The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2303: analysis

After Bai Bingqing's explanation, Xia Ming had some understanding of this exchange meeting. I didn't expect that there were so many doorways in it. Xia Ming was also slightly surprised.

But it was just a bit surprised. For this so-called Tu Lingzong, Xia Ming was still a little bit puzzled. I do n’t know how Tu Lingzong formed a deadly hatred with Xuan Xinzong.

"By the way, Xia Ming, I'm afraid you need to pay more attention to the Daxia Dynasty. You made a lot of trouble in the Daxia Dynasty. The people in the Daxia Dynasty will definitely not let you go, and even this time, they will compare You strangled. "Speaking of which, Bai Bingqing's pretty face has become dignified. Indeed, Xia Ming has killed too many princes of the Daxia Dynasty. This is equivalent to hitting the face of the Daxia Dynasty. But now, Xia Ming made a big noise again in the Daxia Dynasty. Although this is to understand and save them, they can start as figurines and end

The reason is Xia Ming.

To a certain extent, the Daxia Dynasty hated Xia Ming, especially during this time, the people of the Daxia Dynasty continued to kill Xuan Xinzong's disciples, which can be said to be complete and Xuan Xin Zong Kaizhan, this is not a good thing for the entire Xuanxin Zong. You should know that Xuan Xinzong itself has an old opponent, Tu Lingzong. Now this Daxia dynasty is cutting in, and it gives Turing Zong an opportunity, but Tu Lingzong didn't rush! Obviously, Tu Lingzong wanted to watch their Xuan Xinzong and the Daxia dynasty suffer both losses.

In the profit. They also know that even if Xuan Xinzong joined forces with the Daxia Dynasty and really wanted to destroy Xuan Xinzong, they also had to pay some costs. These costs are likely to be the fall of the masters in the gates. , The cost of training such a master is not

A little bit.

Sometimes, even one hundred years may not be able to train a person, we can see the preciousness of this master of the gods.

Shen Wudi, they can probably see the beginning and end of this incident and some of the things hidden in it.

Shen Wudi also followed Bai Bingqing's words and said, "This time, the Turing Sect and the Daxia Dynasty will definitely target us, especially your Xia Ming. If they don't, they will take this opportunity to get rid of you."

Shen Wudi and Bai Bingqing were extremely dignified, as the two of them said. If Xia Ming was participating in this exchange meeting, they would not easily let them go. After all, this was a godsend.

At the same time, Bai Bingqing and Shen Wudi were slightly puzzled, knowing that the people of the Daxia Dynasty and the Turing Sect would fight against Xia Ming, and even killed Xia Ming. Why did the high-level people want Xia Ming to go to the holy city on this day, Come and watch this exchange meeting?

Although doubtful, but that's all. In the end, they can only be attributed to let Xia Ming gain more insights. Except for this reason, they really can't think of any reason.

"Get rid of me." Xia Ming heard, his eyes narrowed, he really wasn't afraid of the Daxia dynasty and Tu Lingzong, but if this group of guys sent some super strong men out of shame, he really could not deal with it. Now, the kind of teleportation jade he has on him is gone, and this stuff is too much

It is precious and cannot be exchanged.

"Fortunately, this time there are two elders, four elders and ten elders leading us to this sacred city. It is rumored that these elders are masters of the metamorphosis level and powerful, presumably those people will not mess around." Shen Wudi paused and said.


Xia Ming took a deep breath. He never tied his life to them. This is a very stupid act. In this world, he can only be trusted most.

"By the way, I saw a boy in Xuanxin Hall. He seemed to be proud of Wushuang. Do you know him?" Xia Ming asked suddenly.

"Awesome?" When Shen Wudi and others heard the words, they all nodded slightly and said, "Awesomeness is very strong and has the state of gathering together. It is also the main force of our exchange meeting this time. I am afraid all hopes are put. In the body of pride, the pride now can be equivalent to the first of the elite disciples.

one person. "

"The first of the elite disciples?"

Xia Ming heard it, but he was slightly surprised and surprised, but thought that the other party has gathered in the spirit realm, and I am afraid that it won't be long before we can change the Dan. At that time, this status is naturally rising, and now he is said to be the first under the Dan It's not too much to be alone.

"Yeah, this person is very powerful. In the past few years, he has been tempered outside, and it is a little different from many of our disciples." Shen Wudi nodded slightly.

Xia Ming heard the meaning of Shen Wudi. Indeed, every day being tempered outside, this means that he often walks in danger, which is not the same as growing up in the martial arts.

After all, those who have grown up in the martial arts are a little more moderate, unlike those who have been killed by outsiders all year round.

"By the way, Bingqing, as far as I know, you seem to be a master of the spirit gathering, right?" Xia Mington paused and asked curiously. "Huh!" Bai Bingqing sighed lightly, and smiled sweetly. This smile looked like a firework blooming, very beautiful. Bai Bingqing also revealed a touch of fairy tale, giving a sense of nothingness. He knew that Bai Bingqing was in the mysterious place. In Xinzong, the status is quite high, but I do n’t know why.

Wanting to come has a lot to do with Bai Bingqing's talent.

"I am in the triple realm of Juling Realm."

"Threefolds of Juling Realm?" Xia Ming heard and stayed for a while. The speed of practice is too fast, right? He remembered that Bai Bingqing was more than half a year earlier than he had started this time, and this reached the triple realm of Juling Realm?

Xia Ming said: "Great."

"Giggle, Xia Ming, this is not your style." Bai Bingqing giggled, Yushou covered his mouth, and whispered softly: "But compared to your pervert, it's still a little worse, I'm afraid it will be two days, even I am not you Xia Ming heard and smirked. His combat strength is indeed somewhat different from that of normal people. Now if he allows him to gather people in a realm of spiritual realm, he can be undefeated and even beheaded. Even in the face of the double-gathering realm, he still has the ability to escape. This is what he is now


It's just that his aura transformation is really weird. What the **** is this transformation? Although weird, it's very useful. However, his realm has caused him some headaches. It is clear that he can defeat the masters of the spiritual realm by turning to the dual realm, but if he goes out, it is estimated that few people will believe it, but he will be defeated.

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