The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1630: Blade Slash Demon Ancestor

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The Curse of Extinction is a taboo technique of the ancient mythology of the demon clan, which is enough to wither everything and decay of life. This is the true immortal, and will also wither instantly, and only the soul will be away from the body.

However, Ye Chen was full of blood and vitality, as if a small blue-golden sun was shining in the sky, not shining. He ate this curse abruptly, but the light was slightly dimmed, and he recovered immediately.

"How can it be?"

The leader of the demon ancestor was terrified, and the withering curse it exerted with all its strength, even the masters of the five great immortals, could not bear it. Either use the hard top of the treasure, or use occult techniques to evade.

"Unless his strength has reached an almost immortal level, and he has become a body of cross-robbery?"

The leader of the demon ancestor thought, only to feel absurd. What a horrible existence is the torture, even in ancient times, it was also the character standing at the apex of the galaxy. Ye Chen does not look like a hundred years old, how could he become a body of crossover?

But at this time, it was too late to think about it.

"Boom Boom--!"

Ye Chen flew across the sky like a phoenix soaring, every punch of him hit like a small sun, which contained the power of a star explosion. No demon tribe can carry his punch, and these are the two high-level demon ancestor leaders who have ascended into the realm. They only burst for a moment and burst into the air.


The demon ancestors recovered from the sea of ​​blood again, but their faces were very ugly. After all, they are not immortal. If they are killed by Ye Chen in this way, one day, the soul will be broken and fall completely.

"Start the Demon Array."

The leader of the demon ancestor roared, and with a wave of his hand, a scepter flew into its hands in the sea of ​​blood. There was a terrifying breath on the scepter, and it was a quasi-god treasure.

"Demon Venerable Scepter!"

This is the treasure of the last demon emperor, and was once a symbol of the demon emperor's status. It was only later that the demon emperor was better, and then there was the ring of the demon emperor.

The other demon ancestors also burst into tears, one by one quasi-shenbao, flying from the sea of ​​blood.

Six quasi-shenbaos with the characteristics of Shenbao all came flying. Each demon ancestor holds different treasures to form a six-pointed star position. On them, the dark demon power was boiling and surging, and the whole sky was instantly dark at the moment, just like falling into the abyss of hell.

Ten Thousand Demon Extermination!

With six demon ancestors and six magic circles under the quasi-god treasure, it is said that it can refine gods.

Ye Chen stood in the magic circle, feeling the rich dark magic power like dripping water. This force has a terrifying corrosiveness, with the breath of hell, which is contaminated by the Immortal Venerable, and will also decay in the flesh, and even the soul may be polluted.

"Baba Baba—!"

Dark demon power and Ye Chen's nine-colored divine light merged together, and suddenly made the sound of a soldering iron probing into the water.

A burst of smoke rose. These demon powers actually wanted to corrode Ye Chen's flesh, but the **** Pluto completely protected Ye Chen and the Izumo maiden beside him. How powerful, he just stood there, letting them refine, for at least a few days. Only a few nights.

"Your phalanx needs seven people to start completely. The power of one less is greatly reduced, and it can't threaten me at all."

Ye Chen grinned.

The demon ancestors suddenly looked ugly.

The Great Demon Array was created by the Heavenly Demon Emperor and combined with the six blood ancestors. The Divine Array has touched the threshold of the Supreme Divine Array and can shake the pinnacle of Immortal Venerable.

However, the complete body of this formation must have the Heavenly Demon Emperor sitting in his own hands. With his Divine Treasure Demon Emperor's Ring, it is regarded as having an eye. As a result, the Heavenly Demon Emperor died, and the Demon Emperor's Ring was still in the hands of Ye Chen. There are only six demon clan now, and the Divine Array is naturally incomplete.


Ye Chen stepped out in one step, and the weather rose up overnight.

Behind him, the vision appeared. Originally concealing the figure to protect him in secret, Pluto appeared suddenly, roaring and shaking, striking like three thousand worlds. A terrifying breath erupted from Ye Chen, filling the entire formation.


Ye Chen struck with all his strength to show the power of Pluto's appearance, what a horror?

This is almost comparable to the peak blow of Ascension Realm. Directly broke the great demon extinction array. The six demon ancestors flew out at the same time, and the quasi-sacred treasure in their hands was shaky, and they flew out of their hands.


Several demon ancestors changed color at the same time, but I didn't expect Ye Chen to be so scary.

But at this time, it was too late, Ye Chen's figure flickered and flashed to a demon ancestor over three meters high. He glanced into the void with his palm, as if grabbing something, and then pulled out of the sky.


A golden long knife, which he pulled out of the void, was the Panlong golden knife in the shape of a Tianlong golden bracelet!

The purple **** thunder is wrapped around the back of the knife, beating continuously, making the golden sword crystallized like a magic soldier cast by lightning.

Ye Chen came out with a knife, slashed into the sky, and suddenly a flash of thunder flashed in the void, and the purple thunder struck the sky, with the power to annihilate everything and destroy everything.

Fivefold... Chen Lei opened the sword!

"not good!"

Seeing the demon ancestor of this scene, his face changed wildly at the same time.

The demon ancestor who had been chopped up offered a quasi-sacred treasure, and shot a green demon light, which wanted to stop Ye Chen. But Ye Chen urged Shenbao's five hits, could it easily be blocked?


Just listen to a clear cry.

Purple Rayman, directly cleaved the Corrupted Demon Light, and then cut it on the Quasi-Shenbao. The peak quasi-shenbao, which has some of the qualities of Shenbao, shuddered slightly, and was even split in half by Ye Chen from the middle. As soon as Daoman went home, he cut the demon ancestors into two pieces.


Lei Meng Zhentian, purple thunder burst, that demon ancestor was directly blown into blood mist by thunder and lightning, evaporated directly, nothing at all.

Souls are destroyed!

There is no immortal body in the world, even if Ye Chen's three great gods are unified, if they encounter enemies that are several times stronger than themselves, they will be killed by life.

These demon ancestors, among the ten thousand demon stars, are connected to the sea of ​​blood, even if the flesh is destroyed, they can also borrow the power of the sea of ​​blood to reshape the flesh.

But if even the spirits are exterminated, how can they be reshaped?


Purple Rayman, blasting in the air, Shenbao in hand, Ye Chen is enough to cut down the old monster at the peak of Ascension. A dark demon clan can't bear it at all. Not only the physical body is destroyed, but even the soul is destroyed by the horrible Rayman.

"Do not--!"

There are five demon ancestors left, and Jade is about to break apart. They have been sleeping for thousands of years on the demon star. Although they are not the blood of the same generation, they are closer to each other than brothers. Ye Chen beheaded a demon ancestor in public, and they are already endless enemies.

"You dare to kill the demon. I will dig out your heart, save it with mystery, seal your soul in it, and it will not rot for a million years, so that you will live in eternity and live in pain."

As the leader wearing a crown, he cursed word by word, with a bitter bitterness in his eyes.


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