The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2602: Emperor God Bone


The majestic aura swept away like a storm. The entire auction site was blowing strong winds, sweeping the wind, flying sand and stones, and covering the temporary auction site in an instant.

Many people coughed twice!

As soon as Song Hui waved his hand, the dust was suppressed, and the eyes of the people present also looked towards the auction floor. At this moment, the square stone was gone. Obviously, the It shattered directly into a smash, while above it, a skeleton measuring one foot in size was lying quietly.

On this skeleton, there is a faint light flashing, but the violent atmosphere makes the people present look dramatically changed, and the atmosphere is too powerful.

What the **** is this skeleton? How strong was this gadget before it was born?

The eyes of the entire auction house are converging on the skeleton at this moment. All the eyes are hot and greedy, and those eyes seem to devour the skeleton.

"What's this?" Xia Ming's gaze stayed on this skeleton, too. On this skeleton, Xia Ming could perceive a kind of extremely violent power, even that kind of power, even his bang And even more, even his blood was boiling for it.

"It's really weird."

Zhuge Cangsheng's complexion gradually became dignified, and he cried, "This thing, the bones of this monster are so powerful. How strong was this guy before his death."

"The Emperor God's ox bone."

At this moment, the sound of Zhu Er's voice was in Xia Ming's ears. Zhu Er's words made Zhuge Cangtian and Xia Ming a little stunned.

"Emperor God bones?" Xia Ming was a little confused.


Pig Er narrowed his eyes, his eyes flashed brilliantly, and Shen said, "If I guess it's good, this is the Emperor God's ox bone."

"So what's the use of this thing? You can't get it home and put it?" Xia Ming frowned and asked in a low voice.

"Swing, that's impossible."

He Erji smiled and said, "Boss, you might as well buy the Emperor God's ox bone. For you, it has great benefits."


Xia Ming couldn't help but said, "I don't know what the **** is this thing, what do I buy."


Houji cleared his throat and said immediately: "The Emperor God's ox bone is an ancient spirit beast. Their origins are from ancient times. They have a strong bloodline, and especially this bone is extremely precious. Do you know where the source of the Emperor God's life's strength comes from? "

"Is this the skeleton?" Xia Ming asked suddenly.

"Yes, this is the skeleton." Pig Er eyes narrowed slightly and said with a smile: "If you can absorb the power in this skeleton, this person's strength will definitely increase very terribly."


Xia Ming heard the words and couldn't help but take a breath and whispered: "Isn't this thing a super master in the realm of God's palace, and it must be robbed of existence?"

"That is inevitable."

Zhu Erning whispered: "If the strong man in the realm of God's palace sees this thing, it is estimated that it will cause a **** storm. This thing is too precious."


Having said that, Houji paused again and said, "In order to activate this source of strength, the blood of the emperor **** ox's heart is also called the so-called essence blood."

"Sperm blood?"

Xia Ming heard it and frowned slightly, and immediately said: "The Emperor God Bull has been dead for many years. Where can I get this blood? What's more, when the Emperor God Bull is reborn, this strength must be powerful and terrible. Can't get the blood of this heart? "

Indeed, the emperor **** cow comes from ancient times, not to mention that this thing has been dead for so many years, where to get any essence.

"Oh, that's not necessary."

Just after Zhu Er finished this sentence, Song Hui took out a jade bottle and put it in front of everyone under these many eyes.

Song Hui said with a smile: "Everyone must be clear."

"Yes, this is the skeleton of the Emperor God Bull, and here is also accompanied by a drop of blood from the Emperor God Bull."


As soon as this remark was made, the whole scene seemed to explode, and innumerable exclamations and resounding sounds, and countless people looked at the scene in shock.

"What ... really the Emperor God's ox bone?"

"There is also the essence and blood of the emperor **** ox, does this not mean that as long as the essence and blood are available, the source of strength of the emperor **** ox can be activated, and if the emperor **** ox bone can be incorporated into his body, Fortunately, we can still get the heritage of the Emperor God Niu. "

"Even if you fail, you can absorb the strength of the Emperor God's ox bone. This terrible source of strength, God knows what realm one can lift a person to, and how can there be such a thing here?"

"The Emperor God's ox bones are extremely precious. I never expected to see this thing."

For a while, the people at the auction were all very excited. The greedy eyes were cast on the past, and they were about to move. If it were not for the deterrence of Song Hui here, it is estimated that these people could not help.

This is the Emperor God's ox bone, which is extremely important to them today.

"Now, I'm in trouble." Xia Ming sighed slightly and said helplessly: "If you want to snatch, it is estimated that it will cost a lot of money."

"This thing is priceless. Although it has been said that after so many years, the power of the Emperor God's ox bone has gradually dissipated, but this residual power is not so easily digested by them. If it is the Emperor who has just died, God bull, this power is enough to sustain the people in the Shenfu state, that is, the absorption of 10,000 people in the Shenfu state, they must die very miserably. "


Xia Ming smelled it, took a breath, and couldn't help but say, "So terrible?"

"What do you think?" Houji smiled coldly.

Xia Ming couldn't help but look at the people around them. These people are all tempted. If there is only the bone of the emperor god, maybe they will not make them so tempted because they know that if they want to unlock the power of the emperor **** The source lies in this essence.

So, this blood is extra precious.

However, the essence of blood had already appeared, which made them unconscious.

Seeing this sensation caused by himself, Song Hui nodded secretly. For this sensation, he was quite satisfied. At this time, Song Hui said with a smile.

"Below, I will auction the Emperor God's ox bone, and the starting price will be 500,000 yuan, and other things can be used for discount."

As soon as this remark was made, Xia Ming's complexion was stupefied, and suddenly he looked bad.

"500,000 ..."

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