The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1658: Truth Star Chaos

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In the Frost Leaf Tower, whether it is Qingchuan Ying, Qingchuan Sayuri, Cao Xinxuan, Lin Qiqi, all jumped up excitedly.

"The master is too strong. When would I be as good as the master."

Qingchuan Ying grasped the pink powder fist enviously.

"Yes, we have to catch up with the pace of Master Ye Xian."

Lu Xinghe's eyes were shining, and he thought of the ancient scene that he had seen in Xianzong, where the strong men fought in the universe, struck all the stars in one blow, and tore all the voids, letting time turn around. Before that terrifying power, Qiu Daoyu was just a pediatrician.

"One day, Master Ye Xian will come to the entire universe and even higher places. And we will follow him, bathed in his glory, and will also ascend to the sky."

Lu Xinghe said firmly.

Throughout the universe, countless people are amazed and shocked, and there are countless people with fear in their hearts. Ye Chen's friends cheered and cheered, while his opponents were ashamed.

But all this can't interfere with Ye Chen's will, blood rainbow is shocking, pointing directly at the star of truth!

The Tribunal of Truth, the Palace of Heavenly Dao, this is the core place of the Star of Truth, which is equivalent to the existence of the capital of the country, and it is also the power center of the Star of Truth and even more than half of the universe.

In the past, the people who lived here were all high, and even if they saw the people in the Holy Land, they could not help raising their noses to the sky.

At this time, the whole Tiandao Palace was in a panic. Everyone knows that the murderous devil is about to come. He has just destroyed the power star. So many dignitaries say that killing is killing, it is simply frustrated. Who knows if he will destroy the truth star with anger?

Countless flying boats drove away from the star of truth.

Like the end of the world, the people who live on the star of truth don't care about any money and jewels anymore. They hate to have more legs to fly out of this dangerous place. And those who are powerful and powerful have already started the teleportation circle, and they don't know where to go.

But others can run, but the people in the court of truth can't run. As Dao Xuan Xianzong's running dog, Xianzong doesn't speak, they dare to move? Even if he ran away today, he would be trampled to death in the future, it would be better to stay and fight hard.

"Please keep calm, don't listen to the wind and rain. The fairy army of the truth court will vow to defend everyone."

The war instruments are assembled in the Heavenly Palace, and the fairy army gathered from all sides is guarded beside the palace. But these fairy troops armed with fairy treasures, fully armed, and the court of truth, are all sweaty and clenched in their hands. Weapons, but can not find any sense of security. .

They have never been as nervous as they are today, because the opponent is an unprecedented enemy, a fairy, or a god?

"This is the live broadcast of the Ministry of Information of the Ministry of Information. I am Lin Ya, Minister of the Ministry of Information. I am standing next to the Heavenly Palace and bring you the latest news. According to the news, the attacker is very likely to come Truth Star. We don’t know if he will completely destroy this planet, or he will negotiate with the Truth Tribunal..."

A hot female nun shouted at the water curtain. It seems that other intelligence organizations, after all, still can't compete for everything. People can even get live broadcasts. Among other intelligence organizations, there is no such fanaticism. Talents?

You have to know that if Frost Leaf Immortal Venerable is really crazy, it is very likely to destroy the truth star. This Lin Ya can be described as using live life to live broadcast, and dedicated to the extreme.

When Ye Chen's blood rainbow soared into the sky, all the way to the court of truth.

The eyes of the entire universe gathered on him, and countless magic weapons were shot in the void, and even the courageous gods trailed secretly. Where Ye Chen has passed, there is a ruin, and the army is easy. This scene falls in the eyes of trillions of people in the universe, making everyone more amazed, but the doubts in the hearts of everyone are getting stronger and stronger:

"Who is he?"

"Why attack the truth court?"

These two problems surround everyone's minds, although Wanshilou has claimed that it was Shuangye Xianzun, who rescued his wife Honglian. But there are too many rumors and few believers. More people believe that it is a powerful reincarnation, or that the gods are born. In short there is no answer.

"Please rest assured that we are the guardians of truth, and we are confident that we can protect the entire truth star and even the peace of the universe."

In the palace of heaven, a juror came out and tried to calm the panic of the people.

But the people are not fools, and even Heaven's Desire, Daoyu can't blow up Ye Chen, who still stays at the truth star, and flees outwards. In the Heavenly Palace, many jurors were quarreling.

The opposition jurors accused the main warfare and others of arbitrarily indulging the war department to throw out the evil spirits and pleading for jade, angering Ye Chen. The main battle group and others refuted that this was a resolution, and everyone voted in favor.

Just as many jurors were still arguing.


Just listen to a shriek like a wind falcon piercing the sky.

A **** Changhong traverses the sky and comes from the galaxy, as if splitting the heavens and the earth. Behind the blood-colored Changhong, there is a sky of flame, which enveloped the entire city and stained the sky with blood.

Ye Chen is here!

Countless panic-stricken people of Truth Star couldn't help but stop and looked up at the sky. Many of the fairy troops holding Xian Bao felt nervous and looked away.

The personnel of many intelligence organizations are crazy to broadcast the magic weapon, facing the sky.

The staff of the Truth Tribunal couldn't help looking through the window and stared at the blood rainbow.

I saw the blood rainbow over Tiandao Palace, slowly stopped. At this moment, the eyes of the entire universe are here. Tens of trillions of people in the universe are holding their breaths and watching nervously.


Blood Rainbow gradually dispersed, and one of them appeared.

The figure was shrouded in divine light, and his appearance was unclear. I could only see him in a quaint atmosphere of golden armor, with long black hair flying like flames. A red flame was beating in his eyes. The sky of blood flames descended from the sky and gathered behind him, like a blood-red cloak, covering the world.

"Is this man or god?"

Seeing this scene, countless people took a breath.


"What is this?"

Su Jingan looked at the sky strangely.

Sometime the sky turned bloody, and it seemed to burn like flames. There was also a blood rainbow stopped overhead, and the blood rainbow even descended slowly, just like the sun setting on the horizon.

"Is it a burning cloud, or a new trick from the Ministry of War?"

Su Jingan was puzzled, and many of the members of the court below had turned pale, and someone exclaimed: "He is, he is here!"

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