The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 898: Going against the sky

Chapter 198: Going Against the Sky

The people present all looked at the ball and rushed towards Xia Ming quickly. The speed of the rush was so fast that the others couldn't react.

However, under these countless eyes, Xia Ming slowly stretched out his right hand, and the racket changed slightly to become a Tai Chi, and then attracted the tennis ball again. Then, Xia Ming's palm slightly moved, and The intensity was instantly transmitted to the racket.

Immediately afterwards, the tennis ball was like an off-going arrow, and it flew out at a rapid speed. It was simply astounding. After seeing this, countless people suddenly shrank their pupils.


The moment the ball hit fiercely, Lin Lang did not take over, because at this moment, he has no more fighting power, which shows what ...

He lost!

Lin Lang sweated and looked at the ball, and the ball kept expanding in his pupils, but ... he didn't have the strength to play the ball.

Uh ...

The ball landed and rolled towards him. Lin Lang looked at the ball silently. For a while, he could not speak, and he lost.

Lose thoroughly.

"Look at it, around Xia Ming ..."

"It's gossip, it's gossip."

"His ... This Xia Ming is actually playing Tai Chi ..."

Countless people couldn't help taking a sip of air, and Taiji also came from the gossip. Today, Xia Ming is standing in the middle of the gossip, and around him, a gossip appears. In one scene, it looks strange.

"Can martial arts still be used for tennis?"

"Who knows ... But ... the one Xia Ming used just now seems to be Tai Chi, and he defeated ... Lin Lang!"

"Even our Chinese dragon and horse were defeated in his hands, and Xia Ming defeated him. He was really a terrible man."

"You don't see how many gold medals he has won. In my opinion, winning this game is also expected."

Countless people watched this scene silently. They all knew that Lin Lang lost, and he lost completely.

For a while, this made countless people cheer.

"You, what is this ..." Lin Langqiang braced himself to stand up, staring at Xia Ming with heavy eyes, with unwillingness in his eyes.

I thought this champion was in my own pocket. I didn't expect it, but I lost it, and I lost it completely.

"Tai Chi ..."

Xia Ming smiled slightly.

He also had a clever move to play with Tai Chi. He did not expect that Tai Chi was so easy to use, because as long as he stood there, no matter where the ball went, he could expect it, so this looked like a living Tai Chi.

"I lost." Lin Lang said solemnly.

"But ... sooner or later I will win back."

The words fell, Lin Lang silently left the playing field, and Xia Ming looked at Lin Lang here, shook his head slightly, and did not speak.

Xia Ming also knows that Lin Lang is paranoid and fanatical about tennis.

If not, he will not hesitate to join Mei Mei, and come to China to avenge his revenge.

As Lin Lang left, Xia Ming naturally became the champion.

People all over the world are crying, they are crying for Xia Ming.

In the evening, Xia Ming updated his Weibo.

"I accidentally won ten gold medals. Is this really good?" Then Xia Ming took another picture of his gold medal and posted it on the Internet.

However, as Xia Ming updated Weibo, this network also exploded.

"I'll go ... watch you pretend to be quiet."

"Xia Ming, are you acting like this, is it really good?"

"Your uncle, there are a total of 51 gold medals. Ten of them have been taken by you, and you are the top ten by yourself."

"Great for my brother."

"On pretense, I only serve Xia Ming."



Countless people are screaming madly, and seeing Xia Ming's Weibo is also madly reprinting.

However, they didn't know. At this moment, Xia Ming entered the system with excitement.

"The waiter comes out quickly."

With Xia Ming's shout, the system page popped up and just listened to the system: "Host, if you don't want to be inhumane, it's best not to call me a waiter, you are the most systematic disrespect."

"I'm going, you have an intelligent program with dignity." Xia Ming said casually: "Let's talk nonsense, hurry up, how much honor I have now."


"My grass!"

When Xia Ming heard this sentence, Mao was blown up and asked quickly: "My mission is complete, what is the honor?"

"Didi, the host mission is completed, and the host is awarded 5,000 points of honor, plus a special reward."

As the voice of the system just dropped, Xia Ming was speechless for a while ...

He finally knew that the system was definitely learned from him, which made Xia Ming helpless.

However, when Xia Ming heard this special category of rewards, it made Xia Ming can't wait, and couldn't help asking: "System, hurry up and see what this special category of reward is."


With Xia Ming's voice just falling, this appeared in front of him, but it was a diamond-colored treasure chest. When Xia Ming saw the diamond-colored treasure chest, Xia Ming was shocked and looked ecstatically. This scene.

"Didi, congratulations host, congratulations host, get the automatic sight system."

"What the **** ..."

When Xia Ming heard this sentence, he was anxious, and said angrily, "System, what are you talking about?"

"Auto collimator system."

"I'm going ... I'm tired for a long time, you can show me this?" Xia Ming was angry, not angry, this Nima, is it really a daddy?

After working so hard for so many days, I ended up with such a **** sight. Your uncle is absolutely sincere.

Xia Ming had a black face, and he was about to come out. At this time, Xia Ming asked, "Why the **** aiming device is used for?"

"This sight is aimed all over the world, even if it is a fairy monster, as long as you can see it, you can aim, even the host can also use tanks, aircraft, machine guns, etc., can automatically aim to avoid wasting guns and ammunition ... ... "

After hearing the words from the system, Xia Ming even had a crying mind. After a long while, Nima got me a sight.

Xia Ming sighed. Fortunately, he still has 5,000 honor points here, but it's a whole 5,000. Xia Ming doesn't know how to spend it.

Xia Ming thought secretly: "Take care of him, now that he doesn't have anything to use, just let it go, and wait until the day of luck is better, say."

Thinking of this, Xia Ming took a deep breath.

Just then, his hand moved slightly!

Suddenly, a light bounced out.

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