The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 890: The game started

Chapter 890 The game has begun

"Well, what does this Kirby mean, shit, dare to belittle us."

Kirby suddenly stretched out his middle finger, which was seen by people all over the world, especially Kirby was still holding up their **** in front of Xia Ming, which made the Chinese people angry for a while.

"Fuck, these **** really think they are invincible."

"Yeah, don't look at who it is. Damn, if it weren't for the Olympics, I would have to kill him."

"Look for the dead guy ..."

The Chinese people were all yelling and screaming. Obviously, they were irritated by this action of Kirby. Kirby insulted them in such an eye-catching manner.

Yao Ming looked at Kirby with a black face, and it was obvious that they were very angry. This Kirby was too arrogant.

Xia Ming glanced at Kirby lightly and said to Wang Lan with a smile, "Why do black people like white chocolate but not black chocolate?"

Wang Lan froze slightly and asked, "Why."

"Because black people are afraid to bite their fingers, haha ​​..." Xia Ming laughed, at this time Wang Lan gave a stun, and then laughed happily.

"Xia brother, what you said really makes sense, black people are just like chocolate, hahaha ..."

Kirby seemed to be aware of Xia Ming's ridicule, and was immediately annoyed: "You two yellow-skinned boys, wait for a while to make you laugh."

But Wang Lan quit, and said coldly, "I'd like to see what you can do. You must know that this is Huaxia. In our place, we have the final say."

"I hope you still have the same hard mouth later."

Kirby looked at Wang Lan coldly, angry, and Xia Ming was standing still.

"Welcome to fight," Wang Lan said with a smile.

For a while, the atmosphere of the whole scene was ready to go. Many people watched this scene directly, which made a lot of people excited.

"The game is finally about to start."

People all over the world are looking at these two luxury teams. Soon Xia Ming they are standing in the corresponding position, and Kirby is also in the corresponding position.

The jump ball was grabbed by Kirby and Yao Ming!

As the referee threw the ball hard upward, when the ball reached the highest point, Yao Ming and Kirby jumped up instantly and wanted to lead.

The audience was boiling at this moment.

"Come on ..."

With the sound of shouts, countless people saw that Kirby suddenly grabbed the ball, and then with a lot of effort, he quickly threw it towards the mums, and the mums saw that. No bullshit, catching the ball is dribbling towards the basket on Xia Ming's side.

"Qiaodan, then."

With the hissing roar, the ball was thrown towards Qiaodan. At this time, Qiaodan stood directly outside the three-point line and started shooting.

"Hmm ..."

With the moment basketball fell, people around the world were dumbfounded.

"Scored ..."


The whole scene was quiet for a while, which made many people watch this scene directly, all feeling so incredible.

"This this……"

"Fuck ... what's going on with Yao Ming? Why is the jump ball being preempted by others?"

"Yeah, what a freak."

"But Xia Ming is a ghost, why is it so low?"

"Who knows."


There was a lot of discussion on the court, and Wang Lan was also very complex. In the following, the ums hiss frequently scored goals, which put Wang Lan to the limit.

"The entire first half, they turned out to be 15: 7 with others. This terrible score was twice as bad, which made them look bad."

After the second half, Wang Lan couldn't bear it anymore, and said coldly, "Every ball that is caught is given to my brother Xia."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Ming frowned, saying indifferently.

"What do you mean?" Wang Lan laughed, and said coldly, "Just because my brother Xia is better than you, as long as you return to the top team in the world, I think it is waste."

"You're looking for death ..." Zhang Ming was furious, and wanted to teach Wang Lan, Xia Ming was beastly at this time.


Xia Ming said coldly, "In the second half of the game, as long as you have the ball in your hand, you shoot for me, I will shoot."

"Xia Ming, what are you talking about?" Yi Jianlian said coldly.

"I asked you to give me all the balls, and I'll shoot." Xia Ming stretched his arms and said, "I will jump when I jump the ball."

Xia Ming's words made these people annoyed and angry.

"If you want to win, just do what I say, if you don't want to win ... then don't do what I say."

A word from Xia Ming made them even more angry. What does Xia Ming mean? Is this looking down on them?

Yao Ming shouted in a loud voice and yelled, "No."

"I can do it." Suddenly, a momentum sprang up on Xia Ming's body, and as soon as this momentum appeared, it made Yao Ming's face change, and then sweated.

"Okay ... so strong."

For a moment, Yao Ming felt as if they were facing an emperor, which made them extremely shocked.

This momentum, they have never felt it, which makes them not surprised.

"It's best to do what I say, and I'll give you a gold medal."

As Xia Ming's voice had just fallen, he walked towards the outside. At this time, Wang Lan followed up. After Xia Ming left, it made Zhang Ming angry.

"He's nothing. He hasn't grown up to dare to come to the game. He doesn't know what the coach thinks and how to throw this guy into the Olympics."

Indeed, they are all well-known superstars all over the world, and seeing Xia Ming's arrogance right now makes him not angry. Xia Ming clearly didn't put them in his eyes.

"Hum, when he gives the ball to him, he doesn't believe he can score." Yi Jianlian said coldly.

"You mean ..." Yao Ming frowned as he heard it.

"His ..." Both Zhang Ming took a breath of air, and said, "This is not good."

"What's wrong, doesn't he want the ball? OK, let's do it. If he loses, let's talk about all the responsibility on him."

For a moment, this made several people silent, the last few nodded firmly.

They all know that the enemies they face this time are quite tricky. If they want to win, they are almost negligible, because these guys are really powerful.

"Okay, just do it in a while."

A few people nodded, and then left here. After the second half, everyone came to the stadium. At this time, many people were still shouting for Xia Ming, hoping that they could get a good ranking.

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