The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2267: Danger to life

In the air, there seems to be a bright light passing through. This light seems to be stars in the sky, falling down in this void, and it seems so light and fluttering.

However, the next time Yu Chen's pupils suddenly shrank, Yu Chen looked at the sword in front of him in shock, and saw that his own Lingbo sword technique was easily cut under the sword. Come, as if your sword is a blank piece of paper!


Yu Chen never expected that Xia Ming would be so horrible. How could he break his attack so easily? How could this be possible? He is a master of spirituality. This boy is just a congenital state. How can he Broken his own attack ...

This is impossible……


Xia Ming's voice dropped slowly. The next moment, a sword flickered. Yu Chen didn't even have time to dodge, because Xia Ming's sword was too fast and too fast. , The next moment, Xia Ming was a sword in Yu Chen's body.


Yu Chen flew upside down immediately, and finally fell to the ground fiercely. At this time, Yu Chen was still wide-eyed, staring at Xia Ming in front of her, and her eyes were full of incredible and shock.

He looked at himself again, but on his chest, there was a stinging sword mark, and there was still aura of spirit on this sword mark. At this moment, Zhang Chen spit out blood at the moment: "Yes ... Reiki ... Gathering ... "

"Hmm ..."

As soon as Yu Chen's voice fell, he lay slowly on the ground, closed his eyes, and just a sword directly killed Yu Chen's life.

"Wow ..."

At this moment, there was an uproar here in the Da Xia Dynasty. Between heaven and earth, many people looked at Xia Ming in unison. At this moment, even Xia Linlang's eyes were narrowed. In his eyes, there were two cold mansions.

"It turned out that Reiki has been condensed." Xia Linlang glanced at Xia Ming in surprise. He remembered that Xia Ming was just a guy in the realm of the day after tomorrow. Unexpectedly, now he has condensed Aura. This makes Xia Linlang feel a bit Strange, today's Xia Ming is just in the middle of the congenital, how can it suddenly condense aura?


"That being the case, it seems that I have to deal with you myself."

Xia Linlang stepped out slowly. At this moment, Xia Linlang looked blandly at Xia Ming, but in his dull eyes, it was filled with sensation of murder.

"Xia Ming, follow me to atonement."


Xia Ming heard the words and couldn't help laughing, Xia Ming suddenly looked sharply at Xia Linlang, and said indifferently, "I am Xia Ming ... what is the crime, the big Xia dynasty can't condemn me."


Xia Ming's statement was full of spirits, and it also attracted the attention of countless people. Countless people looked at Xia Ming one after another, and couldn't help but sigh.

"It is indeed a disciple of Xuan Xinzong."

"Yeah ... in the face of Xia Linlang, dare to say such things, this boy is very powerful, and it seems that he is a person who can compare with Li Xuantong."

"Huh ... this time the boy was besieged, it would be difficult to escape from here."

"Hehe, he deserves the Prince to use such a big battle to seize it, but it is enough to be proud." People in the world are talking about it, they obviously know this, Xia Ming beheaded If there are so many princes in the Daxia Dynasty, if they are not beheaded, I am afraid that the face of the Daxia Dynasty is also lost. As for the means of action of the Daxia Dynasty, as long as Xia Ming is dead, who will meet?

On these.

"Om ..."

The majestic aura, swept up by the roar, the terrible aura fluctuations, the aura that caused this heaven and earth, all began to turbulence, and the aura of the aura of pressure, also diffused with it, which made the heaven and earth Some people, even breathing quickly.

For a time, Xia Linlang shot and attracted countless people.

In all the kings, they are aware of the strangeness here, and countless figures came one after another, all looking at this place.

At this moment, Xia Ming was standing there quietly, and Xia Ming's complexion became a little dignified, especially the momentum from Xia Linlang's body, which made Xia Ming feel a little shock.

"Boss, this guy is very strong, I am afraid that he has reached the metamorphosis." The next moment, Xia Ming's voice echoed in Xia Ming's mind. Xia Ming's complexion also became extremely dignified. The realm and this transformed state are exactly a hundred thousand miles away.

There is no comparability between the two. For a time, Xia Ming couldn't help taking a breath.

At this moment, he could not counsel, once he counseled, it meant that his life had to be taken here.

"Follow me confession."

At this moment, Xia Linlang's big hand was gripped, and the majestic aura turned into a towering giant, and he grasped at Xia Ming severely.

The appearance of such a scene has caused people in the world to be extremely shaken.


It is a very powerful state of transformation, because they can transform and strengthen their power. It is said that masters of transformation can even practice gold body to enhance their own strength. Place.

Xia Ming looked solemnly at the grabbed giant hand, and his eyes sank. Such a terrible power that he wanted to resist might not be easy.

"No, you have to do your best."

Xia Ming didn't hesitate any more, and he drank a bit. The vitality in his body burst out. Under these countless eyes, Xia Ming also changed his hands quickly.

"Baibu Futian."

Xia Ming did not hesitate to use his strongest combat power directly. At this time, he played against Xia Linlang. If he did not use the strongest combat power, it was really no different from finding his own way.

"Om ..."

With the fall of Xia Ming's words, these eight golden dragons descended from the sky, and then, under countless horrifying eyes, they formed one. This golden dragon is prestigious, especially the one that was used by Xia Ming's aura. Are all shrouded in aura.

At this moment, the Golden Dragon seems to have come alive. When I used this trick before, it was just two concepts. The Golden Dragon landed slowly, and an overwhelming coercion was also flowing. The terrible power Even the people between heaven and earth were shocked.

"This boy, so strong."

Many people were exclaimed, they looked at Xia Ming in shock, however, at this time, the golden dragon finally collided with this big hand slowly and fiercely.

"Boom ..." The terrible Reiki wave also erupted.

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