The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2575: Counterattack


The Tianhuo lion roared loudly, and the breath on his body was huge. At this moment, the fire of the Tianhuo lion was a bit stronger.

Under these countless eyes, the Tianhuo demon lion moved with four hoofs, and even the space shook fiercely, and came towards Xia Mingdong again. If Xia Ming had this strength this time, his physical body would be absolutely impossible. Withstand such a powerful attack, it will die in time.

Xia Ming's eyes became scarlet at this moment.

The speed of the Tianhuo demon lion is extremely fast, it is almost the time that Hi does not give Xia Ming a reaction, and he comes to Xia Ming's body in a breath, and under these countless eyes, the Tianhuo demon lion suddenly catches on to Xia Ming, but also It was at this moment that Xia Ming suddenly stretched out his palm and grabbed at the fiery lion fiercely.


The sudden scene was seen by countless people, and people from heaven and earth stared at this scene in front of each other, all stunned by Xia Ming.

"He ... he went to grab the fire lion with his bare hands."

"Crazy, crazy, the power of the Tianhuo demon lion is so powerful that even the masters of the three-dimensional form can't say to grab it with their hands. Xia Ming actually grabs it with his hands. This is a dead end."

"Xia Ming ..."

At this moment, Pig Er already helped Fang Qingling and others to suppress the other party. They all looked drastically changed, and suddenly looked at Xia Ming, with intense anxiety in their eyes.

Fang Qingling's pretty face is also extremely ugly. Since this time, he owes Xia Ming's human relationship, and this human relationship is also not great. After this period of communication, Xia Ming is more and more affirmed. She feels that Xia Ming has a kind of body Unique charm, that charm makes people addicted.

So for Xia Ming, Fang Qingling is also extremely friendly. Now seeing Xia Ming in danger, even she is furious.

"You bastard, you dare to touch my boss, this uncle destroys your whole family."

The second pig is also split into two eyes, the eyes are red, and endless, it is as ugly as it is ugly. Obviously, the second pig is already extremely angry.

However, at this moment, the demon son could still hear it. At this time, the Tianhuo lion had already met Xia Ming fiercely.


The explosion sounded like a nine-day **** thunder, roaring from hell. Between the heavens and the earth, it rang out and turned into waves of power. The majestic power made people feel scared. Almost thousands of miles. The distance is razed to the ground by such confrontation.

The earth is so riddled with scars and holes. It can be seen how terrible these explosions are, and even thousands of miles are annihilated. So Xia Ming?

"Brush ..."

The people between heaven and earth all looked nervously at the battlefield in front of them. However, at this moment, the battlefield was covered by a layer of dust. At the center of the battlefield, there was a strange wave of power pulsating. For a time, the space shock Even mental strength cannot penetrate.

All the people present looked ugly at this scene!

"Next time ... Xia Ming should die?"

"I am afraid that these power explosions are the masters of the transformation of the triple world. I guess they have to be badly hurt?"

"I didn't dare to say that I would retreat from my whole body under the real explosion. Xia Ming is just a master of the fivefold. If I can withstand such a great deal."

"It's really a pity. Such a proud man of the sky is gone."

"Hey, genius is a reputation for being eaten by people. When a person dies, then he is no longer a genius. Xia Ming may be a bright spot. Unfortunately, he is still a little tender. If I change it, I am He, I will hide, wait for the strength to advance, and then seek revenge. "

"With Xia Ming's talent, such strength can fight the demon son to such a degree. If it is at the same level as the demon son, it is impossible to tell who is tortured."


Many people are a little bit sorry. The collision of such strengths is really terrible. In their opinion, Xia Ming has no chance to survive.

Not even they dare to say that they can survive intact, not to mention being a kid in Huadan.

"Boss ..."

The pig's second look was bleak, and a pair of scarlet eyes were gradually emerging. The thick killing intentions gathered in the sky, and the terrible power was rippling between the heavens and the earth. Many of these people were shocked.

Pig II is a master of metamorphosis. They feel the most clear. Who is Xia Ming and how can he be such a master of strength.

"Xia Ming ..."

The faces of Ao Wushuang and others were all gloomy, staring directly at the battlefield, eyes full of thick anger, and an indescribable murderous surge.

"I said you will die today."

In that void space, a smile appeared on the face of the demon spirit child. He looked at the battlefield indifferently. Xia Ming today also hit him with real fire. He used the fire demon lion to let him At least for a period of time, he can't use his own strength. If he can't do well, there is a danger of falling.

This is the price that comes from using forbidden surgery.

At the same time, the demon son also secretly shook. Xia Ming is in this grade and with such strength, he can fight him to such a degree. This is really a bit scary. Fortunately, he still has such a hand. Even he is planted here, and at the same time, the devil is curious about Xia Ming's inheritance.

Being able to possess such combat power is certainly not simple.

The demon child stands in the void, and countless people look at the demon child, even more worship and respect! Such strength is really terrible, even they are extremely fearful.


At this moment, Mei Yanqing suddenly frowned and whispered softly.

"Why not?" Jiang Shenfeng gave Mei Yanqing a strange look and asked in a low voice.

"You feel the fluctuations there carefully."

Hearing that Jiang Shenfeng closed his eyes and began to feel the fluctuations in the battlefield. When Jiang Shenfeng felt the invisible fluctuations, Jiang Shenfeng was shocked. In this eye, he even gushed With a little horror, he was shocked.

"This is ... this is ..."

We haven't waited for Jiang Shenfeng to finish.

An indifferent voice rang out between this world, and at this moment, the people who were still a little disappointed were shocked, as if they saw something scared and inexplicable.

However, the sound was like a thunder, and it blew in everyone's ears.

"Just by your means trying to kill me, it's far from ..."

With the sound of this sound, even the devil who slowly fell to the ground at this moment suddenly opened his eyes wide, and his eyes were full of incredible colors.

"how is this possible……"

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