The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2514: Qingxuan Palace

After three days!

The group saw a rolling range of mountains. This mountain range is extremely steep. Some mountains directly penetrate the clouds and connect with the sky. In this mountain range, the sound of beasts roars from time to time, shocking. world.

This mountain stretches for tens of thousands of miles, and it is also quite famous here. Among these mountains, there are monsters with Huadan Realm. Those monsters with such strength are no longer able to deal with ordinary people.

These monsters are born with powerful power! Therefore, it is really difficult for ordinary practitioners to deal with them.

Today is a bit different, because many people have jumped into this rolling mountain range, so this endless mountain range has become lively.

Obviously, these people are all looking for something.

However, you can also hear the sound of screams. These screams fluctuate with each other. Obviously, what danger is encountered. After all, this mountain is also left over from the year.

Xia Ming and others also approached this mountain quickly. Xia Ming and others looked at this rolling mountain range in the distance, with a solemn look and solemn dignity.

"There are a lot of spirit beasts in them, these spirit beasts are very powerful." Ao Wushuang took a deep breath, his eyes were also a little bit condensed, and became a little bit old.

"Huh!" Xia Ming nodded slightly, and immediately said: "It seems that there are many people who know the news."


Ai Wushuang said helplessly: "I can gather the information here, and naturally other people can too."

"But these people are not good at dealing with beasts." Tang Zhao on the side also looked somber and solemnly.

"By the way, who kept the treasure here?" Xia Ming asked suddenly.


Tang Zhao and Liu Xuan were a little stunned, apparently did not expect Xia Ming would ask this question, what a joke, you do not know who is here to inherit the heritage and dare to mess up?

However, Ao Wushuang and Zhu Er are both used to it. Xia Ming rarely asks this question, and they are also used to it.

"It is rumored that the treasure here is the Qingxuan Palace in ancient times."

"Qing Xuan Palace?"

Xia Ming heard the words, hesitated slightly.

He has heard about Qingxuan Palace and understood it more or less. After all, he read a lot of classics some time ago. These classics are recorded in these classics.

Qingxuan Palace was a big martial art in ancient times. Martial arts are powerful, and I don't know how many times stronger than Xuan Xinzong.

However, in the course of the ancient war, all the people in Qingxuan Palace died, and no one survived. Therefore, Qingxuan Palace was buried in history.

In ancient times, Qingxuan Palace was also the top big school, it was also the main force, powerful, if you can get the Qingxuan Palace heritage, it would be a good choice.


Ao Wushuang nodded slightly: "It is said that Qing Xuan Palace was buried here. This was once the sect of Qing Xuan Palace, but the specific information is unknown, but I think it is inseparable."

Xia Ming nodded slightly, if this is really the place where Qingxuan Palace is located, it will bring endless benefits to them. Qingxuan Palace, the ancient school, the heritage in it, and all kinds of magic drugs will make any Man is crazy.


At this moment, Xia Ming frowned slightly. He seemed to feel that his heartbeat was accelerating a bit, a kind of invisible meditation, which made Xia Ming's frown tightly.

"Brother Xia, what's wrong with you?" Liu Xuan noticed, could not help looking at Xia Ming and asked in a low voice.

"It's okay." Xia Ming shook his head, but said nothing, but in his heart, he was a little confused, and murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "Why do I feel a sense of familiarity, what is there Something is calling me, really

It's strange. "


At this time, Er Er grinned and smiled, "Boss, I didn't expect that we would come to this place."


For a while, the people present all looked at Houjie with a little confusion.

"What's wrong?" Xia Ming asked.

Pig Er said with a smile: "Boss, this is not a good place."

"What do you mean?" Xia Ming frowned, asking in doubt.

"Boss, all these sights we see outside are fake."


Tang Zhao was surprised, and immediately said, "How could it be fake? It's obviously true here."

Zhu Erning whispered: "If I guess it is good, this should be one of the four Jedi of the ancient continent, and it is also called the forbidden land."

"The Four Jedi?"

The words of Zhu Er surprised everyone present, and his face was incredible.

The four Jedi, they have heard.

One of them is the so-called ghost mountain. The ghost mountain, as the name suggests, carries great fear and makes people feel terrified and scared, while the rest are the so-called sea of ​​death, bone marsh, prisoner abyss.

These four Jedi are also called the four Jedi by the ancient continent. These four Jedi are distributed in different areas, but this ghost mountain has not appeared for a long time. Many people think that the ghost mountain does not exist at all, or that it exists only in one imagination. As for This die

The Dead Sea, the Bone Marsh, and the Prison Spirit Abyss all exist for real, but they are temporarily out of touch on the periphery of this ancient continent.

"Is this ..." Ao Wushuang suddenly said, "Ghost Mountain?"


Pig Er's mouth was picking out a little funny smile, but this smile was like blooming lotus flowers, so beautiful, I have to say that Pig Er is indeed too beautiful, just like the beauty of women.


What Zhu Er said was that Ao Wushuang and others all took a sigh of coolness and couldn't help saying, "If it is a ghost mountain, I don't think we should go in."

"Why not go in?" Xia Ming said with a smile.

"Xia Ming, don't you know that the four Jedi of the ancient times were nine dead and entered, and it is difficult to come out. I have heard that people in the realm of God step into the sea of ​​death, but they did not come out. what."

Aowou Shuang still has some worries. The deterrent power brought by the four forbidden areas is too great. Most people are afraid to come to such places, which is also a taboo place.

Otherwise, it would not be called the Four Forbidden Grounds. And I never thought that the Ghost Mountains would appear on this ancient battlefield, which is really incredible.

Xia Ming shook his head slightly and smiled. "Nevertheless, if you can explore, it will bring a lot of benefits." "Xia Ming, you are killing yourself." Proud Wong heard, his face changed slightly, Can't help but say.

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