The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2397: Misty palace


Somewhere on the ancient continent, a gap was opened in this space, and with this gap was opened, a figure came out from this gap.


The figure fell to the ground, with a little doubt in his eyes, and looked around, the figure's eyes flickered.

"Where is this?"

This person is not someone else, but it is Xia Ming, and Xia Ming returns to the ancient continent again, but this time the place being teleported is not right, not the so-called Daxia Dynasty.

"It seems that this is not the side of the Great Xia Dynasty." Xia Ming's eyes twinkled brightly, thoughtfully, and thought secretly: "Find a city as soon as possible to ask the terrain."

Thinking of this, Xia Ming took a deep breath, and then stepped quickly from this mountain in one direction. Now Xia Ming doesn't know where to see the city. Now Xia Ming is just trying his luck. .

Along with Xia Ming's advancement, he probably walked a day away. In the early morning of the next day, Xia Ming came to the foot of a large mountain, because Xia Ming suddenly found that there were several figures in it.

"The misty palace is doing things, idle people wait for back."

Two screams of yell came from not far away, and then two figures slowly fell in front of Xia Ming. Both of these figures turned out to be masters of spirituality, which made Xia Ming slightly surprised.

Are these two people waiting here?

Thinking of this, Xia Ming clenched his fists and said, "Two people, I am a little lost underneath, so I would like to ask the two people, where is this place?"

"This is a forest of thousands of demon gods. At present, our misty palace is working and will not open to the public for the time being." This figure said indifferently.

"How far is a city from here?" Xia Ming asked.

"The south of this place is two days away from here. There is an innocent city. If you go to the city, you can go here." The disciple said indifferently: "Now you are asked to leave now, if not, kill without pardon . "

Xia Ming heard the words, nodded slightly, and then left here, but when Xia Ming left, Xia Ming heard a rush of voice and shouted: "Li Changsha, I am dead, and it wo n’t let you get the thunderous heart. of."

"Heart of Thunder?" When Xia Ming heard these words, even Xia Ming's pupils shrank, and murmured, "Thunder Heart is made by the power of Thunder. A special venue, if you can get Thunder Heart, use Thunder Forge

Then ... the immortal body ... "

Thinking of this, even Xia Ming was slightly agitated.

"Hurry up."

Even when Xia Ming was hesitant, the two men also apparently changed their faces slightly and snapped loudly.

Obviously they don't want Xia Ming to be here.

"I'll go now." Xia Ming jumped into shape and swept away. At this time, the two talents were relieved, but Xia Ming did not leave the place, but ran in the other direction. Then Xia Ming's figure moved into this mid-air. Xia Ming

Fly directly into the jungle.

Xia Ming was also the first to hear about Qian Mo Shen Lin. He didn't know much about it. Xia Ming ran along the source of the sound. Then Xia Ming saw several figures. Among them was a girl, dressed in a slightly simple white long brocade dress, and embroidered a blossoming plum blossom with dark brown silk threads, extending from the skirt to the waist, a black purple wide band Tied Willow Waist

, Outline your figure.

The girl had exquisite facial features, willow eyebrows, face of sunflower seeds, small Joan nose, cherry fragrant lips, black filaments scattered on her shoulders, beautiful eyes wavy, with a little anger.

At this moment the girl was glaring at a man ahead.

The man was wearing a plain white robe. On this body, two ropes were tied, the rope was cut off, and a goggles was in the middle. This is the symbol of the misty palace. The man smiled and said coldly: "Xue Ling, this thunderous heart is not something you can own. I advise you to give it up. We can still let you go. If not, don't blame us. Ruthless, I do n’t think you

Are you willing to eat these bitterness? "

The name of the man is from Changsha, but it is a genius with dual spirits and strong strength. This woman is only one with heavy spirits. He is not a man's opponent at all, and now he can only be scolded.

"You've been surrounded by us." Another man sneered at this moment: "Now you can't fly with wings, even in this thousand demon forest, you still don't want to escape, we advise you to hand over the things in this hand obediently Come out. "" You gangsters. "Xue Ling stared angrily, but there was no other way. Today, she is inseparable from her wings, especially in the face of it. A genius who gathered in the spirit realm, she fled

Hope is too slim, is it just to hand over the heart of Thunder? But if she surrenders the Thunder Heart in this way, she will be unwilling. After all, the Thunder Heart is a product of heaven and earth. It is extremely precious and rare to see. If you can refine the Thunder Body, you can certainly refine it. Power of Thunder

This will be of great benefit if it is a battle.

But are these treasures going to be handed out?

Of course, the so-called Thunder Heart is just the address of the Thunder Heart, not the true Thunder Heart.

"So it is."

Hiding in the dark, Xia Ming suddenly realized that someone in the Hidden Palace would want to seize such treasures to block people here, but even Xia Ming felt a little excited about Thunder's heart.

Xia Ming thought about it. If he shot at this moment, he would definitely offend Xiaomiao Palace, but he was not afraid. Even the people of the Daxia Dynasty would offend, and he would be afraid of a small piece of Xiaomiao Palace.

What he thought was how to get the address of Thunderheart.

"Okay, I'll tell you." Xue Ling was also forced. There was no way. He directly gave the address of the Thunder Heart: "The location of the Thunder Heart is in the Valley of Thunder, but if you want to Into the Valley of Thunder, you must also destroy a layer of restraint outside.


"Speak out early, isn't it all right?" Li Changsha smiled and looked at Xue Ling, not far away, with a slight smirk in his voice.

"Can you let me go now?" Xue Ling looked at Li Changsha angrily. If he could kill Li Changsha, he would have killed Li Changsha long ago. Unfortunately, she is not Li Changsha's opponent at all.

"Let you leave?" At this moment, Li Changsha squinted his eyes, showing a wicked smile: "Did I say I want to let you go?"

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