The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 900: Assassination

Chapter 900—Assassination

Naturally, Xia Ming became the most famous person in the world, and people all over the world remember him.

It is even regarded as an idol by countless athletes.

How much ability is it for a person to change the rules of the Olympic team ...

However, with Xia Ming's fame, this directly turned out Xia Ming's company and other films, songs and the like that were performed. It has to be said that the power of this people is not really Generally strong.

With the completion of the Olympic Games, this film has also been released for a month. During this month, the box office of Xia Ming's investment has also been calculated. As for the subsequent box office of the film, it will also be played in the summer. On the card.

However, when Xia Ming saw that there were more than 300 million in his bank card, this was a shock to Xia Ming, and only a month of effort made a net profit of 250 million, which is a horrible speed of attracting money. It is too fast, and at the same time Xia Ming finally understands why so many people are willing to make movies.

This terrible speed of attracting gold is really too fast. They only invested a total of 100 million yuan. It is naturally a lot less than those top blockbuster investments.

However, such a return is really terrible.

Moreover, in this follow-up, there will continue to be a steady stream of funds to be played on his own card. Of course, this follow-up was mainly due to the ten gold medals in the Summer Olympics, which led to the further fermentation of this movie, which caused another burst. hurricane.


At this moment, I was sitting in a car and preparing to return to Jiangzhou.

However, he left alone. Lin Wanqing had already gone back. As for Liu and them, Xia Ming did not go with them, mainly because he was in trouble.

Now no matter where he goes, it will become the focus of attention, which makes Xia Ming a little bit painful. He never thought of becoming a star, because it was too irritating.

However, it is also a coincidence that he played the movie and then participated in the Olympics, winning ten gold medals, which made him a first-line star.

No, it should be no worse than those Uranus superstars.

Xia Ming is also unique.

During this time, the Xia Lin Group's products were also fermented and sold madly. It can be said that the future is limitless, and Xia Ming has directly become a national husband among countless girls.

There are countless people who want to give birth to monkeys.

Of course, I don't know if it will give birth to monkeys.

At this time, Xia Ming was in a taxi and was rushing to the airport. Even the driver and master did not recognize Xia Ming.

But at this time Xia Ming's heart suddenly burst, and suddenly a bad premonition erupted, which made Xia Ming's face froze, and then looked behind this window, and sure enough ...

At this time, there was a car that was chasing the taxi closely. Xia Ming could see through the eyes. This person was a foreign man. However, when Xia Ming saw something on the driver, this Xia Ming's face froze.


Yes, that dark thing is a pistol, but not only that, beside this pistol, there is a special high-explosive grenade, which made Xia Ming frightened for a while.

"My grass, is this the killer? Now the killers are so crazy? This high explosive grenade and pistol, how did he bring in?" Xia Ming was a little shocked.

Everyone knows that Huaxia's management of guns is not generally strict. However, this foreign man was able to bring guns and high-explosive grenades here. That was really crazy, and how did he get through Heavily screened?

Xia Ming was almost sure that this person should be directed at himself, and Xia Ming's brain was working quickly. Who is this person?

Who is going to kill themselves? Last time, there was a master who snatched himself, and this time there was another killer who killed himself. This is definitely not a coincidence, maybe the same organization may not.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming took a deep breath. At this time, Xia Ming saw that the person was overtaking and soon caught up with the two taxis. However, this was not the most important thing.

The main thing is that this guy even took out the high-explosive grenade in his hand, and then pressed directly on the taxi. The high-explosive grenade was directly pressed onto this, which changed Xia Ming's face.

"That's too late."

The next moment, Xia Ming opened the door of the car directly, and flew straight away. At the same time, an explosion sounded loudly.


The taxi exploded directly, with a loud bang, and even the subsequent cars were blown up instantly. At this time, the traffic was also caused by hidden dangers, and the sound of dripping was also heard.

Many people were injured, and there were many car accidents before and after. I don't know how many people will die.

Xia Ming, who jumped out of the taxi at that moment, was also affected, but fortunately he did not get too seriously injured.

After seeing the smashed taxi, Xia Ming couldn't help wiping a cold sweat.

"Fuck, who the **** is this guy, he even threw a bomb openly, absolutely **** terrorists."

Xia Ming felt that this man was not easy. Fortunately, he was not in trouble. Xia Ming took a deep breath and left here quickly. However, Xia Ming was still rushing towards the airport. He did not know if the killer knew himself. It was not killed, but the enemy was in the dark and he was in the light.

However, after the car drove far away, the foreigner frowned slightly when he saw the sensation caused by him.

"It doesn't seem to be dead?"

This made the foreigner's face look a bit ugly, but he also knew that it was not suitable for him to stay at this time, because the police would come to the door soon, and it should not be left here for a long time.

After all, it was too big to make such a big move during the China Olympic Games.

It's been an hour since Xia Ming arrived at the airport quickly. When Xia Ming arrived at the airport, he rushed towards the ticket gate and wanted to leave here at a speed, but this will inevitably expose himself. Identity.

When examining the ticket, Xia Ming exposed himself.

"Hello sir, you can't get on the plane now," said the conductor at this time.

"What do you mean?" Xia Ming frowned, asking calmly.

"Sir, that's it." The conductor then told Xia Ming something, but when Xia Ming heard it, he was puzzled.

Anyone find themselves? Don't let yourself go, who is this?

With curiosity, Xia Ming can only wait here for a while! Soon, someone came over. There were four men in black. The bodies of these four men in black had a cold atmosphere. Xia Ming knew that these four people should have killed people. Otherwise, it is impossible to have Disgusting.

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