The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2392: Rich second generation?

Xia Ming wasn't satisfied. He called Chen Xiao and started making these food and drink products around the world. He bought them and spent a total of 10 billion yuan. To be clear, it is naturally not a big problem,

The current Xialin Group is more than that. A billion yuan is only a small amount of money to the Xialin Group.

Xia Ming bought these things, but it took only half an hour. This time is nothing for Xia Ming. After Xia Ming has solved the matter here, he runs towards Jianglai where they are.

Xia Ming called Jiang Lai and they knew that they were no longer in the original store but instead went to the opposite store, and Xia Ming came to the opposite again. Just after Xia Ming came here, I saw Jiang Lai and Luo Yuxi all glaring angrily at a man. This man is young, looks in his twenties, wears a suit and leather shoes, and looks very handsome. In this man

There is also a woman by her side. This girl has a touch of makeup and looks pretty delicate, but compared to Jiang Lai, they are worse. I don't know how many grades.

"Several beauties, don't know if I can invite you for a meal?" Gong Xingyu smiled and looked at Jiang Lai and others in front of them, Jiang Lai and others were frowning, eyes deep With a little anger.

Jiang Lai said indifferently: "No time, don't come to harass us." After talking about Jiang Lai's daughters, they are preparing to leave here, but at this moment, Gong Xingyu reached out and stopped Jiang Lai and others, saying with a smile. : "Several beauties, don't you look so disrespectful? I'm the young master of the palace, Gong Xingyu, my father

Called Gong Xiuping. "If anyone knows Gong Xiuping, I'm afraid I can't help but exclaim. Gong Xiuping is a famous crocodile in Jiangzhou, and the assets of Gong Xiuping's family are at least tens of billions. It is conceivable that

How much energy this house has in Xingyu's house.

"I haven't heard of it, get away." Jiang Lai said coldly, not to mention the current Gong Xingyu, even when Xia Lin Group didn't get up, Gong Xingyu didn't even match his shoes.

For Gong Xingyu, Jiang Lai is also a bit lost of patience. If there are not many people here, Jiang Lai would not mind giving this guy a deep lesson. "Beauty, I advise you to follow me obediently, otherwise, my palace family is not the one you can offend." Gong Xingyu directly revealed his original appearance and was still covering up at the beginning, and now directly shows Got his meaning, mainly

Or because the girls in Jianglai are so beautiful. When these girls appeared, they directly attracted his attention. Several girls had their own advantages. The temperament of each girl was different. The feeling, even if he was heartbeat, he had seen this. Many girls,

I have never seen such a beautiful one, but now I have seen such a beautiful one, how can I not let him be tempted.

"Ha ha……"

The next moment, a light laughter broke the peace here, and the laughter was full of sarcasm and coldness: "I'd like to see what a palace house can't offend."

The next moment, Xia Ming's figure appeared at the door. At this moment, the girls from Jianglai met with Xia Ming, and they were very happy, saying, "My husband, you are finally back, you will not come, we are all fast. I was harassed and killed by this fly. "The scene where the couple called the husband together was a shock to all the people present. There were no shortage of males in the scene. They also felt astonished when they saw the women, but they But Gong Xingyu is not so hungry. They can

Enough to control the desire in your heart.

But ... Xia Ming suddenly appeared, and called Xia Ming as her husband. Several people couldn't bear it, your mother ... If such a beautiful girl could have one of them, it was already the ancestor's grave, and now Xia Ming got it all at once Four and one for four

He called her husband, and in front of them, it was like spreading salt on their wounds. When Gong Xingyu heard the words, she was also complexion, staring at Xia Ming with jealous anger in her eyes, Gong Xingyu said coldly: "Boy, who are you? What qualifications do you have with these four beauties? Together, if you are acquainted, immediately

Break up with them, otherwise ... "

Gong Xingyu's words were directly threatened.

"Om ..." But before Gong Xingyu spoke, Xia Ming's figure appeared in front of Gong Xingyu's body, and he slapped it directly on Gong Xingyu's face. After a few laps, this is enough to stabilize the body, and then look at Gong Xingyu's

The mouth, blood was flowing, and teeth were dropped several times.

"You should be lucky to be here, otherwise you are dead."

Xia Ming's eyes were hawkish and unusually sharp. Xia Ming's shot also shocked the people present, and they were all startled by Xia Ming.

Xia Ming's movement was too fast and terrible.

Just slapping a person like this, is this guy still human? How could it be so powerful?

As for Gong Xingyu, he even spit out blood, and Gong Xingyu's face was annoyed, pointing at Xia Ming angrily: "Do you dare to hit me, do you know who I am? Do you dare hit me?"

Gong Xingyu was furious, with indescribable anger.

"If you hit it, hit it." Xia Ming calmly calmed down, as if he had done a very trivial thing, and did not take Gong Xingyu in front of his heart.

Xia Ming said lightly: "If you are not convinced, now I can give you a chance to call."

"Brush ..." As soon as the words came out, all the people present were all slightly changing their faces, staring at Xia Ming solemnly. Many of them have heard of the name of Gong Xingyu. This is Gong Xiuping's son, Gong Xiuping is also a company that has just started recently.

It is still because of the attachment to Xialin Group.

If not, it would not be possible for the palace's industry to rise so fast. However, people who come here are either rich or expensive, and what Xia Ming said is equivalent to letting you call someone, or Xia Ming really has strength behind him, there is a horrible behemoth, or Xia Ming Ming is installed, but

It ’s a man who has such a beautiful wife. There are four in total. Is this possible?

Many people are thinking about this secretly.

"You wait for me." Gong Xingyu is just a rich second-generation. He eats and waits for death on weekdays, and now he sees himself like this. Gong Xingyu is also angry. He hurriedly took out the phone and called After Gong Xiuping said, "Dad, I haven't beaten anyone. My teeth have been burned out. You need to hurry up and avenge me ..."

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