The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2279: Summer Emperor

A sound of reprimand echoed in this hall of mysterious heart. This old sound of reprimand came from the elders. The elders of wine stared coldly at the elders present, not afraid of the elders' reprimand.

The elder looked indifferently to the elder Jiu, and said calmly, "Elder Jiu, this time, it was a bit too much that your apprentice did. He killed three princes of the Daxia dynasty. Pass him. "

When the elder Jiuwen heard the words, his face changed slightly, and he stared coldly at the elder, and said in a deep voice: "So, is this all my apprentice's wrong?" For a time, the elder was silent, and next time he Elder Jiu could not help laughing, Elder Jiu laughed and said, "It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous. It seems that for so many years, the ease of Xuan Xinzong has made you all happy. Everyone is here now

At this time, you do n’t think how to defend the enemy, but you are thinking about how to resolve this matter. What is your ambition? As soon as this matter begins, the other day, Xuan Xinzong can make concessions to other martial arts. "

"At that time, anyone can come to my Xuan Xinzong and step on it. At that moment, you are all sinners of Xuan Xinzong."

The elder Jiu shouted angrily, and this is also very polite. Of all the Xuanxin Sects, if you want to say the most at ease and dare to say anything, I am afraid this is the only old Jiu.

The elder sighed slightly and said, "Elder Liquor, you know, if my Xuan Xinzong fought with the Da Xia Dynasty, what would my Xuan Xinzong pay?"

When the elder Jiu heard this, he sneered: "His Daxia dynasty and my Xuanxinzong went to war, and they would also pay a huge price, and the final result would be to lose both."

Elder Jiu said quite well. If the Daxia dynasty fought with Xuan Xinzong, the ultimate result would be both defeats, because the Daxia dynasty could not eat Xuan Xinzong's behemoth.

"Then you know, there are other schools such as Tu Lingzong and Tianjian School around this Xuanxinzong." The elder's mouth moved and said again. "Why? Is this why our Xuan Xinzong can be bullied?" Jiu Lao sneered: "If we are soft today, this will make Xuan Xinzong's disciples think of you. Who would like to enter my future? Xinzong, become my disciple of Xuan Xinzong? No one can protect him

Martial arts, what kind of martial arts do they use? "

When the elders at the meeting saw that the elders of the wine did not enter the oil and salt, for a while, they had nothing to say. They all started from the overall situation. I have to say that if an opening was made today, this would be a great surprise It's not a good thing to say. However, once the war with the Daxia dynasty started, the end result was both defeats, the Daxia dynasty was uncomfortable, but the same, Xuan Xinzong would not be good, and it would be destroyed by the time. It is unbearable. If this matter can be resolved peacefully, it should be

Of course it is best.

But the peaceful settlement of this matter, the originator of this matter is still Xia Ming, but the elders of the wine at this time was the death insurance Xia Ming, which also caused them some headaches.

"Well, since this is the case, then I'll sum up first and discuss this matter tomorrow." The elders also knew that today's matter may not be settled. Xia Ming was sacrificed to preserve Xuan Xinzong alone. It's also worth it for them.

He knows some capable elders of Xia Ming. Even the elders are unwilling to sacrifice Xia Ming, but this matter has reached such a point that it cannot be undone.

The meeting of the elders of Xuan Xinzong also broke up.


And in the Daxia Dynasty!

Golden Temple

The golden palace hall is magnificent and magnificent. The building's grandeur, especially the interior decoration, is amazing to countless people. The golden palace hall is inlaid with gold and silver, and some orbs are hanging on the wall!

Above the Golden Palace, there are nine stone pillars that support the Golden Palace. On these nine stone pillars, there are also carved nine-claw golden dragons, which represent the authority of the emperor.

On the subject, there is a dragon chair. The dragon chair is made of gilt gold. It is inlaid with glittering jewels and looks very beautiful. On the dragon chair, there was a middle-aged man sitting. This middle-aged man was wearing a dragon robe embroidered with a purple crown on his head and wearing a dragon robe embroidered with a nine-claw golden dragon pattern. He sat there imposingly. At this moment, the man seemed to be the king who ruled the world.

Move people's minds.

The middle-aged man's body is squinting, his eyebrows are like ink paintings, his face is like peach petals, and his dark-gold eyes are deep. He raises his hands and throws his feet into the air, all with natural emperor domineering.

The middle-aged man at this moment, looking calm and sitting quietly! But no one dared to underestimate the middle-aged man. This middle-aged man was the emperor who controlled the Daxia Dynasty.

It's also Megatron!

Summer Emperor! Summer Emperor controls the entire Daxia dynasty. Summer Emperor is still different from other emperors because he can completely control the Daxia dynasty. Since ancient times, although the emperor controls the world, everyone knows that the emperor Is in control of the world, but there is a family in this world

The existence of these families controlled 80% of the official office of the court, which was also the existence of the emperor.

Therefore, such words can not be regarded as truly controlling the dynasty.

But the summer emperor is different, because in the entire Daxia dynasty, the summer emperor said the same thing. The whole summer dynasty, only the voice of the summer emperor.

In summer, Emperor Majestic sat on top of the Golden Palace, glanced at the people present, and all the people present felt a great coercion. This coercion caused the ministers who were present to be a little scared. Many ministers lowered their heads and did not dare to see Xia Emperor.

"Prince, you can be guilty of sin." The next moment, the indifferent voice of the summer emperor resounded from the top of the Golden Palace. The voice of anger and prestige made the people present unable to bear it.

Xia Linlang saw this, and his face was not very good. He hurried out of the crowd and clenched his fists. He immediately said: "Father Emperor, it was the misconduct of the son-in-law, that let Xia Ming run out of the Daxia Dynasty, son-in-law. Willing to work for atonement. "


The indifferent voice of the summer emperor opened up, and he snorted coldly, saying, "Your three emperors have been killed. You have an inescapable responsibility. You will not be guilty today, but you must bring Xia Ming to justice. "" Yes, Father Emperor. "Prince Xia Linlang did not even dare to breathe in the face of the summer emperor, because the pressure that the emperor put on him was too great.

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