The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2561: Collision between two great heritages

Fang Qingling looked at Xia Ming with a complex look. She never expected that Xia Ming would pass on their inheritance to their sword sect. You must know that they have only one side of it, but Xia Ming can do it for a while. Fang Qing inspiration

I felt that I could not see through Xia Ming. The party is advancing toward the depths of the sea of ​​chaos. As the party advances, the party is also a lot of will inheritance. These will obviously come from the ancient heritage. The masters of the ancient are powerful and unpredictable. ,These ones

Inheritance is also the cultivation method and crystallization of their life.

If they have inherited their will to inherit, then they can get their cultivation experience and can quickly cultivate to their heyday. This is the so-called will to inherit.

But these wills are also strong and weak!

"Hey." A group of six people quickly came to a place, which has gradually reached the depths of the sea of ​​chaos. As the group walked in, the group's complexion was also a little dignified. Come, they met a lot of monsters

These monsters are all very powerful, some of them are directly avoiding, and some are beheading them directly. Rao is so difficult.

It can be seen how terrible this sea of ​​chaos is.

"That heritage should be here." Zhu Wuxin looked intently, condensed.

"It is rumored that there is a powerful heritage here. If it can be obtained, it will really be soaring into the sky." Rao is Fang Qingling.

The inheritance of power is unthinkable. Who knows the realm that can be cultivated. Since these people are called power, they naturally are masters beyond the realm of the gods.

Such a heritage, even between this heaven and earth, is a very precious existence.

"It turned out to be Jianzong."

At the next moment, a sneer of laughter resounded between this world, Xia Ming frowned, and looked indifferently at this figure. This eye-catching, but a young man in a gray robe, Xia Ming brow Lock it up.

"It's you!"

Fang Qingling frowned, looked at this Gu Mao, did not expect to meet him here.


Gu Mao smiled and said with a smile: "Fang Qingling, it seems that you are also impressed by this powerful will to pass on."

"Don't you?" Fang Qingling gave Gu Mao an indifferent glance, and said softly.

"You're right, I'm excited too."

Gu Mao directly acknowledged that Gu Mao's gaze then stayed on Xia Ming's body, and said lightly: "Fang Qingling, if I guess well, they should be Xuan Xinzong, and this one should be Xuan Xin Zong Xiaming, right? "

Xia Ming froze for a moment, but unexpectedly, the man knew him.

"You don't have to be surprised." Gu Mao said with a smile: "Your big name is already famous in the ancient world. Now many people know that you can kill the master of Hua Dan Jing Jiu by relying on Juling Jiu Zhong."


Immediately afterwards, Gu Mao shook slightly, and he was a little surprised: "You have reached the fifth level of Huadan Realm." In Gu Mao's heart, there was also a stormy sea, and his face was unbelievable. In a matter of months, Xia Ming has reached the fifth level of Huadan Realm. How can this guy break through so fast?

? In the past, Xia Ming used Tianjie to kill the masters of Nine-folded Dan Realm, but it was rumored that almost everyone has heard of Xia Ming's name, and Xia Ming's understanding of the mysterious mystery is even more Walk wildly, all at once, summer

Ming became a hot character.

The name of the mystery of the mysterious mystery, they know very well, but that is the supreme inheritance of the mystery of the mysterious mystery, but for so many years, few people can learn the mystery of the mysterious mystery.

At present, only Li Xuantong can appreciate it, so Xia Ming's name is even more famous.

Xia Ming glanced at Gu Mao, his eyebrows frowned slightly, Fang Qingling seemed to be aware, and explained, "This man is a casual retreat and is very talented."


When Xia Ming heard it, he realized that he didn't say anything.

"You're quite proud." Gu Mao frowned, looked at Xia Ming, seemed to be a little dissatisfied with Xia Ming's attitude, although he is a master of metamorphosis, but no matter how he is also a master of metamorphosis Ah, but Xia Ming ignored him, but for him,

It's kind of not giving him face.

"Boom ..."? At the next moment, suddenly a roar suddenly exploded, and the terrible power went straight to the sky. Then, a figure appeared immediately under the eyes of everyone.

This is a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man is standing in the air. He has his hands on his back and eyes, as if he can see through this space and everything.

The sudden appearance also made everyone present unable to help but exclaim.

"It's inheritance, it's inheritance ..."

The exclamation shook the world, and countless people looked nervously at this scene. Obviously, this middle-aged man is the so-called inheritance.

The middle-aged man turned his gaze to the pride of the heavens in all directions, all of which are under his watch.

The middle-aged man said lightly: "This seat is the power of the ancient times, leaving the inheritance, waiting for the fate, inheriting the will of the inheritance of this seat."


With this remark, the whole scene was like an explosion, and countless people were all looking at this scene fiercely, and they were all excited.

They all want to be noticed by this Danone and pass Danone to them.

Although they don't know how far this power has reached, they know that if they can get this tradition, their strength will be greatly improved, and they may even become a dark horse here.

"Om ..."

But when the voice of the middle-aged man just fell, the vision of the heavens and the earth appeared again.


With a loud noise, the earth exploded, and then a heritage appeared under the eyes of countless people.

The sudden appearance of this lineage is also stunned by countless people, they all said excitedly: "It is another lineage, and another lineage ..."

"What ... there are two inheritances all at once, how is this possible ..."

"I didn't expect that so much heritage was hidden here. It was really terrible."

"It's just, who will be selected by this tradition ..."

All the people present were thrilled.

They all want this heritage. If they can get it, they will become the biggest dark horse, and may even be selected by the super gate. It's just that they can really get these inheritances?

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