The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2556: Sea of ​​Chaos

"Everyone has his own will." Xia Ming shook his head slightly.

Xia Ming doesn't blame them. After all, this kind of place is a place where people eat. They don't want to take risks and naturally won't get something, so their potential can only stop.

"By the way, I'm afraid we have to find a way to hide from Xia Linlang's people." Speaking of Xia Linlang, Xia Ming's eyes exuded a little bit of sigh. For Xia Linlang, he could not wait to kill him .


Houji nodded slightly and said, "The sea of ​​chaos is just a good place to go. We'll go there now."


Xia Ming nodded, and said, "Since this is the case, we will go to Chaos Demon Sea."

"Hmm ..."

The three of them jumped into shape and came to this high altitude, and then the three of them flew towards the distance quickly, and the speed was quite fast.

The three men were half a month away.

at the same time!

In a mountain range!

This mountain range is rolling and steep, and in this mountain range, there is also a kind of violent gas. The endless roaring roar seems to be swearing his own initiative.

And somewhere in the mountains, there was a man in a gold robe. This man had a huge momentum on his body, which looked expensive.

"His Royal Highness."

At this time someone frowned, and suddenly said: "Li Shangwu, dead."

"Shang Wu is dead?"

Xia Linlang murmured, Xia Linlang looked very bland and did not contain the slightest emotion, but the person in front of Xia Linlang did not dare to breathe.

"Unexpectedly, he has grown to this point."

"His Royal Highness, should you send masters in a physical form to kill them?" The man suggested.

"Leng Xu, please." Xia Linlang said lightly.


The man nodded, and then the man hesitated, "His Royal Highness, why don't you take the shot yourself? If you shot it yourself, I'm afraid this guy is dead."


Xia Linlang snorted coldly: "If it wasn't for Li Xuantong watching here, I would have shot it. Recently, Li Xuantong seems to have gained a heritage, which makes me a little daunted."

The man smelled it and nodded slightly.

"You send more people out and ambush on the way. As long as Xia Ming appears, there is no forgiveness." Xia Linlang's eyes also exhaled a little bit of gas.

Xia Ming made him suffer twice, which was a shame and shame for the proud of him. He also stole the treasures of the Da Xia Dynasty and even took that key. The shame of their Daxia dynasty, so that key must be found out anyway.

"Yes, His Royal Highness." The man hurriedly fisted and left here.

When the man left, Xia Linlang came out a little bit sharply: "Li Xuantong, let me see how much you have grown over the years."

Xia Linlang fumbled for the back of the chair and gently pressed it. The back of the chair was caught by Xia Linlang and it clicked into powder.

Besides Xia Ming at this moment.

After a long hurry, the group finally came within the range of the sea of ​​chaos.


There were several sounds of breaking air in the air, and then these figures fell on a mountain top, Xia Ming's eyes narrowed, and he looked at the heaven and earth lightly.

Ao Wushuang also stared diligently at the front. Over the sea of ​​chaos and magic, it was covered with a layer of black clouds, and the black clouds were all over, looking like magic, very strange.

Especially from time to time, a kind of wailing and wailing sound made people scary and scared.

"It should be the sea of ​​chaos in front," Xia Ming said lightly.

"It is indeed a sea of ​​chaos and magic, and indeed it is not ordinary chaos." Ao Wushuang also took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"Should we go in now?" Pig Er licked his lips and couldn't help asking.

"somebody is coming."

At this moment, a rushing sound of thunder broke through, Xia Ming frowned and turned to look at the person behind him. This was headed by a woman. There were three people in total. The individual seems to be an unsheathed sword. Once it comes out of the sheath, blood will inevitably drip, and the sharp breath will make some people shake.

"It should be Jianzong." Ao Wushuang suddenly said.

Xia Ming heard the words and was slightly surprised. He looked at the figures. At this time, the figures seemed to notice Xia Ming's general appearance. When he moved, he fell steadily to Xia Ming and others. Office.

The head-headed woman is wearing a blue-green dress with a delicate body, a bumpy figure, a slim waist, long hair scattered randomly on her shoulders, and a few flowers to add a unique charm.

The woman Lianbu shifted slightly and walked towards Xia Ming and others.

Behind the woman, there were two men. The eyes of the two men looking at the woman were different, and there was a little admiration and fiery in their eyes.

Obviously, both men are interested in this woman.

Xia Ming was slightly surprised to see these people walking towards himself and others.

"Your Excellency Xia Ming of Xuan Xinzong?"

The sudden voice changed the look of Ao Wushuang and others, and immediately looked at this woman. How did this woman know them?

When Xia Ming heard the words, he took a step forward and said calmly, "Yes, I am."

Fang Qingling glanced at Xia Ming in surprise. She heard that Xia Ming, especially the master of Xia Ming's beheading of Hua Dan Jing Jiu, was even shocked by her. At that time, Xia Ming could not gather in Jiu Jing, but did not expect that now Xia Ming actually reached the triple realm of Huadan Realm.

This practice speed is not really fast!

Although this ancient battlefield is also where the dark horses rise, the speed of cultivation like Xia Ming is really extremely rare.

"Who are you?" Xia Ming asked lightly.

"I'm Fang Qingling of Jianzong." Fang Qingling said with a smile: "I didn't expect to see you in this kind of place, presumably you went to the sky spirit tree, right?"

Xia Ming smelled, his face sank, and the other side was indeed heading towards the Tianling Tree, but for Fang Qingling, Xia Ming was extremely frightened. The breath on Fang Qingling's body was not like the realm of Huadan, if there was no breath Even he is under some pressure. Obviously, this person may be a master of metamorphosis.

A master of metamorphosis can indeed pose some threats to him, but it is only a threat.

Fang Qingling seemed to guess Xia Ming's mind, took a deep look at Xia Ming, smiled and said, "I heard that you have enemies with the people of Ganyang Palace, the Xia Dynasty, the gate of life and death, and the misty palace. Say, you are really terrific. You have offended so many forces at once. If you changed to other people, I am already dead. "

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