
The demon's eyes suddenly looked at Xia Ming, with a little anger, dismay and loss.

He lost, completely defeated!

The magnificent arrogant is defeated in the hands of a five-year-old boy in the state of Huadan. Who can believe this, but he is a complete loser.

Xia Ming looked at the demon in front of him indifferently. There was no sympathy in his look. If he lost in this battle, it would be miserable in the end.

Xia Ming said lightly, "Do you have any last words to say?" The demon son heard the words, looked at Xia Ming coldly, and said indifferently: "If you want to kill, kill it, but I must also tell in advance As soon as you say, Xia Linlang is powerful, and now he is impacting the realm of God, waiting for you to reach Wan Yao Mountain, soon you

Will come down to accompany me. "


This statement shocked countless people, and all of them took a breath.


"Dashing the realm of gods? Xia Linlang really is so terrible? That's the realm of gods."

"Really terrible genius."

The people present were all scared by Xia Ming. Such talents were really beyond their expectations. I am afraid that this last problem is probably Xia Linlang.

It is estimated that this final winner may also be Xia Linlang.

Many people are secretly envious. There is an irreparable gap between this transformed state and the state of Shenfu. This gap is almost insurmountable. The state of Shenfu is too powerful.

"Then you don't have to worry about it." Xia Ming said lightly: "Dashing at the realm of the palace does not mean that he can be promoted to the realm of the palace. If I am at the same level as him, slaughter him like a dog.

"Om ..."

Xia Ming's words shocked the Tianjiao present.


This is Xia Ming's domineering.

Slaughtering him like a dog, we can see how domineering Xia Ming is.

I am afraid that only Xia Ming dares to say so. However, now that I have seen Xia Ming's means, people who were still a little bit tempted all have converged on this mind. Such masters are definitely not able to offend them.

"That being the case ..."


As soon as Xia Ming's figure moved, a breath came in front of this demon child. At this moment, the demon child was weak, and now he has reached the limit. His injuries are extremely serious. In the face of Xia Ming, he simply There is no resistance.

"Hmm ..."

A beam of blood rose up to the sky, and then the head of the demon spirit son fell to the ground. A generation of Tianjiao fell, so many people saw this scene, and they were all silent.

At this moment, Xia Ming was also slightly relieved. The devil was really a bit scary. Such an opponent, naturally, Xia Ming would not keep it for himself.

If the devil wants to kill himself, he must be conscious with the slain. If he does n’t even have this consciousness, then he is not a genius.

After solving the demon child, Xia Ming still noticed that there was a breath in the crowd to lock Xia Ming. Xia Ming looked at the people between heaven and earth with a sneer.

"If you want to find Xia Mou's trouble, you must stand up and fight against Xia Mou now. Xia Mou said in the ugly front that you dare to shoot Xia Mou, whether it is life or death, but you can't decide." Xia Ming The cold humming sounded between this world and the atmosphere of deterrence erupted in Xia Ming's body. For a time, although the people present wanted to rob, they still held back because they were not Dare to rush to Xia Ming

They just remembered Xia Ming's methods.

You must know that this demon spirit is using the magical magic of the heavens and magic, such a method, even the masters of the three forms of transformation, have the power of a battle, and even beheaded.

However, Xia Ming defeated the demon son and killed it. This kind of strength is really horrible. If they do it, they won't know what to do.

"let's go."

Xia Ming glanced at the people around him immediately.

"it is good!"

Fang Qingling, they all glanced sharply at the people around them. If these people dared to take action, they would not hesitate to take the shot.


The people who were there immediately left here, and when Xia Ming and others left, Gu Mao frowned, and finally sighed slightly: "It seems that we must go to Wan Yao Mountain as soon as possible."

Thinking of this, Gu Mao also left here.

At this moment, Jiang Shenfeng and Mei Yanqing both groaned slightly and looked at each other. The two nodded slightly, their bodies moved quietly and disappeared in place.

at the same time!

Xia Ming and his team rushed quickly in one direction. After running tens of thousands of miles, Xia Ming couldn't help but spit a blood on the spot.

"Boss ..."

When the second pig saw this, her face changed greatly, and she hurriedly supported Xia Ming, exclaimed.

"Xia Ming ..."

This scene also appeared by Fang Qingling and others, all asking with some worry.

"I'm fine." Xia Ming waved his hand and took a deep breath. Although he eventually killed the demon child, the power of the demon child was a bit horrible and it still caused him severe damage. At that time, He didn't dare to show it, after all,

Less powerful masters wait for the opportunity to move. If these people shot together, he would not dare to say that he could retreat from the whole body.

The reason he stood up was to use his own deterrence to slay the demon spirits to deter them. If he waited for a while, he might not be able to do anything.

"Boss, how are you?" Zhu Erji asked dignifiedly.

"The injury was a bit serious, but not fatal." Xia Ming took a deep breath and said.

"However, I have to heal in situ, or it will worsen, but it's a little bad."

After hearing the words, the second class pigs nodded solemnly. The second pig said: "Boss, don't worry, there is an uncle who is here, no matter who it is, don't want to hurt you. Now you can rest assured that you are healing. "

"Yes, Xia Ming, heal your wounds first. We will wait for you to protect the law. We will never let outsiders interfere with you." Fang Qingling also said solemnly.

"it is good!"

Xia Ming took a deep breath and said, "I'll bother you." After that, Xia Ming was physically moved, swept into a mountain, and sat cross-legged. In order to avoid being affected, Xia Ming still arranged around. A formation, this formation is not very strong, but it can block some sounds and prevent

Some turmoil.

In this kind of place, Xia Ming also had to defend. At this moment, Zhu Er's face was stern and looked around, but even Fang Qingling and others were under his surveillance. After all, they were just a cooperative relationship, and he didn't dare to care, in case these people shot A sneak attack on Xia Ming, then

Not good. So Pig II had to guard against it.

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