" As soon as Xia Ming said, not only did Mare and others discolor, but even Zhou Tai and Chen Xuanzong all changed their faces. You must know this. But Ming Fei, who has already reached the realm of Hua Dan, or even higher, Xia Ming now dares to follow this in front of Ming Fei.

Ming Fei speaks, this is simply seeking death.

Maret gritted his teeth and stared at Ming Fei in front of her eyes. If Ming Fei dared to take any action at this moment, they would not hesitate to shoot.


Ming Fei scolded, when her majesty was so provoked, and now an unknown person dared to speak to her like this, which made her furious.

Ming Fei stared coldly at Xia Ming in front of her, and said indifferently: "The following crimes, I will give you death today."

"Ha ha!"

Xia Ming laughed absurdly, and the laughter was full of sarcasm: "Here, it is not the so-called Daxia. Your authority may still be useful in Daxia, but in this kind of place, your authority is a fart. "

Xia Ming was not polite, and he was not afraid because the person in front of him was Ming Fei.

"Dead." At this moment, Ming Fei was also completely irritated by Xia Ming, Ming Fei scolded angrily, and under these eyes, Ming Fei slowly stretched out her palm, and the white jade hand did not look at all Blemish, but at this moment everyone seems to have no intention of watching, because in this concubine

In the palm of his hand, there was a horrible force gathered.

The horror of this palm, even the master who turned the spiritual realm, can be killed instantly. It can be seen how overbearing this palm is. Xia Ming dare not have the slightest intention. Looking at this rolling palm power, Xia Ming Leng hummed. "open!"

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