The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2394: Talk and laugh, fly ash annihilates (2)

"Brush ..." Four people, Qi brushed a fist, punched out towards Xia Ming one after another, this punch was sharp and powerful, if the average person was hit, this punch is enough to give ordinary people Wrecked. Obviously, the four bodyguards did not keep their hands.


These four may be very fierce shots, but in Xia Ming's eyes, the speed of this shot is too slow, just like a snail.

Xia Ming sneered, his shooting speed was faster. At the moment when these four men shot, Xia Ming had already kicked him. This was only a moment, and Xia Ming kicked his four feet.

"Hmm ..."

The bodies of these four people were like a cannonball, and they flew out fiercely, and finally fell to the ground fiercely, and with a loud bang, their bodies slipped out fiercely.

brush! These four figures did not even have time to scream. They had fallen to the ground and passed out. The Xia Ming's foot was not very hard, but he just fainted the other side. Hurt these people's lives,

However, these people broke a few ribs, for sure.

"Brush ..." After being met by the people present, their faces changed greatly. This was too fast. They didn't even see how to shoot, and the person fell down? how can that be? Especially with little money, it shows a little bit of panic. These bodyguards,

But he was specially invited by him to spend money. They often mingled between life and death. This strength is definitely a top-level existence, but never expected that they would be vulnerable in Xia Ming's hands.

Qian Shao was also scared.

However, Xia Ming's fierce means also frightened the people around him. Only Jiang Lai and others were calm, but they were not worried about Xia Ming. They all knew Xia Ming's power.

"It seems that your people are useless." Xia Ming looked at Qian Hongxuan with a smile, his eyes narrowed, which made Qian Hongxuan even more afraid.

"You ... you don't come over."

Xia Ming gave Qian Hongxuan a cold look, walked in front of Qian Hongxuan, raised his feet, and stepped on Qian Hongxuan's finger gently.


There was a scream in Qian Hongxuan's mouth, and Qian Hongxuan's complexion, Douda's sweat beads flowing down his head, seemed to have suffered great pain.

By the time Xia Ming lifted his feet, Qian Hongxuan's palm was already deformed. Xia Ming knew that Qian Hongxuan's palm, unless it was in the ancient continent, would have no one on earth.

Xia Ming stood here faintly, Xia Ming's aura spread, everyone around him was deterred by Xia Ming, they were all doubting Xia Ming's origin.

"Well ... brother Xia." Just then, a surprised voice came out. With this voice coming out, many people looked at the source of the sound, even Xia Ming saw it. With this familiar figure, Xia Ming smiled and said, "Brother Chen, it turns out

It's you. "This man is wearing a suit and leather shoes, and looks a little bit blessed. This person is not someone else, but Chen Tianxiang. Since this time, with the rapid development of Xia Lin Group, Chen Tianxiang's Wanying Group has also developed rapidly ,

Today, Chen Tianxiang has a place in the whole of China, which is inseparable from Xialin Group.

Without the behemoth of Xia Lin Group, Wan Ying Group would not have grown to its current size.

Thinking of the day when he met Chen Tianxiang, Xia Ming was booing, and he was still young.

"Brother Xia, why are you here? I haven't seen Brother Xia for a long time. I can't get you to call Brother Xia. Where did you go during this time?"

Chen Tianxiang was pleasantly surprised, came to Xia Ming happily, and gave Xia Ming a big hug, said.

"Oh, something was done during this time." Xia Ming smiled. There were some things he didn't say, because these things can't be talked about.

"Brother Xia, what's wrong?" Chen Tianxiang looked around and looked a little messy, frowned, and asked immediately.

"Teached a few people." Xia Ming smiled slightly.

When Chen Tianxiang was talking with Xia Ming, some people had already recognized Chen Tianxiang. The people present were all exclaimed when they saw Chen Tianxiang.

"This ... isn't this Chen Tianxiang of Wanying Group? How can he ... appear here?"

"It seems that Mr. Chen still knew the person in front of him. What is the origin of this person? How can Mr. Chen respect him respectfully?"

"It seems that Gong Xingyu kicked on the iron plate."

Many people stared at this scene diligently, afraid to be approached, for fear of being affected. They all stared at Xia Ming. The brain is moving fast, and they are thinking about what kind of person Xia Ming is. . "Who, who hit my son."? An angry roar resounded from the outside. This walked in was a middle-aged man in a suit. The middle-aged man was full of anger and was angry. , That seems to kill people in general


"Gong Xiuping?" Chen Tianxiang was slightly surprised, did not expect that Gong Xiuping came here.

At this time, Gong Xiuping also apparently saw Chen Tianxiang, and hesitated slightly: "General Chen ..."

"Dad, save me, save me ..." At this moment, on the ground, the sound of Gong Xingyu's screaming came. At this time, Gong Xiuping's eyes also fell on his own son. With a miserable look, Gong Xiuping was furious: "Who is it?

Who did it, stand up for me. "

His son was so miserable that he was beaten like this, and even he couldn't bear to beat him and scold him.

Now that his own son was beaten like this, he was also extremely distressed.

"It's him, it's this scumbag that hit me. Dad, you can take revenge on me." Gong Xingyu pointed at Xia Ming for a while and scolded him.

"It's you……"

Gong Xiuping stared sharply at Xia Ming, his eyes burning with anger: "hit me, I was responsible for killing me."

As soon as this remark was made, Chen Tianxiang's face changed slightly, and he shouted, "Gong Xiuping, you dare."

At this time, Chen Tianxiang was of course standing on the side of Xia Ming. When it was Xia Ming who met the palace star, Chen Tianxiang also stood out.

Chen Tianxiang's scolding also frightened Gong Xiuping. Gong Xiuping couldn't help but said, "Mr. Chen ... what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?"

Chen Tianxiang said indifferently, "General Manager, this matter, let's forget it."

Gong Xiuping heard that his face changed slightly, and immediately said, "General Manager Chen, you can't succeed for this person? This person hurt my son." Chen Tianxiang said calmly: "If you are hurt, you will be hurt. Go to the hospital Just treat it. "

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