Look at Luo Wuya again!

Under such a catastrophe, he has been hit hard!

Although he is a master of nine levels in Huadan, Tianjie is not dead.

He will transform according to the strength of people, not to mention that this is still within the scope of others' calamity, it can be said that Luo Wuya is even worse.


In the eyes of countless people, this third thunder also fell fiercely. After the first two thunders, Luo Wuya was already severely damaged. With this third thunder, he has almost no capital to resist.

This Thunder is really terrifying.

"Brothers Without Borders."

When people in Ganyang Palace saw this scene, they were all stunned. Looking at this scene nervously, Luo Wuya's pupils suddenly shrank.


Luo Wuya became insane at this time, and the momentum in his body was rising, the terrible aura stirred up, shaking the heaven and the earth, and the earth was trembling constantly.

"Crush me."

Luo Wuya's emotionless eyes suddenly looked at this Tianjie, and then all the power in his body gathered on his fist, and then he clenched his right hand into a fist. In these countless eyes, a punch Blasted into the sky.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The thunderbolt and one punch hit each other fiercely, and the terrible power rippled between the heavens and the earth, a force of near destruction, spreading out.

"Hmm ..."

The confrontation only lasted for a long time, and the powerful punch was to crack a crack under the countless gaze. Looking at these cracks, the color of fear finally appeared on Luo Wuya's face. This blow is already his full strength. If even this blow cannot resist the power of this world, he is afraid Will be under the power of this world

, Gray fly smoke.

Now Luo Wuya extremely regretted it. He knew that he shouldn't provoke Xia Ming, a lunatic, but now it seems a bit late for this kind of enlightenment.

"嘭 ......"? The terrible fist finally couldn't bear the power of the Thunder, and it exploded directly under the countless eyes.

"Boom ..." Luo Wuya's arm also suffered such heavy blows. In the end, it exploded directly, flesh and blood flew, and terrible energy shocks swept away. Between heaven and earth, a strong wind, flying sand and stones, people between heaven and earth saw In such a situation, it is also urgent

Busy with Reiki to resist this terrible blow.


Under these countless eyes, the last remaining force hit Luo Wuya fiercely, Luo Wuya endured such horrific attacks, spit out blood, and spurted blood ...

Luo Wuya was lying on the ground at this moment, his face was pale as paper, his breath was weak, and he was getting weaker and weaker. Although suffering from this severe blow, Luo Wuya was not dead, but he was not far from death.

"Brothers Without Borders."

Seeing Luo Wuya's miserable situation, all the disciples in Ganyang Palace changed their faces and yelled excitedly.

But Tianjie hadn't dispersed yet, but the group didn't dare to move closer.

At this moment of Xia Ming, under these countless eyes, he sat cross-legged, his eyes were closed tightly, and there was an ancient charm flowing from his body.

"What is he doing ..."

When many people saw this scene, they were all puzzled: "Looking at him looks like he is practicing."

"What? Cultivation?"

People between the heavens and the earth are a little bit aggressive. What's the joke? Cultivation under the scourge of the heavens. Is this old man hanging up?

However, as they say, Xia Ming is indeed practicing.

Xia Ming sat here silently with her knees crossed, motionless, and the power of the thunder in the sky gathered, but the charge this time was obviously more than the previous time.

"Look at this robbery cloud?" Someone pointed sharply, and finally realized that there was nothing wrong with this robbery cloud. On top of this black robbery cloud, there was actually a layer of purple robbery clouds. Jieyun is not this because it is shrouded in black

It's so obvious, so it's hard for most people to notice.

But the power of these thunders is also getting stronger and stronger. In the blink of an eye, even the masters of the transformational state may tremble.

"This ... what the **** is this?"

"Oh, what a **** of a cloud, how could it be so scary?"

"I thought that when I was crossing the robbery, I never found such a fearful robbery."

"This ... this Nima ..."

For a while, the people present were all stupid eyes, and even Pig II looked dignified, staring at the looming cloud in front of him.

"This ... what kind of thunder is this, how could it be so horrible." Ao Wushuang couldn't help but swallowed his mouth with a horror.

It's terrible.

"If I expected it to be ... this should be the most powerful punishment between heaven and earth."

"God punishment? What the hell?" Ao Wushuang couldn't help asking.

"The day punishment is an upgraded version of the day robber." Piggy II also took a cool breath, and said in a deep voice: "Any creature under this day punishment will fly to ashes, whether it is in the state of God or more In a high state, they cannot resist the power of sky punishment. Sky punishment represents the punishment of heaven.

This power is irreversible, unless you have the power to destroy this world. "

"What ... heaven punish ..."

Ao Wushuang exclaimed: "Isn't that Xia Ming must die? But how did Xia Ming be punished by heaven?" Zhu Er couldn't help but grin and said, "During this ancient period, there were countless days of heaven. Pride, evil, their talents have reached the level of anti-sky, it is precisely because their talents are too anti-sky, they will suffer from heaven

Punishment because God is not allowed to exist like this. "

"Have you ever seen a person who has cultivated from an ordinary person to the realm of God within a month."

"What a joke, how can it be a month to practice in Shenfu ..." "At that time, there was such a presence." Zhu Er smiled and said, "I didn't expect to see this place again. The rise of a genius, hey, boss, it seems that we should not be too long into the ancient times, it is you

The real stage, the pride of the sky, is like dung place. "

Although I don't know what Zhu Er was talking about, a word from Zhu Er seemed to open a door for him, which made the proud eyes no longer so confused.

Immediately, the group looked at Xia Ming again. Xia Ming operated the method of immortal body for a while, then suddenly opened his eyes. At this moment, Xia Ming had clearly felt that the power of the thunder was becoming more and more terrifying. The destructive power, even him Are aware of the danger

Danger, I am afraid this thunder fell, even he will fall here.

"No ... you can't go on like this."

Xia Ming's eyes were suddenly startled, a flash of madness flashed away, and he gritted his teeth immediately, screaming: "Since you want me to die, let me see what you have." "Alas ..."

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