The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 3365: lottery

"However, it seems that the system options have not changed much. However, the goods inside have undergone tremendous changes ... It seems that the goods inside have become more precious. God goods and imperial goods seem to have increased a lot, and even also

There are ancient martial arts, and ancient martial arts includes immortality ... "

Seeing a dazzling array of goods, Rao is Xia Ming, can not help but take a breath, so many things, even him, are a bit moved.

When any of these gadgets are brought to this ancient road, there will be a **** storm. I never expected that this system upgrade will bring such a big change.

Xia Ming couldn't help but look at his honor point, there were only 20 million, 20 million said more or less, said less a lot, but the purchase of these goods, it seems a bit less ...

These commodities, any one of them, are worth hundreds of millions. What kind of water is affordable?

"this is……"

Xia Ming's eyes flashed, and he landed on a piece of merchandise. When he saw the role of the merchandise clearly, Xia Ming couldn't help taking a breath.

"Upgrade Dan ..."

Isn't this the elixir used to raise the level? In other words, as long as you swallow this elixir, then your strength can quickly improve to a realm!

It looks like this should be a sublime upgrade ...

Xia Ming thought for a moment.

This sublime upgrade Dan is not very expensive, only 10 million honor points, but this thing can only be aimed at the realm below the realm of Shenfu, above the realm of Shenfu, it has no effect at all.

If you want to continue to upgrade, you must find a higher level of upgrade Dan.

"Fucky, I bought it."

When Xia Ming saw this, he gritted his teeth and said immediately: "System, buy upgrade Dan."

"Didi, the host is buying upgraded Dan, may I ask?"


"Didi, the host successfully purchased the upgrade Dan, deducting the host's 10 million honor points."

Looking at his honor point, Xia Ming was about to cry without tears, so just a little honor, able to fart ... Looking at his upgrade Dan, Xia Ming was somewhat comforted.

"Raffle, one hundred draws."

Before the system was upgraded, it was one million times. After the upgrade, it turned into one hundred thousand times. Xia Ming was also relieved a lot. It seems that the upgrade is not useless, at least it has been reduced. Honor points used.

"Didi, this system recommends that the host draw one million rewards or ten million rewards." The sound of the system resounded in Xia Ming's mind, which shocked Xia Ming. For a while stunned.

"I rely, system, what do you mean by one? Before the upgrade, there were one million draws before the upgrade. After the upgrade, it became 100,000. Now there are tens of millions of draws ... what the **** is going on with you? child?"

Xia Ming was furious.

Is n’t this a prank? One million times before, I thought the system had changed. I didn't expect this guy to be a big pit. There were even 10 million times.

Xia Ming's face turned black, as much as ugly. "Didi, after the system upgrade, there are indeed 100,000 lotteries. However, the system has systematically processed the lottery." The system explained faintly: "Because the host has the honor point of breaking 100 million for the first time, so The lottery of this system is divided into

The four grades are 100,000 grades, 1 million grades, 10 million grades, and 100 million grades. "

"Of course, because the grades are different, the lottery rewards contained in them are also different. One hundred thousand grades are naturally not as good as one million grades, one million are not as good as ten million, and so on."

"And the higher the grade, the higher the chance that this will get a higher product."

"What this system said before is just the lowest grade draw of the system."

The system's words made Xia Ming quiet, but more of a curse, your uncle, wasn't it a lottery, and it was so complicated and graded that you are VIP?

Xia Ming's face was not very good-looking.

He only has 10 million honor points now, what should I do? This thing, at most once draw ... It seems that there is no use for eggs.

Xia Ming pondered.

"Fuck, fight, let's see how luck is today."

"System, lottery, ten million grades! Give me a draw."

As soon as Xia Ming gritted his teeth, he decided to give it a try. Hundreds of millions of honor points. He didn't, but he could draw once if he had a lottery of ten million.

Don't believe it, the lottery draws no fun.

"Didi, the host is drawing a lottery."

With the sound of the system falling down, Xia Ming's eyes bloomed. Then, a large turntable appeared in his eyes. Colorful lights bloomed on the large turntable, which looked beautiful.

There are still four areas on this turntable.

Naturally it is attribute class, consumption class, skill class and special class.

Xia Ming took a deep breath, a pair of eyes, and stared at the scene in front of him. At this moment, he really hoped to get a special class.

After all, this thing is impossible to find, and every time he draws a special category, he will always surprise him, so Xia Ming hopes to get it.

The pointer on the turntable rotates rapidly, and the rotation speed is very fast. When the pointer speed reaches the maximum, the pointer also becomes slow.

Xia Ming's eyes were staring at the pointer, still.

In his heart, he asks God to worship the Buddha.

"Special category, special category ..."

Xia Ming watched the pointer slowly pass over the consumption class, and by the time it reached the skill class, the pointer had become quite slow ...

This made Xia Ming surging for a while.


Xia Ming stared at the pointer with excitement, a pair of eyes, without blinking.

"Special category, special category ..."

The pointer walked slowly. Each step of Xia Ming's heart would flutter and beat, and his mood was abnormally excited.

Just take a few more steps, it is a special class, can this keep him excited? What's more, this is a million-level lottery. If a pile of garbage is drawn, it is estimated that he can be annoyed.


Under the eyes of Xia Ming, the pointer moved slowly, but this time, a thick joy filled the heart of Xia Ming, which made Xia Ming feel shocked.

"Special category ..."

Xia Ming's brain was roaring.

"It's really special ..."

Immediately afterwards, a thick joy filled his limbs, which gave Xia Ming an indescribable movement and excitement ... Xia Ming laughed, and the laughter was full of excitement.

"It's really a special category, haha, ten million grades of heaven special category, getting rich, getting rich ..."

Although it is not known what the special category of rewards are this time, Xia Ming knows that this time, he must have made a fortune, no matter what he got, he made a lot of money.

When he was agitated, a rush of voice followed. "Didi, congratulations to the host for drawing a special type of reward, may I ask the host to receive it?"

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