The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2580: action

"Well, it's worthy of being Master Xia Ming, and it is indeed domineering."

A girl, Yingying smiled. This girl was wearing a pink long skirt, which wrapped her Jiao body, graceful Jiao body, highlighting the most vivid, that slim waist, Yingying grip, snow-white skin, like sheep fat jade, smooth exquisite.

The girl had a little admiration and smile in her eyes.

She is really Chu Ruoxuan, and beside Chu Ruoxuan is Bai Bingqing.

Bai Bing is as clear as ice water, and looks like a white immaculate fairy, so beautiful!

"Sister Bingqing, this is your man, it's really amazing." Chu Ruoxuan smiled and smiled at Bai Bingqing.

Bai Bingqing's face blushed slightly, and she said strangely, "Sister."

"Is that the sister Bingqing's man? Sure enough." Mo Yunlong was hot and dressed in a big red shirt. He looked invincible. He was also a true disciple of Xuan Xinzong. This strength It is also quite not low.

"Sister Yunlong."

Bai Bingqing pretty blushed, couldn't help it.

"Sister Xuan, don't you really like Xia Ming?"

Bai Bingqing gave a sly smile, looked at Chu Ruoxuan, and Chu Ruoxuan said that Bai Bingqing gave a blank look, and said with a grin: "Relax, Xiaoshimei will not grab you a man."

"It doesn't matter, I can give it to you." Bai Bing said with a smile.

"Well, you two, haven't you seen Cang Sheng's face so ugly? If Xuan Xing, Cang Sheng has always liked you, you have nothing to show?"

Mo Yunlong glanced at Chu Ruoxuan with a grin and grinned. Everyone heard the words, they all took a look at Zhuge Cangsheng next to him. This Zhuge Cangsheng looked calm, but when he looked at Chu Ruoxuan, it was a touch of softness. Anyone can see that Zhuge Cangsheng liked it. Chu Ruoxuan

This is already a well-known thing.

However, Chu Ruoxuan never expressed his fondness for Zhuge Cangsheng.

Chu Ruoxing said that Yingying smiled and said, "I haven't found a companion yet. This will delay my cultivation. I just want to be promoted to Shenfu as soon as possible."

"If Xuan, you are really a cultivation fanatic, be careful not to marry in this life." Mo Yunlong said sadly.

"Then don't marry." Chu Ruo Xuan Yingying smiled.

"Three beauties, looking at you, they seem to know our little master very well." Feng Cheng couldn't help but look at Mo Yunlong's eyes, and two fiery eyes flashed in his eyes, asking softly. Road.

"Feng Cheng, put away your dreadful eyes, otherwise, the old lady will dig out your eyes." Mo Yunlong seemed to notice Feng Cheng's eyes and said viciously immediately.

Feng Cheng heard the words, but couldn't help but admire and said, "Sister Yunlong, this is yours, isn't it? It's so-called, lady, gentleman is good, my heart, isn't it my fault?"

When Mo Yunlong heard the words, he sneered, "Would you like to fight now?"

"That's fine."

Feng Cheng shook his head and said, "Bullying a beauty, that's not a gentleman."

"The gentleman has something to do, but the gentleman has something to do. If I can communicate in depth, I don't mind." Feng Cheng said with a smile.

"is it?"

After speaking, Mo Yunlong's eyes were a little bit cold, and under the eyes of this city, Mo Yunlong slowly stretched out his onion-like slender fingers and pinched it slightly.


Feng Cheng couldn't help taking a sigh of coldness, and felt a bit chilly between his legs. Feng Cheng couldn't help saying, "Sister Yunlong, don't you be so cruel."

"The best way to deal with a satyr like you is to turn you into a eunuch." Mo Yunlong sneered.

"Okay, don't say it, just don't say it." Feng Cheng hurriedly closed his mouth and explained the reason to the woman. This is always a loss.

"Calculate the time, the little master should be coming to Wan Yao City, right?" Mo Yunlong asked suddenly.

"Theoretically, it should be coming soon, even if it hasn't, it should be coming these days." Chu Ruoxuan nodded slightly, said.

"Master Xia Minglang offended Xia Linlang this time, this time Xia Linlang may not let Master Xia Ming go, it seems we can still get it this time." Mo Yunlong whispered softly.

"The Daxia dynasty wanted to kill my disciple of Xuan Xinzong, huh, that depends on our disagreement." Chu Ruoxuan's face was cold, and his face was cold, and Chu Ruoxuan was also judged by two .

During this time, Xuan Xinzong fought against the Daxia Dynasty several times, and no one took advantage, so they were not afraid of the Daxia Dynasty at all.

A group of people here said without a word, but not far away, there was a figure. This figure was like an iron tower, sitting indifferently on the chair with his chin in his hand, and didn't know Thinking about something.

This person is really Li Xuantong.

From beginning to end, Li Xuantong didn't say a word.

In the next few days, the entire battlefield in ancient times has also become so hot that countless people have already gone to this Wan Yao Mountain. Therefore, Wanwanshan has become extremely lively, and of course, these preparations also need to be done. The reason why it is called Wanwanshan is that this is the place where the monsters live, Many beasts, just in case

When a beast tide is born, that's not what people want to see.

Therefore, everyone's defense is also very strict. No one dares to have the slightest care. The result of the care is death. The name of Xia Ming is also widely circulated in Wanwanshan. Many people already know the name of Xia Ming, even the gate of life and death, Ganyang Palace and Ethereal Palace, all know the name of Xia Ming. And between Xia Ming and them

Martial, some friction.

This kind of thing also happens often. There is no friction between martial arts and martial arts. After all, this is an ancient battlefield. Their purpose here is to stand out from the crowd.

If there is no competition, it would not make much sense to step into this ancient battlefield.

And Xia Ming's combat power is also a surprise to these super forces. After all, these forces have no shortage of arrogance, and Xia Ming's sudden rise in force has directly overshadowed them.

In particular, the five-fold realm of Huadan Realm cuts down the two-fold realm, which has surprised countless people. This kind of combat power is really terrible. If he advances into the realm of metamorphosis, it will inevitably threaten their existence, so they have to take precautions, so many people collect Xia Ming in secret. Information


however. Xia Ming at this moment! But still sitting in a mountain.

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