Kun Qing's complexion became ugly again.

"Om ..."

Because at this time, it was another sword falling from the sky, and the destructive forces that saw Kun Qing were frightened. At this moment, Kun Qing was really afraid. So far, blood is flowing on his body. Obviously, this was caused by the sword just now. This sword is also mixed with strong sword energy, madly raging his body, which makes him nervous. The veins are all extremely severe

Serious trauma.

In the face of this sword, Kun Qing directly raised his mind to escape.


When Kun Qing's body moved, it suddenly disappeared. This sword directly broke the mountain where Kun Qing was located. The people present were all shocked.

A sword splitting a mountain, this kind of ability is really terrible. Looking at Kun Qing at this moment, it looks like a bereavement dog, and the channeling of the wolf is really feng shui.

Kun Qing, who was just upset, has now become like this. For a while, everyone present was sighing.

"Brush ..."

The two figures staggered in the sky, except that one of the old faces was constantly fleeing, while the other figure was chasing after him frantically.

However, this old face was gradually covered with sweat beads, and there were dense wounds on it.

"Big Five Elements of Puppetry." Xia Ming sighed angrily, and his body suddenly disappeared in place. Kun Qing, who had fled, seemed to notice something normal, and his body stopped suddenly. I felt a pain in my chest, and then the sword was stabbed

Into his chest.

When he saw the figure in front of him clearly, he saw that Xia Ming didn't know when he had appeared in front of him, and he held a simple sword in his hand.

For a moment, the picture seemed to freeze on the spot.

"Hmm ..." At the next moment, Kun Qing's body flew out and hit the ground severely, and the blood stained the ground even more. At this moment, Kun Qing's breath was languorous, and that kind of spirited breath had already Disappeared, replaced by one

Wolverine and unbearable.

He lost.

Still lost to a disciple of Tiandao Academy.

He never expected that one day, he would be defeated by a kid he had never seen before. For a time, this made him even more furious.

"Brush ..."

At the same time, Qian Qing and Yuan Qing also pushed their opponents back, their bodies steadily landed next to Kun Qing, and both of them were looking at Xia Ming with a blue face.

For a while, the atmosphere of the whole scene became a bit chill.

All the men and women of the two sides confronted each other.

People in the heavens and the earth are extremely moving.

"This ... this Xia Ming ... is really terrifying."

"From today on, Xia Ming will be the first person in the world."

"Even Kun Qing can be defeated. This guy is really scary ..."

Many people couldn't help swallowing their mouthfuls, and they were obviously frightened by Xia Ming. A student of Tiandao College defeated Kun Qing, one of the three Qings.

This Kun Qing, but the three famous coaches, has a strength and status that makes countless people aspire to exist, but ...

The one in front of him lost.

And it was still so thorough that there was almost no fighting back.

For a while, the people in the heavens and the earth were silent, because they all knew that next they would have to compete against all the powers of the two major gates. Such confrontation would be a **** massacre.

Dry and icy eyes fell on Xia Ming's body, and his anger was sweeping away.

"Okay, a good Xia Ming, it really opened the eyes of the old man."

Qian Qing also never expected that Xia Ming could defeat Kun Qing. How strong Kun Qing was, he knew best, but although not as good as him, Kun Qing was already half a step too far.

In this realm, to crush the Shenyou realm is as simple as crushing an ant, but the situation in front of him really makes him feel incredible.

The teenager in front of him is growing up too fast. He didn't notice the boy in the beginning. How long did it take him to fight for the seat of the saint from several martial arts? Only a dozen days before and after, Xia Ming has grown to the point that even Kun Qing is not his opponent Realm

The potential for fear, even he felt scared.

Such a person will not be eliminated, who will be his opponent in the future.

Xia Ming stood in a volley, facing away from Gan Qingyao. Now he has the qualification to confront Qian Qing, Xia Ming said calmly, "Let my wife go."

"Let it go?"

After clearing the words, he immediately laughed and said coldly, "Xia Ming, your wife is in my hand now, so I will let you cast a jerk, do you really think that I will let them go? They are one Good chips ... "

"Crunch!" Xia Ming's full hands held together severely, staring sharply at Qian Qing, sternly: "Qing Qing, if you dare to move them, I will let you go up and down Qingzong, chickens and dogs will not stay All died, if you dare to hurt their lives, I am Xia Ming poor

During his whole life, he stayed around Shang Qingzong every day, hunting and killing the genius of Shang Qingzong, and he kept killing. If you do n’t believe it, you can try to see if the Shang Qingzong is enough. Can't hold me. "


As soon as this sentence came out, even the Qing dynasty's dry Qing changed his face. Now Xia Ming has become a climate, and its strength is even more horrible. Unless he has such top-level combat power, if it is replaced by other people, I am afraid that no one is Xia Ming's opponent. I'm afraid ... Shang Qingzong will really become

They are getting weaker and weaker.

There are only a few of them old, so what's the significance of the existence of Shang Qingzong.

He looked at Xia Ming coldly and sternly: "Little animal, do you dare, do you really think I dare not kill these women?"


Xia Ming stared dryly at Qing: "You can try to see if I dare, and see if you dare to play like this in the Shang Qingzong."

Xia Ming was also completely angry, and now it is not that he can save Luo Yuxi from being softened. He must be tough.

If he is not tough, I am afraid he will become a rodenticide, and they will put Luo Yuxi into danger. Now he can only put pressure on Shang Qingzong.

"Ha ha……"

I heard it dry, but laughed loudly, his voice was a little hoarse, and mixed with a bit of cold chill, for a moment, this makes people in the world have a strange feeling, that feeling is extremely uncomfortable Comfortable. "Xia Ming, I have to say, you do have that ability, but you really think that you can leave the Qing Dynasty today?"

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