The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2349: On shot

"One move defeats you." The next moment, Wang Wang's cold voice rippled, with a kind of hesitation and confidence in his voice.

This sentence directly annoyed Han Qianze, and Han Qianze's cold eyes stared at the summer king, Shen said, "You try."


The King of Summer did not continue to speak, the aura in his body soared, and in the blink of an eye, he reached the level of the ninefold concentration of the spiritual realm, and the terrible power swelled, so that the people between the heavens and the earth changed their faces, and then the people present were condensed Actually, staring directly at the summer king.

Even Han Qianze took a deep breath, and the aura in his body quietly moved. He knew that in the face of the summer king, he was purely looking for death.

"Thunder is moving."

The indifferent voice of the summer king resounded between heaven and earth. The voice had just fallen. The shape of the summer king was transformed into a streamer, and he ran towards Han Qianze like lightning. At the same time, the aura in his body quickly condensed. On both hands, there is also a flash of light on these hands.

"not good!"

Feeling such a fast speed, Han Qianze finally changed his face at this moment, it is too strong, such a terrible power, let alone one of him, ten of them are not opponents of the summer king .

At this moment, the summer king had come to his presence, Han Qianze endured that terrible power, and when the horrible power also swept out, he spread his right hand and confronted the summer king fiercely. Were together.


Along with the confrontation, the next moment, Han Qianze's body was scratched out directly, leaving a long scratch on this ground, until it was 100 feet away, it was worthy of stability.


Then, Han Qianze opened his mouth and spit out blood, and the blood was rippling. This made Han Qianze also have an indescribable shock. At this time, Han Qianze was pale and looked at the King of Summer in dismay.


"too terrifying."

These words are lingering in Han Qianze's heart, lingering. At this moment, it is not only him, but also other people. The king is really terrible this summer.

It was just one move that Han Qianze was badly hit. Doesn't it mean that Han Qianze can't stop the summer king with one move? How deep is this guy?

"Han Chizawa, exit now."

At this moment, Ao Wushuang's face changed greatly, and he hurriedly said. But at this moment, it was too late, because the summer king had already come to Han Qianze's body, and he patted him casually with a hand on Han Qianze's chest. Han Qianze's face changed greatly, and his body was even hesitant. If the kite was broken, it flew upside down and eventually fell into Yanwu severely.

Under the stage.


There was a loud noise, and Xia Ming and others all changed their faces slightly, and a flashover came to Han Qianze.


Shen Wudi and Huoling all changed their faces slightly, hurriedly.


Han Qianze immediately spit out blood again, but the blood scared Shen Wudi and others. They could feel that Han Qianze's injuries were gradually aggravating, and even vitality was disappearing quickly.

"How's it going?" The ten elders came to Han Qianze's side without knowing when, and asked with a gloomy expression.

"The injury is serious." Shen Wudi bit his teeth.

"Eat him."

The ten elders immediately took out an elixir. Han Qianze took the elixir and still couldn't stop the passing of life. Obviously the injury was too serious, especially the last hand. That was the real thing. Terribly.

"Give him this."

Xia Mington paused. From within the Qiankun ring, he took out an elixir and threw it to Shen Wudi. Shen Wudi quickly fed Han Qianze. At this time, Han Qianze's injury seemed to be restrained. At this moment, Shen Wudi and others were relieved.

"Damn, the Daxia Dynasty, it's too bullying." Shen Wudi blew his eyes red.

At this moment, Shen Wudi wanted to go up, but was suppressed by Xia Ming. Xia Ming said lightly, "Don't go up, you are not his opponent."

"Don't let these **** do this to my Xuanxinzong," Shen Wudi angered.

At this moment, Xia Ming was also a little angry, and he patted Shen Wudi's shoulder gently, motioning Shen Wudi to be calm and calm.

"Take the brother aside first." Xia Ming whispered softly.

Shen Wudi gritted his teeth, and other disciples of Xuanxinzong carefully lifted Han Qianze to a short distance. At this time, Ao Wushuang was also angrily glaring at the summer king in front of his eyes, and his eyes seemed to spit fire. In general, we can see how angry Ao Wushuang is.

It's abominable.

Seeing this scene, the people between heaven and earth shook their heads with a sigh and whispered softly: "Now Han Qianze lost one move in the summer king's hand. Next, Xuan Xinzong is afraid to give up?"

"Yeah, now there is only one Liu Chenshuang and the six strengths of this Spiritual Realm, but this strength is more than one grade worse than Summer King."

"There is no comparability."

Many people shook their heads, glanced at Xuan Xinzong with pity, and did not continue to speak.

"let me try."

Ao Wushuang endured the weakness in his body and wanted to stand up. At this moment, the ten elders suppressed Ao Wushuang and whispered: "You can't go up, now you have no aura in your body, you are not his opponent."

"Asshole." Ao Wushuang yelled angrily, with a strong unwillingness.

At this moment, the king's eyes fell on Xuan Tianzong this summer, and then the indifferent voice wavered: "I don't know where Xuan Xinzong will come from?"

A faint voice spread, and everyone present was clearly heard, especially those of Xuan Xinzong. All the faces who heard this sentence were all pale.

Many of Xuan Xinzong's disciples were furious and wanted to take a shot.

Wherever they knew they were not the opponents of Summer King, they couldn't help but want to make a shot, not for anything else, but for Xuan Xinzong and fame.

The ten elders, the second elders, and the four elders all looked at the summer king with a blue face. They couldn't take any shots. If they shot them, they would become a direct war.

Seeing the arrogance of Summer King now, they were also very angry.

"Why, is Xuan Xinzong no one?" Wang Xia's arrogant voice spread, and the anger of Xuan Xinzong's disciples has reached the limit.

"I'll go." Bai Bingqing gnawed at the silver teeth, and whispered.

"Let's do it ..." Just when Bai Bingqing was about to get up, a palm rested on Bai Bingqing's incense shoulder, and a faint voice also sounded. The next moment, Shen Wudi, Bai Bingqing, etc People are looking towards the source of the sound. When they see the figure clearly, they see that the figure has left the place.

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