The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2845: Immortal Body


When Lin Zhihuan's eyes fell on Xia Ming, Lin Zhihuan's eyes widened instantly, and those eyes were full of incredible and shock.

"How could it be ... how could your physical body not be corroded by my toxins."

Lin Zhihuan couldn't help rubbing his eyes and staring at Xia Ming.

I saw that Xia Ming's body is still the same, but if you look closely, you will find that Xia Ming's shirt has been completely corroded, turned black, and has a strong disgusting taste.


When the toxin touched Xia Ming's skin, the toxin seemed to be blocked out. Xia Ming's body turned out to be nothing.

"Tear ..."

Under these many eyes, Xia Ming tore off his own clothes, and now the clothes have been corroded into a large pit, so there is no need to wear them, and Xia Ming took out a shirt in the Qiankun ring. Under these many eyes changed it.

The invitation star was unmoved, but when she saw Xia Ming's little white skin, the invitation star slammed.

Xia Ming's body is really perfect, small white, on this upper body, and this extremely fast muscles, especially the abdominal muscles on that belly, it is perfectly presented, Xia Ming's body has no trace of fat. It seems that there is a sense of beauty, coupled with this height, which makes Xia Ming look so handsome.

Xia Ming stared at Lin Zhihuan indifferently.

Lin Zhihuan's eyes almost stared out.

"How could ... how could this be ..."

"nothing is impossible."

Xia Ming grinned, exposed his white teeth, and smiled sternly: "This little toxin has no effect on me at all."

Lin Zhihuan took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart. Then he took a deep look at Xia Ming. Xia Ming's hand made him too caught off guard.

You know, his toxin is a master of real soul, and he can also be poisoned to death. This is the terrible thing of their family of toxins.

It never occurred to him that Xia Ming could use physical body to resist his toxin.

His poison did not cause any harm to Xia Ming's physical body. How can this **** have such a terrible physical body, this is impossible.

Lin Zhihuan stared desperately at Xia Ming, his eyes twinkling.

Xia Ming's real combat power is not inferior even to him. Now even his own method can't cause harm to Xia Ming, so continue to fight, if he is not careful, he may fall here.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhihuan's eyes moved.

"Poison doesn't kill you, then kills you ..."


Lin Zhihuan suddenly came to Xia Ming's body, and he looked like he was desperately trying to fight against Xia Ming. Xia Ming stared at Lin Zhihuan deadly.


Xia Ming gave a cold voice, in this body, the majestic aura was rippling, all injected into the sword.

"Fun swordsmanship."

With Xia Ming's shout, a sword mang suddenly waved. This sword mang was mixed with a breath of death, a kind of strong death breath, letting him feel frightened.

Burial Sword Technique!

This is funeral swordsmanship!

A sword technique that can be buried today, a frightening sword technique, the horror of the sword technique lies in that kind of death ...

As soon as the funeral swordsmanship came out, Lin Zhihuan's face also changed greatly.


With a clear voice, immediately after, Lin Zhihuan felt his tail ache. I do n’t know when Xia Ming ’s sword was chopped on his tail.

A stinging wound appeared on his tail, and blood ran down the wound. Lin Zhihuan was even more angry, staring at Xia Ming with an angry look, so anxious to eat Xia Ming's flesh.

"Boy, wait for me. My viper family will never let you go. If you escape to the ends of the earth, my viper family will kill you ..."

"call out……"

Lin Zhihuan left this figure, stepping on the pace, and rushing towards the distance quickly, the speed was extremely fast, and he did not dare to stay in the slightest.

The boy in front of him was really terrible.

Their toxins didn't work for him. This was their Viper family. For the first time, they encountered such a strange thing. Even some very strong toxin guys did not dare to run into danger when they encountered the poison of this Viper family , But Xia Ming is all right, how did this guy do it?

However, I'm afraid he couldn't even dream of it. Xia Ming cultivated the immortal body.

This physical body has completely reached the immortal realm. This area of ​​toxins naturally cannot cause any harm to Xia Ming. This general toxin can be said to have no effect on Xia Ming. It can be said that Xia Ming has reached a hundred poison Invasion.

This is the benefit of immortality.

Its physical strength is not only multiplied, but also has anti-toxic and other properties. If it is ordinary strength, it cannot naturally destroy this physical body.

This is the horror of immortality.

"Want to run."

Xia Ming's eyes were cold. If he was run away by this guy at this time, it would inevitably cause revenge of the viper family, and then it would be bad.

"Imperial swordsmanship."

Xia Ming's hands changed quickly, and then there were nine rays bursting out. These nine rays were extremely fast, and in a breath came to Lin Zhihuan.

"not good……"

Lin Zhihuan's face changed greatly, and he hurriedly dodged. Even so, there was still a sword stabbed in Lin Zhihuan's body, and at this moment, Lin Zhihuan's voice resounded in this world.


Lin Zhihuan's miserable cry was also mixed with endless anger, roaring: "Boy, you are waiting for the endless revenge of my viper family, Lao Tzu will definitely set you down."

"call out……"

Then Xia Ming saw that Lin Zhihuan had lost his body, and a light suddenly escaped into the void and disappeared between this heaven and earth.

Xia Ming frowned, "It wasn't dead."

"This is the secret method of their viper family."

The invited star on the side took a deep breath and condensed, "You just beheaded, but it's just a layer of skin that he has faded away."

"So it is."

Xia Ming suddenly realized that the original Viper clan and this secret method were somewhat unexpected. Xia Ming took a deep breath, but unfortunately, this thing was not taken down.

"That may not be so."

When the invitation star heard the words, she smiled and moved to the snake skin in an instant. Then, the invitation star grabbed the snake skin in her hand, and the invitation star touched the snake skin. A storage ring appeared under Xia Ming's sight, and Xing Xing said, "Although their people ran away, this thing must be left behind."

"So it is."

Xia Ming understood and came right away.

"this is for you."

Xia Ming took it without any nonsense, and then looked inside the storage ring.

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