The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2312: Trouble is coming

Shen Wudi didn't expect that, as Xia Ming said, a seemingly ordinary weapon turned out to be a magical weapon, but that was a magical weapon, a level higher than the heavenly spirit? To some extent, heavenly artifacts can only lose ordinary artifacts, not real artifacts.


But the spirits are different. This is a weapon that is one level higher than the heavenly spirits. This kind of weapon has a touch of spirituality. You must even recognize the Lord with blood. The realm of unity can only be used as an arm. Such a spiritual tool, Rao is the Xuan Xinzong, is an extremely precious existence! It's not easy for him to have a magical tool at this level. I never thought that Xia Ming had thrown a magical tool so easily to him? Don't you know how precious this thing is? For a while, even Shen Wudi

It was shocked by Xia Ming's atmosphere.


Even Bai Bingqing on the other side couldn't help taking a sip of cool air. The magical artifact said that it would be a gift to others. Bai Qiqing gave Xia Ming a deep look. She suddenly felt that It became more and more mysterious, and even she was a little confused about Xia Ming.

"Xia Ming ... Thank you."

Shen Wudi's mouth moved, and eventually he turned into two characters. Shen Wudi was grateful. With this magic weapon, his strength will also increase linearly, especially the power of the Four Elephant Classics. Extreme.

It can be said that he owes a big favor to Xia Ming, which is really bad.

Shen Wudi was all in his heart. One day, this human relationship always had to be repaid. This magical tool, he couldn't accept it with peace of mind, let alone power and power, not to mention ... He was still Shen Wudi.

"This brother." At the next moment, an inappropriate voice rang out from the crowd. In the crowd, a handsome young man came out, the young man had a clear sense of features, an extraordinary manner, and was wearing an unknown Golden brocade! But in the eyes of the teenager, there is a little greed and coldness.


There are four people around the teenager. The breath of these four people is extraordinary. You can tell by the breath on your body. These four people are not simple characters. They look like a young guard.

The arrival of the teenager attracted a lot of people's attention. Someone exclaimed suddenly: "It turned out to be Li Mu?"

As soon as this statement came out, many people noticed it, but some people who didn't know it asked: "Li Mu? Who is Li Mu? Is it worth your shock?"

"Li Mu is not a good guy. This person bullies a male and a female. If he is plain, he is bullying and afraid of being tough. Besides, there is a strong dad behind Li Mu. If you talk about Li Mu alone, you may not know it. I'm afraid I will know. "

"Li Jia?"

As soon as this remark was made, many people's faces were fused, and they immediately said, "Is it Li Jia, the Lord of the Dao Sect?"


Someone took a quick breath and couldn't help saying: "It turned out to be Li Jia's son. It is rumored that Li Zong, the lord of the sword, has entered the realm of Huadan and does not know the truth."

"Is there a fake? Swordsman Li Jia just broke through to the Huadan realm some time ago, it can be said to be a step up to the sky." Some people said with envy, if I do n’t know the year of the monkey to enter the Huadan realm, and become the power of the .

"Ah ... let's stop thinking about it. It's not that easy to become the power of Huadan Realm." Someone shook his head slightly.

"Yeah ... some people can't break through the realm of life throughout their lives." Others said with regret.

"But ... this time, these three young girls, I'm afraid it will be difficult." Someone couldn't help but say. "Yeah ... these three people took out the magical artifacts in a large public court. This is the burning of the body. Although other people do not snatch, I am afraid that Li Mu will never let them go, but the magical instruments ... but extremely rare If something can be obtained, its own combat power will also be

Increase it several times. "

Many people looked at Shen Wudi with envy, precious artifacts, no doubt, it never occurred to them that there was a magical artifact here, even if they were all excited.

After all, the magical tools are so precious that they can't help but even some people want to follow Xia Ming and others and wait for them to enter the deserted place. Then they will kill Xia Ming and other people directly and keep the magical tools as their own. But this time I met Li Mu, and there was a dad who changed the border. If Li Mu didn't succeed, they might still shoot. If Li Mu's hand, many people would not dare to act against Li Mu. Of course, there is no shortage. Some outlaws still dread Li Mu from

Behind the dad behind him.

It is not the offender who can offend the big guys.

Shen Wudi and Xia Ming were all staring at Li Mu. Xia Ming said lightly, "Who is your brother." Xia Ming's words frowned Li Mu, and his eyes were deep, passing a little dissatisfaction, Li Mu still smiled. "The two brothers, just now I saw two of them possess a magical tool, and they have long been fond of the magical tool. They have been struggling to find a spiritual tool, but they have never bought it.

Whether to let this magical tool go down, of course, I am willing to pay the corresponding price to buy this magical tool. "

As soon as this remark was made, Shen Wudi and Xia Ming looked at each other. Xia Ming looked at this Li Mu in surprise, his eyes turned and he smiled and said, "If you want to buy, it is not wrong. Maybe, but it's expensive. "

"Anyway, some Yuanshi are still affordable," Li Mu said with a smile.

Xia Ming laughed and said blandly: "Zhuyuan Yuanshi also wants to buy a magic weapon. I think you are a bit naive. If you want to buy this magic weapon, it's okay. Ten thousand high-quality spirit stones. This artifact is yours. "

"Wow ..." This statement caused a commotion, and many people looked at Xia Ming in unison, and there was some vibration. This artifact should be a lower-grade spirit, but 10,000 top-grade spirit stones. , But it is very valuable, especially this spiritual stone is still top grade, to some extent, 10,000 top grade spiritual stone feet

With the purchase of several artifacts, Xia Ming offered such a high price, obviously he didn't want to sell it.

Spirit stones are the essence of heaven and earth. There are not a lot of spirit stones here. Most of them use primitive stones, and there are few veins of spirit stones. Therefore, the spirit stones are very precious in the periphery.

Today, Xia Ming is a lion's big mouth. Actually, he wants 10,000 top-grade spirit stones. This is just like Li Mu as a sheep slaughter. For a time, people between heaven and earth are smiling and staring at each other. The scene at hand.

Li Mu has a good father. In the past, Li Mu was even more arrogant and arrogant. Now some people are hitting Li Mu's face in the face of Li Mu, which is more fun now.

Li Mu is not a good person. Sure enough ... until Li Mu heard this sentence, Li Mu's face became a little gloomy, Li Mu stared sharply at Xia Ming in front of him, then smiled and said, "Okay, ten thousand Just ten thousand. "

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