The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2335: Xuan Xinzong


With the anger of Jin Hanghui, Shen Cheng's face changed greatly. A terrible force swept out of Jin Hanghui's body. The terrible power was turbulent. Shen Cheng fell out of Yanwutai for a moment without notice. The sound resounded between this world.

"you lose."


Shen Cheng fisted angrily, turned and walked towards the place where the Da Shang Dynasty was. At this time, Yun Tianyang gave Shen Cheng a slight look and said calmly: "It's okay, victory is a common thing among soldiers."


Shen Cheng nodded, but he was still very unwilling. Shen Cheng took a deep breath and stood behind Yun Tianyang. At this moment, Jin Hanghui quietly looked at the people present and said calmly: "Can return Some people dare to fight. "This statement changed the face of the people present. It stands to reason that after playing a game, everyone will take a rest, but Jin Hanghui will not rest, so he will continue the second Battle, it is obvious that the Shang Dynasty was not taken into account, all the people present at this moment were

Can't help but take a breath.

This Shencheng is too arrogant.

In particular, the faces of the Da Shang dynasty were as blue as ugly. This guy obviously didn't take them to heart.

"Are there no one?" At this time Jin Hanghui's faint voice sounded openly, condensing.

"That being the case, then I will choose someone." Jin Hanghui's eyes looked at those present, slowly glanced, and finally fell to Xia Ming and others, which made Xuan Xinzong's disciples all face One cold.

"I don't know where Xuan Xinzong is willing to shoot." At this time Jin Hanghui condensed.


This remark made the people present very angry. Immediately, he had a figure, and he swept out instantly. He breathed on the stage of the performance.

"It turned out to be him." Xia Ming was a little surprised, and this man was also Xuan Xinzong, named Zhu Xiaofeng.

Zhu Xiaofeng strength is also quite good!

"Zhu Xiaofeng." Bai Bingqing also said in amazement.

"Are you familiar?" Xia Ming asked.

"Not very familiar." Bai Bingqing shook his head and said calmly: "However, I heard that this person's strength is good. It should be the triple-mind of Jingling Realm. Jin Hanghui has just fought a battle and should consume a lot. At this time, Zhu Xiaofeng shot, Jin Hanghui should Not his opponent. "


Xia Ming also nodded, this person is very good, if it really hit, Jin Hanghui should not be Zhu Xiaofeng's opponent.

"Zhu Xiaofeng, please advise." Zhu Xiaofeng looked at Jin Hanghui lightly and said calmly.

"Ha ha!"

Jin Hanghui gave Zhu Xiaofeng an indifferent glance and said, "Let's go."

Zhu Xiaofeng was also polite. Under these countless eyes, Zhu Xiaofeng suddenly offered a sword. When this sword was shot, it was in front of Zhu Xiaofeng. At this moment, all the people present were staring at each other. With Zhu Xiaofeng, even Jin Hanghui showed a smirk.

"Oh, it's really overpowering to play a sword in front of me."

The Tianjian School is naturally dominated by swords. It has a profound understanding of kendo. Playing the sword in front of them is indeed a bit bloated.

"I have heard of the swordsmanship of the Tianjian School for a long time. Today I would like to see and see how the Tianjian School is so good." Zhu Xiaofeng sighed, and suddenly, the sword in front of Zhu Xiaofeng copied five swords in an instant. These five swords are spread out in a row.


With the fall of Zhu Xiaofeng's words, these five swords turned into sharp rays, and they suddenly shot at Jin Hanghui, and the terrible power waved, even the people present were exclaimed.

"Well martial arts is so overbearing."

"This martial art seems to be no worse than the sword art of the Tianjian School."

"Yes, it seems that Xuan Xinzong has made a lot of efforts to prepare for this exchange meeting. Even these martial arts have been taken out. I want to come to Xuan Xinzong to correct his name today."

All kinds of admiration echoed with each other's ups and downs. The people present were all staring at the scene in front of them, for fear of missing a certain detail.

Xia Ming sighed in shock when he saw such attacks: "It's strong."


Jin Hanghui did not dare to carelessly, and immediately offered a sword, and severely collided with these five sword pairs. However, at the moment of the collision, Jin Hanghui's sword came out of hand, and the next moment, Zhu Xiaofeng's long sword is already across Jin Hanghui's neck.


The uproar also rang up at this moment, and the people between heaven and earth couldn't help taking a breath.

"A trick, it turned out to be a trick."

"Jin Hanghui was defeated in one move. This guy really has two brushes."

"Well, Jin Hanghui is just a huge consumption. If it weren't for Jin Hanghui's huge consumption, how could this guy defeat Jin Hanghui so easily?"

Jin Hanghui was defeated by Zhu Xiaofeng, and Jin Hanghui's face became a bit difficult to look. Although he consumed a lot, he did not expect that Zhu Xiaofeng defeated him so easily. For a time, he lost all face.

"Huh, that's the same." Zhu Xiaofeng sneered, and the sound of sarcasm followed, everyone in the world could not help but exclaim.

"it is good!"

Especially on the side of Xuan Xinzong, there were bursts of applause. The people present were all happy to watch the scene in front of them, and said loudly: "Good luck, brother."


Jin Hanghui looked at Zhu Xiaofeng with a blushing look, turned around and left here. When Jin Hanghui left, the next moment, there was another figure, and he jumped to this stage instantly.

When everyone saw the figure clearly, all of them could not help but take a breath.

"It turned out to be the Daxia dynasty."

"It's Xia Yu of the Daxia Dynasty. I didn't expect that even Xia Yu of the Daxia Dynasty came out." The appearance of this figure made all the people at the scene fused.

Xia Yu, a quadruple master who gathers in the spirit realm, is powerful, and no one dares to belittle him. At this moment, Zhu Xiaofeng is also a little dignified.

Xia Yu is the six princes of the Da Xia Dynasty, and his status is also quite high. I did not expect that he would come here. This Da Xia Dynasty is really bold.

People between heaven and earth looked at the scene directly, even when the second elder and the fourth elder saw this figure, their faces became gloomy.

"It's interesting now. I didn't expect this Xuan Xinzong and Da Xia Dynasty to confront each other so quickly. Hey, this time there was a good show." "What does this mean? Does the Xia Dynasty and Xuan Xin Zong Is there any hatred? "

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