The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2259: Close to tena

Xia Ming came to a place relatively close to Tian prison, and Xia Ming's mental strength kept glancing around. What shocked Xia Ming was that Tian prison was heavily guarded, and some comparisons were hidden in this dark place. Powerful master, this makes Xia Ming's complexion a little bit dignified.

These masters are not simple, at least they must be in the realm above the spirit.


Xia Ming couldn't help but take a breath. This Xia Linlang, this time was determined to let him die here.

Xia Ming's eyes flickered.

At the same time, Xia Ming's heart was also secretly tricky. This day, he was very tightly guarded. If he wanted to rescue people from the inside, it was really not a general trouble. Today, Bai Yunfei took Xia Ming's non-stop play, and Xia Ming had some understanding of Bai Yunfei's character. Generally speaking, Bai Yunfei's character is very bold and easy to make friends. Many of his friends are his friends, which slightly surprised Xia Ming


Even Bai Yunfei will help some strangers. In the words of ordinary people, this is stupid. However, in theory, this person is kind-hearted.

Moreover, after this period of communication, Xia Ming also put a lot of things out of Bai Yunfei's mouth. For example, some of the people guarding the prison and some of the things inside, Xia Ming knew more or less.

After playing with Xia Ming for a day, after Xia Ming returned to Baifu, Bai Yunfei said something again and again, to see how it looks, not excited. At this moment, Xia Ming groaned a little, thinking about it or saying "Brother Bai, I have a friend who is summoning, so I'm afraid to leave the capital."


Bai Yunfei walked on the spot and immediately said, "Brother Xia, are you leaving here?"

"Yeah!" Xia Ming nodded slightly, and said, "I have a friend who has something to do, so I have to leave here and visit my friend."

"Your friend is all right? May I help you?" Bai Yunfei asked immediately.

Xia Ming also admired Bai Yunfei slightly. If this person is used to make friends, he is indeed a very good friend, but unfortunately, it is difficult for them to become friends because it and the Daxia Dynasty have a difficult time to dissolve. Resentment.

Xia Ming took a deep breath and looked at this Bai Yunfei, saying, "This is not necessary, thank you for your kindness."

"Since it is difficult for a friend, then I will not stop you, so take care on the road." Bai Yunfei sighed slightly and said.

"Brother Bai, we will meet by chance, Brother Bai doesn't have to sigh." Xia Ming smiled.

"Yes, come to Japan."

Bai Yunfei laughed with a smile: "Brother Xia takes care."

"Take care."

Xia Ming also clenched his fists. After Xia Ming's resignation, he left Baifu. After Xia Ming left, Xia Ming's eyes flickered. Now it is evening time. It is a good time to start. Only However, if this is to enter the prison, I have to do one more thing.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming disappeared into the night in a few breaths, and no one knew what he was doing.


In this Great Summer Palace, the Prince's Palace.

Xia Linlang sat on this theme and said calmly, "Is there a stranger entering recently?"

As soon as this remark came out, Wang Shu hurried forward and said respectfully, "Prince Qiyu, some people did enter during this time, but these people were not Xia Ming."

"Oh? Not yet?"

Xia Linlang's frown frowned. The killing of summer and today made the emperor angry, and now she ordered Xia Linlang to kill Xia Ming anyway.

According to the news, Xia Ming entered Guiwang Mountain. It took a while for Xuanxinzong to enter Guiwang Mountain. It stands to reason that Xia Ming should now be almost in the city.

"Did not arrive yet?"

Xia Linlang frowned, with a little doubt and perplexity in her expression. According to Xia Ming's speed, as long as Xia Ming tried his best to rush the road, he should have reached the capital of the king, or Xia Ming was on the road for some time.

"Will he be hidden?" Fu Guosheng stood aside, reminding himself.

"According to this person's speed, he should have reached the capital of Wang. Perhaps there may be some delays on the road, but if he is early tomorrow, even if he is slow, he can definitely arrive. We might as well wait in the prison tomorrow for the rabbit." The calm analysis said.

"Stop waiting for the rabbit?"

Xia Linlang's brows froze, and his right finger gently tapped the table, making a popping sound. For a time, neither Fu Guosheng nor Wang Shu spoke.

At this time, Xia Linlang was thinking something.


Xia Linlang thought for a while, and suddenly, a flash of coldness flashed in her eyes, and a slight burst of killing burst out suddenly. She immediately screamed, "Go to the prison immediately to speed up martial law."


Xia Linlang's words were also shocked by Wang Shu and others. Some did not understand why His Royal Highness had such a big response.

"His Royal Highness, but what's wrong?"

Xia Linlang's eyes flickered a little, and Shen said, "If we can guess his progress on the road, you said, will he know his progress on the road?"


This statement made Wang Shu and others all look different. Nonsense, they can roughly guess when Xia Ming came here. As a party, how can they not know how fast they are?

Obviously, this is going to happen.

"Speed ​​up martial law, there must be no mistakes." Xia Linlang said in a deep voice.

"Yes, His Royal Highness."

Wang Shu left here in a hurry, as if they were doing something. If they guessed well, I am afraid that Xia Ming will start working on the prison today, but although the prison is guarded by the strong, it is still negligent. If you don't realize that Xia Ming has run away, you will lose more than you pay. I have to say that Xia Linlang is really quick-minded. According to the truth, Xia Ming can definitely hit the big king of Xia tomorrow morning, but there is no news of Xia Ming, so this Xia Ming must be secretly preparing What, if it means preparation, it wo n’t escape.

Save Han Qianyu and Bai Bingqing. Therefore, he took a look at the source of this incident, which has endless benefits for him. Even if Xia Ming comes, he can completely hold it, and even capture Xia Ming. In this case, it is also the most A good choice is to capture Xia Ming and give it to the Emperor Xia for disposal. It is also an account of the three princes who died.

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