The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2535: Lin Wanqing?


Hearing this familiar voice, Xia Ming's body was stiff, an indescribable sense of familiarity that spread to his whole body instantly.

Xia Ming turned his head back abruptly, but this was a familiar face!

Xia Ming looked at the familiar face, and his body shook slightly.

"Old ... wife ..." Xia Ming felt that his voice was a little hoarse, seeing the familiar girl, his eyes were wet at this moment, an indescribable feeling poured into his heart, and his thoughts were also in This moment is like a flood that has opened the gate, no more

Could not help but gush.

Looking at the familiar face in front of him, Xia Ming could no longer restrain his emotions.

This girl is very familiar with him. She can be familiar but cannot be familiar with it anymore, because she is Lin Wanqing.

Right now!

Lin Wanqing was wearing a white dress, a long skirt flowing, wrapped in Jiao's body, her body was uneven, exquisite and transparent, so perfect Jiao's body was like a fairy in the snow.

Her long hair was scattered around her shoulders, a pair of stars-like eyes, a small Joan nose, and white skin, looking so perfect, she was a perfect fairy.

Lin Wanqing now smiled positively at the moment. He looked at him softly. Xia Ming's whole heart was also melted and embraced by warmth.

"Wife ..." Xia Ming couldn't help but hugged Lin Wanqing. At this moment, Xia Ming said cheerfully, "Wife, how are you here?"

"After I left the earth that day, I accidentally entered here because I couldn't leave here, so I've been here all the time. I didn't expect to meet you here."

Lin Wanqing also looked at Xia Ming with joy, with unspeakable joy.

"Great, I always thought you were in trouble, you're fine, great."

Xia Ming could no longer restrain the emotions in his heart and hugged Lin Wanqing tightly, wishing to integrate Lin Wanqing with himself. Over the past few years, he has been thinking about Lin Wanqing all the time, but he knows that he can't take them over, because this world is too messy, and his strength has not reached a certain level. If you pick up Lin Wanqing

Over here, I am afraid ... it will cause Lin Wanqing them great trouble.


Things were not as he imagined. When he returned to earth again, he discovered that Lin Wanqing had disappeared, and she was a girl who had stepped into this ancient continent.

In the ancient world, a man-eating world, how did a woman Wan Linqing survive? Not to mention she is still so kind!

Xia Ming has always been worried, but Xia Ming also knows that Lin Wanqing should not have stepped into the outer periphery of the ancient continent, and it is likely that he stepped into the core of the ancient continent.

If he wanted to find Lin Wanqing, he had to leave here and step into this most central realm. Only then could he have the chance to find Lin Wanqing.

"Husband ..."

Lin Wanqing was also very happy. The two held here so quietly, and they didn't know how long it took. The two separated, and the two of them smiled heartily. Xia Ming took Lin Wanqing's hand and was sitting on a snowy mountain. Xia Ming quietly told his inner heart, and Lin Wanqing listened quietly. For a time, two people seemed like a pair. Jade-like, looks so


"Wife, do you know, I really miss you at this time." Xia Ming couldn't help but say.

"I did not expect that you have suffered so much in the past few years."

Lin Wanqing raised his jade hand, and the cold little hand gently touched Xia Ming's cheek, feeling the cold feeling, Xia Ming not only did not feel cold, but he also felt that feeling Extremely warm.

"Let's never be apart again." Lin Wanqing couldn't help but whispered.

"Yes, we don't want to be apart anymore." Xia Ming smiled and said, "Wife, we might as well stay here ..."


Lin Wanqing nodded softly.

As time passes, Xia Ming builds a house here, spring and winter come, and the birds are scented with flowers. This place is like a paradise.

the second year!

He and Lin Wanqing finally have the crystallization of their own love, yes, they have a child, or a girl.

On this day, Xia Ming couldn't sleep happily. He suddenly felt as if he were the happiest person between the world and the earth.

Here, year after year, the children gradually grow up, and their family of three is extremely fast!

I don't know how many years have passed!

Suddenly one day, Xia Ming stood on this snowy mountain!

Xia Ming looked into the distance, and the distance was covered by snow-capped mountains.

At this time, Lin Wanqing took out a piece of clothes and walked over to Xia Ming. Xia Ming gently grasped Lin Wanqing's jade hand. At this moment, Xia Ming's eyes became a little confused. stand up.

Xia Ming looked at this world quietly, with a pair of eyes as if he had lost the color of the past.

"Husband, what are you thinking?" Lin Wanqing asked suddenly.

"I was thinking, where is the other side of the world?" Xia Ming said suddenly.

"Husband ..."

Lin Wanqing's heart was tense, and he couldn't help but say, "It's like a unique world here. It's all mountains, cross currents, or some spirit beasts, but nothing else."

Xia Ming smiled slightly, but Xia Ming smiled so reluctantly.


"Husband, it's cold outside, let's go back together." Lin Wanqing said suddenly.

"it is good!"

Xia Ming returned home with Lin Wanqing. Every day, Xia Ming would stand on this snowy mountain and look into the distance.

His eyes became deeper and deeper at this moment, no one knew what he was thinking, and he would come here every day.

I came here for an hour, two hours, three hours, and now it's a day to look here.

In the next, almost every day, Xia Ming will come here, watching all this between the heaven and earth quietly, he has seen the spring blossoms, because he is watching these things alternate, which also means that time is Alternate here.

"Husband ... why are you here again."

In the spring of this year, the earth returned to spring, Lin Wanqing walked slowly to Xia Ming's side, and said strangely, "You ... now more and more lazy."

"Is lazy?"

Xia Ming heard the words, nodded slightly, and sighed slightly: "Yeah ... I'm really lazy and I'm fascinated by everything in front of me."

"Husband you ..." "Wife, what would you do if I left here one day ..."

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