The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2502: Weird cloud

But Xia Ming did such a crazy act, it was no different from suicide. As we all know, at the time of the robbery, it is most taboo for someone to be here. Once within the range of the cloud, then the person will be locked by the cloud, and the cloud will increase the number of cloud robbery according to the opportunity of the person. Power, that is to say

, The more this person, the more powerful the power of Jieyun.

Even the masters of Shenfu Realm do not dare to step into the clouds of others while others are crossing the robbery. If they are not targeted by Tianjie, the masters of Shen Realm have to die.

"Did you know that even you would die like this?" Luo Wuya's face was somber and horrible, and the angry roar sounded.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, so many of you will accompany me for funeral." Xia Ming grinned, showing his white teeth, and seeing Luo Wuya was a little creepy.

"Om ..." Just the next moment, an invisible coercion fell to heaven and earth, and that terrible cloud of calamity became even more terrible. Dark black clouds rolled, terrible coercion fell to heaven and earth, even above this heaven and earth. The spirit beasts are shaking and crazy


Luo Wuya thought that he could easily and happily win Xia Ming and solve Xia Ming, but the situation in front of him was somewhat unexpected.

"I won't play with you anymore."

Luo Wuya's heart trembled, and he immediately stepped into the void, and wanted to leave here, but just before he was about to leave, a strange figure appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

This person is not someone else, it is the Xia Ming.

"Where do you want to go?" Xia Ming smiled and looked at Luo Wuya in front of him with a smile.


Luo Wuya had a somber face, and it was as ugly as he could be. He already knew that Xia Ming was not his opponent, but now Xia Ming used the power of heaven to kill him, this **** ...

Luo Wuya gritted his teeth and yelled, "Do you know that others are within the scope of cloud robbery, and their power is doubled. If you do this, you and I have to die."

"Pull your back, it's worth it." Xia Ming smiled.

"You ..." Luo Luo Wuya was almost driven crazy by Xia Ming at this moment. Now he can feel that Tianjie has gradually locked him. Once locked by Tianjie completely, then he and Xia Mingdu You have to cross the road. By then, the power of the road is doubled.

It is even the master of the nine levels of Huadan that can hack.

As for whether we can survive, it depends on destiny.

But Xia Ming refused to let him go, apparently intending to pull him over. Luo Wuya was also anxious. In the end, when Luo Wuya gritted his teeth, his breath suddenly burst out, and he hated: "Xia Ming, I'd like to see if it ’s your horror that comes fast, or if I kill you fast. Killing you, Tianjie will naturally dissipate.

Xia Ming smelled it, and he was also careful in his heart. He knew that Luo Wuya at this time was probably already desperate. Indeed, as Luo Wuya said, if he died, Tianjie would naturally disperse. Go, but wait a minute, god

Once Jie locks Luo Wuya, then Luo Wuya will have to survive Tianjie, if not, Luo Wuya will have to die.

The words fell, and Luo Wuya's breath soared again. At this moment, Luo Wuya also exerted the deterrent power of Huadan Realm to the limit. Xia Ming also felt the violent atmosphere of Luo Wuya. Indeed, Luo Wuya's breath was very violent and very powerful. Huadan Realm is worthy of Huadan Realm. It's true that he is not an opponent, but If wait

By the time he is promoted to become a master of Huadan Realm, his strength will also increase exponentially.

In the distance, countless people are all staring at the scene in front of them. They are also scared by Xia Ming ’s madness. For a time, they have been careful. Many people remember Xia Ming. So as not to provoke this lunatic.

"Kill." Luo Wuya stepped on the light, staring sharply at Xia Ming. Behind him, there was a terrible cohesion of power, between the black awns, and behind this black awns, there was a secretive engulfing. Space has come from ancient times, as if this empty space

Time is at his feet.

I opened my mouth, and that mouth was an endless black hole, as if anything could be swallowed into it, a mysterious wave opened up, making the space ripple.

And Luo Wuya ’s body was standing in front of Lu, and his face was filled with sharp killing and chill. Against this killing and chill, his body was filled with terrible coercion, which made people afraid to straighten See.

"It's so powerful and martial arts. Has this surpassed the failure of martial arts?"

Many people were shocked when they saw this terrible encounter. This encounter looked lifelike. Such powerful coercion and fluctuations are like the spiritual martial arts.

This spiritual martial art, however, surpassed the existence of heavenly martial arts, and once it was exerted, it shook the earth. "It seems that he completely angered Luo Wuya, and wanted to use the power of Tianjie to kill Luo Wuya, but if Luo Wuya took this opportunity to kill Xia Ming, then Tianya also naturally It will disperse, when Luo Wuya will be the same

Nothing, just don't know if this kid can stop Luo Wuya's move. "

"Brother Luo was so angry that even these martial arts were being exhibited. Huh, this boy seems to be finished, and he really doesn't know how to live or die."

"Even Tianjie dared to use it and deserve to be killed. As long as Brother Luo severely injured this guy, this guy would be directly hacked to death."

"I think Brother Luo wants to kill this guy directly."

The people in Ganyang Palace also looked coldly at this scene and sneered loudly. Although they were extremely jealous of Tianjie, they were all geniuses who had already gone through Tianjie and had great strength.

"Xia Ming." Not far from here, Ao Wushuang saw this scene, and his face also became extra dignified. The offensive that Luo Wuya condensed was beyond his scope. If he faced This kind of offensive, there is no possibility to resist it, etc.

The offensive is terrible after all.

"Pig, hurry to rescue Xia Ming." Ao Wushuang said in a hurry.

"No need to."

Zhu Er shook his head slightly and said calmly: "The boss will not allow me to rescue him, because this is the martial art he will go on. Maybe I can save him today, but his martial arts will probably be ruined by him. Hands. "

Proudly aware of this, there was also some anxiety, and I could only look forward to it, hoping that Xia Ming could take such a blow.

"Hahaha ..." Luo Wuya sighed coldly, scolding: "Xia Ming, this time I'll see how you can resist me, this time, you will die, no doubt, everything you will, will It will be mine, let's die ... "

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