The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2296: Mysterious mystery

The Sixiang Pass came out of the way, Shen Wudi stood in the volley, stared straight at Xia Ming, and then swiped his spear with a finger, a cold voice, and said, "Go!"


The four beasts shouted, and the terrible aura suddenly swept out. In the countless shaking eyes, they swooped down to Xia Ming fiercely. The terrible force swept away, and the ground was booming. The formation method shook it fiercely.


Then the four beasts flew to Xia Ming fiercely, and seemed to tear Xia Ming into a smash.

"Xia Ming!"

When Han Qianyi saw such attacks in the distance, his face was also pale, and his power was beyond his cognition. If it was changed to him, he would definitely not survive such attacks.

At this moment, Bai Bingqing and Jade's hand were gently grasped, all nervously looking at the tenacious boy. Suddenly there was a wave of strange waves in Gujing's heart.

"I hope you are fine." In the heart of Bai Bingqing, such an idea appeared.

Looking at Xia Ming at this moment, he stood here quietly, with a pair of eyes, staring directly at the four flying beasts. Xia Ming's forefinger moved close to his hand, but he put it gently Around the waist.

The next moment, Xia Ming slowly closed his eyes, but this scene was seen by the people between the heavens and the earth, and he was shocked.

"Look, what are Xia Ming doing?"

"What? How did he close his eyes? Did he give up?"

"Isn't it possible? If this blow is directly arrogant, it will almost certainly die." Some people couldn't help it.

"But he closed his eyes ..." someone couldn't help but say.

"Does it mean he has a hole card?" The man immediately said.

"No, look at it, why is Xia Ming's right hand placed on his waist?"

"Yeah, why put it on your waist?"

Generally, even if you give up resistance, you won't put your index finger and **** close to your waist, right? But Xia Ming's scene is really strange.

Xia Ming's strange approach has attracted the attention of many people, and has also affected the hearts of many people. Many people have pinched a cold sweat for Xia Ming. You said when you are all the time, you still play this Do not be afraid of one set.

"Mystery is mysterious, all ways are unified."

At the next moment, a loud voice echoed between this heaven and earth. I do n’t know why, with Xia Ming as the center, many people heard a kind of loud sermon. For a time, there were some people present. Lost. But the next moment, Xia Ming awakened them from that voice. Countless people saw that Xia Ming's **** quickly pointed at the four beasts. With Xia Ming's index and middle fingers as the center of gravity, they actually poured out. A force that destroyed the earth and the earth, the power of the mountains and the mountains rushed to the four gods in an instant.



The two terrible forces collided together, and the loud sound, like a thunder, swept over the sky, and the sky seemed to be a little chaotic at this moment.

A ray of light touched the pair of four gods and beasts, but that scarlet light was actually eroding the other four gods and beasts. The four gods and beasts seemed to be threatened. They actually roared, but in those eyes, With a sense of fear.


The violent and aura-like aura fluctuated like a tsunami, sweeping up to a hundred feet high, and many people below the battlefield looked scalp.

Everyone sees it. In just two breaths, this scarlet light erodes one of the beasts and almost slams into an aura of heaven, disappearing between this heaven and earth, this The moment Shen Wudi saw this situation, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Roar roar!"

The remaining three divine beasts were also angry. They were divine beasts, but now they were beheaded and killed by a mortal, as if their majesty was damaged.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The three beasts exploded instantly without hesitation!

Yes, it is explosive!

These three demon beasts are in an extremely violent riot, and their terrible power explodes like an atomic bomb.

boom! A mushroom cloud rose, and the dazzling light caused countless people in the surrounding area to close their eyes instantly. The large array around them was shaken by these auras, as if they could be broken at any time. However, just after a few breaths,

Restored calm.

However, the two auras did not settle down at this moment, but were exuding waves of after waves, just like the waves, endless and endless.

The ground was unable to withstand this huge force, and with a click, a long crack appeared, and the cracks became more and more like a spider web spreading.

Both of them were drowned instantly by these two forces. This moment covered everyone's sight. For a time, no one could see clearly the situation on the battlefield.

"Who wins?"


The people present also mentioned the whole heart to their throats.

"Oh!" Suddenly, from the sky, there was a sound of breaking wind. Everyone hurriedly looked at this figure. Immediately they saw that there was a young man who was like a tower quietly not far Standing there, but at this moment, the teenager was covered with blood, his breath was slumped, even that face

The color is all pale at this moment.

This figure coughed twice, and couldn't help wrinkling his brow. It seemed to have endured a lot of pain. Fortunately, the young man's body was strong. Otherwise, he really couldn't stand the confrontation.


The uproar sounded through each other. When everyone saw the figure like a tower, they were all relieved, and Shen Wudi laughed to the end.

Han Qianzhen and Bai Bingqing, who had been watching the battlefield, all changed their faces, especially Bai Bingqing, his face was white, jade hands clenched, and he looked nervously at the battlefield.

"Can't you resist it?"

Looking at the battlefield with blood, he finally shook his head slightly: "Unfortunately, if it is giving you a period of time, maybe you can surpass me, maybe."

In the view of Shen Wudi, under the confrontation of such attacks, Xia Ming's probability of survival is really too low and too low, and then the aftermath of the explosion is too powerful.

"Oh!" But at the next moment, a sound of breaking wind followed, and a figure fell from the sky at this time. In a few breaths, this figure appeared on the ground. It was originally a bit regretful. Disciples of Xuan Xinzong, in the eyes of the jade that was breaking the wind,

Suddenly, there was a deep horror.

Then, his eyes slowly fell on the thin figure! Shen Wudi's complexion was also a dramatic change at this time.

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