"The so-called sacred mansion is created by the soul. Even if the physical body is destroyed, the sacred mansion can still be regenerated. That is the true sacred mansion."


After Xia Ming heard it, they all moved their hearts, and even Fang Qingling looked at Pig Eryi with surprise, but she did not expect that Pig Er knew so clearly.

Even she did not dare to say that she had such an understanding of the realm of the gods.

She is now in the state of transformation. The next step is to enter the state of Shenfu. However, there is still a long way to go to enter the state of Shenfu. If you practice step by step, it will take at least thousands of years. time.

Because the practice is transformed into a state of formation, every progress is difficult.

Unless there is a strong luck, you can meet Tiancaidibao.

"If this is the case, is this man in a realm of God?" Xia Ming frowned and looked at the man in front of him deeply, and said in a deep voice.

"Well, it's a realm."

Houji nodded slightly, and said indifferently: "It's ridiculous to want to pass on our inheritance in such a realm of garbage." Anyone can hear that Houji has a bit of disdain for this realm, which makes aside Zhu Tianxin's brow froze tightly and immediately said: "Shenfu Realm is the creation that captures the heavens and the earth. If you can enter Shenfu Realm, this life will be endlessly useful. You

It's not the state of Shenfu now, but it's a bit of an overstatement. "Pig Er heard it, and then smiled:" It's just a rubbish, the true inheritance of the strong is not so easy to obtain, but ... if you have his inheritance, I am afraid that it will only be a god's realm for life. Want to break through in the high

Realm, I'm afraid it's difficult. "

Xia Ming smelled it, nodded slightly, his eyes stared sharply at the figure in front of him.

The next moment, the figure slowly opened his eyes. He stared at the crowd indifferently at this moment.

"This seat is an astronomical Taoist. Due to the unfortunate fall of that year, he left the lineage and waited for the fate. Those who were present could get the lifelong guidance of the lineage if they inherited the lineage."

"Wow ..."

The uproar sounded sharply at this moment, and many people were immediately stunned, staring at the scene in front of them.

"This ... I'm afraid it's a strong man in the realm of God?"

"Yeah, it looks like it has reached the peak of the shrine. It is only one step away from the legendary Shenyou. If we can get this inheritance, it will not rise quickly."

"Unexpectedly, it is really terrible that this kind of inheritance appeared in the ancient battlefield this time." Some people looked at this scene with eager eyes, obviously the people who were present in the inheritance order were a little emotional. Even Fang Qingling is very excited. If they can get such inheritance, they can break through quickly. If they break through by themselves, they don't know if they can break through the realm of God. After all, it is too difficult to break through the realm of God.

Too dangerous.

"Haha ... so inherited, I want it."

At the next moment a loud laugh came along, and there was a man who flew towards this heritage as fast as lightning.


"court death!"

Seeing such situations, countless days of arrogance, they couldn't help anger, and immediately flew towards the lineage in the past. In the process, there were many people who fought.

Just a moment, many geniuses fell here.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The deafening sounds kept ringing, and the terrible sound shook the sky. For a time, the entire battlefield was in chaos.

"Xia Ming, do we want to grab it?" Ao Wushuang said with some emotion.

Xia Ming took a deep look at the inheritance and said coldly: "These inheritances are of no use. If you get the practice that will affect yourself in the future, are you sure you really do?"


Ai Wushuang is also hesitant. He doesn't know what realm he can break into in the future. Although he has confidence in himself, but ... if he cultivates to such a realm, he doesn't know that he needs monkey years.

"Haha ... the heritage is mine, I got it, I got it."

With a roar, how many attacks immediately bombarded the sound of this voice, and just a blink of an eye, this person was directly blasted into dregs.

Then, a streamer flew into the mid-air. Obviously, a streamer was wrapped in the streamer, which should be the heritage of the astronomical Taoist.

"call out."

This jade bamboo slip turned into a streamer. Under these countless eyes, Xia Ming was as fast as lightning. Even the people who were present were astounding.


"Stop him, don't let him run away."

Xia Ming was obviously aware of this scene, and he did not expect that such a line of inheritance turned out to be as fast as lightning.

Under these countless sights, this jade jane suddenly turned into a ghost image. This ghost image is an astronomical Taoist who seems to be aware of Xia Ming's existence.

That's why Xia Ming was originally fast. Obviously, he wants to pass on his own to Xia Ming.


Just when Xia Ming was about to arrive in front of Xia Ming, Xia Ming's hands did not know when a sword was added. This sword, with a devastating atmosphere, went straight to the astronomical Taoist.

"Om ..."

The astronomical Taoist almost just touched Xia Ming, but was directly bounced out. The astronomical Taoist's phantom suddenly appeared Hu, and the astronomical Taoist was surprised and angry.

"Boy, don't you want the old man's inheritance?"

The astronomical Taoist did not expect that Xia Ming directly passed on the astronomical Taoist heritage to the fly, and this sword hurt the spirit left by him a little, and it was dark for a long time.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Er picked a corner of his mouth and showed some funny smiles. When he looked at the Astronomy Taoist, he was even disdainful.

The people all around were stagnate on the spot. This scene shocked everyone's chin, and looked at the scene inconceivably.

"Sink ... what did I see ..."

All the people at the scene actually stopped and looked at the scene in front of them. How could they never imagine that Xia Ming turned it down.

When Xia Ming saw this, he said indifferently: "Your heritage, I am not blessed to endure, and your strength is too weak, only the state of Shenfu, is not enough to allow me to inherit such waste heritage."


As soon as this sentence came out, all the people in the heavens and the earth were shocked. Looking at the scene in front of them, they were shocked by this sentence. "what……"

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