The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 950: Beheading (1)

Chapter 950 Beheading (1)

"Isn't it? Fighting the Blues alone? Still have a chance?" The old fox looked at the eagle strangely. He didn't know where the eagle came from. If it was him, he thought there was almost no chance of winning. So many top-level equipment has been used. If you still can't win, you can go and eat shit.

"Oh, do you know who the Chief of Staff of the Blue Army is?" Eagle said with a slight smile.

"Who is it?" The old fox asked slightly.

"It's Fang's chief of staff."


When the old fox heard this sentence, it made the old fox feel a bit frightened, and then smiled bitterly: "I said how can the other party be so familiar with our training methods, the feeling is the chief of staff ..."

Fang Tianlei, he is naturally clear, because he is a soldier trained by Fang Tianlei, can't it be clear, now he finally knows why Langya is so powerful! Love is because of this!

"Aren't you surprised?" Yinghaha smiled. "However, this time we haven't lost, at least Bai Yunxing and Xia Ming haven't been arrested yet !?"


The eagle was obviously very confident in Xia Ming, and sure enough, in the next few days, Xia Ming dealt a heavy blow to the Blue Army, which directly terminated several Blue Army bases, which made countless people all Startled, even Fang Tianlei, Chief of Staff of the Blue Army, was a little surprised!

"Chief of staff, now they have lost their whereabouts again!" The blue whale couldn't help it.

"It's really a sly boy, who can survive our layers of screening!" Fang Tianlei couldn't help but sigh: "When it's over, you must see this boy!"

"Chief of staff, I'm not anxious to see this meeting, let's talk about it after this thing is over!" The blue whale couldn't help it.

"Haha, yes, yes, wait until the end!" Fang Tianlei haha ​​smiled and said, "If I guess it is good, they should be returning to our place. Their purpose, but the beheading task, we can come to a Wait for the rabbit! "

"Chief of Staff, are you telling the truth?" Blue Whale asked in surprise.

"Listen to me, go to the surroundings. Be sure to make ten steps and one whistle. As long as the wind blows the grass, immediately arrest this person for me!" Fang Tianlei snorted.

"I'll convey it!"

As Fang Tianlei's order was issued, the blue whale also conveyed the order. At the same time, Xia Ming and the two were moving forward quickly!

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, is the swamp in front of it? Is there danger in it?" Bai Yunxing couldn't help it.

"No!" Xia Ming shook his head. If it was dangerous, it would never be him, because he has a pair of see-through eyes and can pass through this swamp. The swamp does not pose any threat to him!

"Brother-in-law, it's not too early to see the sky, let's not wait until tomorrow? After all, this evening is too dangerous!"

As Bai Yunxing said, it is too dangerous at night. If you accidentally fall into the Jedi, you can't live if you want to live!

"Just go now!"

Xia Ming said straightforwardly: "Now it is dark. If I expected it to be good, the other party would surely find that we found each other through this swamp, but one thing, if we set off at night, they would absolutely guess No, in this case, we will have the opportunity. "

Xia Ming's words are not without reason. Xia Ming just wants to take the lead and complete the decapitation task. This task is too difficult. It is impossible to complete the task in a proper way! Not to mention, the opponent is so familiar with their fighting methods.

"Brotherhood ..."

Bai Yunxing looked at Xia Ming and begged with a look, but Xia Ming ignored Bai Yunxing and moved on. When he saw Xia Ming moving forward, Bai Yunxing gritted his teeth and followed directly. This film not only It is too dangerous to have swamps and even various poisons.

But seeing Xia Ming all gone, Bai Yunxing had no choice but to follow up!

The speed of the two people is very fast. On this way, it can be described as thrilling, but it almost scared Bai Yunxing to death!

Moreover, on this big night, he even got a bite of poison. If it were not for Xia Ming Zai, he would probably finish it. At this moment, he finally saw Xia Ming's terrible medicine, in his eyes This is probably not just as simple as medicine, but art!

After this evening's rush, they finally reached this destination. When Xia Ming arrived at this destination, it made Xia Ming a little relieved.

However, when Xia Ming saw these ten steps and one post, five steps and one whistle, this made Xia Ming's complexion gradually become dignified!

"So strict, have you found it!"

Xia Ming seemed to be mumbling to himself, and this Bai Yunxing couldn't help but said, "Brother-in-law, it's too strict here. It's difficult to go in and complete the task."

Bai Yunxing also knows that it is so strict here that the eight achievements are the base camp. The highest leader of the Blue Army must also be in this place.

However, this is too strict, and it is too difficult to get in!

"Go get some noise and bring in a few more people!" Xia Ming thought for a moment and said directly.

"What ... do you want me to be a bait?" After listening, Bai Yunxing looked at Xia Ming incrediblely and couldn't help but whispered: "You are still not my brother-in-law, and you even let me be a bait. . "

"Hurry up, can't you go?" Xia Ming said directly.


Bai Yunxing just wanted to say no, but after seeing Xia Ming's face, Bai Yunxing nodded in depression, and said, "I'm going, can't I go!"

Later, Bai Yunxing left here, and Xia Ming also knew that if Bai Yunxing didn't attract the attraction of these people, he wanted to mix in here, it can be said to be difficult!

Thinking of this, Xia Ming quickly touched the front. When Xia Ming touched, Bai Yunxing yelled at this time: "Help ..."

With Bai Yunxing screaming in his throat, all the people present were directly attracted to the past. When the people present spotted someone, they immediately said, "Go and see what happened!"

Then a group of people rushed towards the front, at the same time, Xia Ming took advantage of this gap and quickly touched the inside, because there were too many soldiers patrolling back and forth, which made Xia Ming had to be careful, then Xia Ming found a soldier and stunned the soldier, then changed into the soldier's clothes!

After Xia Ming decorated himself, Xia Ming took a deep breath and touched it secretly!

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