The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1701: Are you Shuangye Xianzun?

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Hearing Ye Chen's inquiries, Wang Xiaohu looked dull and replied:

"That was the biological father of the younger generation. He was extremely talented. He stepped on the peak of Yuanying three years ago. Unfortunately, he fell into the Pacific War. His seniors also knew his old man?"

Wang Xiaohu looked up and saw a man holding his hand, standing in front of the railing, with his back to him, overlooking the sentient beings. The man was dressed in a black costume and looked young, but he didn't dare to neglect it. After cultivating to the extreme, which monk was not the appearance of heaven and man, he could not be seen from the outside.

"already dead?"

There was a sigh in Ye Chen's eyes.

Wang Fuhu is also one of his deceased, but he did not expect that his deceased had gone now.

"I have been in retreat for more than ten years. What happened in this decade? Why has the earth changed like this?"

Ye Chen was silent for a moment and asked.

At this point, Shennian had scanned the entire earth and found that demon qi was rampant. Many aliens occupied the aura of the earth. These aliens were comparable to the lower aliens such as the blood, sea, etc., but the bright, dragon. Such a powerful race.

To know these guys, even Ye Chen hadn't seen him in his last life, and the situation has developed to this point, and his previous life experience can no longer work.

Hearing this, Wang Xiaohu suddenly realized that it was an old monster who was closed to practice. No wonder he had high strength but had never seen it. Immediately afterwards, there was another joy in his heart. If such masters could pull into the Dragon Tiger Gate or Dragon Dragon, it would be a great achievement.

"I don't hide my predecessors, I'm also confused.",

As Wang Xiaohu said, over the past decade, various changes on the earth have slowly unfolded in front of Ye Chen.

Originally from Ye Chen's retreat, the Overlord galaxy has been killed, the Five Great Sects have been defeated, and even the central galaxy can't hold it. The Sword Sage Venerable is beheaded by the Heavenly Emperor. At this time, only the Demon Immortal Sect relies on various black technologies and is still struggling to support it.

At the same time, various ancient races also appeared one after another, and the powerful people of the light, dragon, and various alien **** levels have come, making the earth precarious.

"Is that all? I think there is a war in Yanjing, and even Red Maple Mountain has been discarded. What's going on?"

Ye Chen asked.

Wang Xiaohu's complexion instantly changed, and he supported us.


Ye Chen snorted coldly.

A great pressure came from the sky and let the air condense. Wang Xiaohu's body was stiff, only to feel like a huge beast came, let him suffocate, breathless, and even the whole body was shaking with fear.

"Oh my god, this terrifying coercion, it must be the pinnacle of the fairy tale, even if I say less."

Wang Xiaohu's legs trembled and his heart roared.

The coercion immediately came and went, and even the residents of this building and the people on the street did not feel it. If Ye Chen broke out with all his strength, I am afraid that the entire city, including all lives within a hundred miles, would be killed directly by the town. Now only a hint of breath was released, which made Wang Xiaohu tremble.

At the moment when Majesty withdrew, Wang Xiaohu sat down on the ground, sweating in the cold behind him, and quickly said:

"Predecessor, senior, I will say this, I will say this."

It was the Holy See who attacked the Red Maple Mountain!

"Holy See? Their high level should have been destroyed before, even the Son was taken away. What kind of attack? Wait, is that the person coming?"

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slowly, his face more and more serious.

The earth is changing and various aliens appear. The first one is Hongfeng Mountain.

After all, Ye Chen was offended by too many aliens, especially the Holy See, even St. Michelle was arrested for alchemy, and the hatred of both parties was simply irreconcilable.

About eight years ago, in the cemetery of the Holy See, there were suddenly countless chants, and then a white light, shining through the sky, alarmed Europe. In the end, an ancient saint and an angel with two wings spread out from them. They have slept for some years, and now they appear to greet the Father, which shocked the whole world.

In addition to the Holy See, Taibai Bingchi, a real dragon that has survived for millions of years, appeared in the entire Tianchi and claimed to be the owner of the Snow Mountain.

Long Teng's Qin Shuang and Frost Yelou's Ye Nian once fought several battles with that real dragon, and finally walked out of the ice pond, and then went out several big demon to force Qin Shuang back.


Ancient gods or races emerge from myths. They used to exist only in legends, but now they all appear. Because of their appearance, the pattern of the entire universe suddenly began to change.

These divine races are not as unreasonable as the foreign visitors before, they often cooperate with the country, especially the current great power.

"Those gods, saints, and angels have the fighting power to match the immortal venerable. Fortunately, China has Shuangyelou and Longteng sitting in the town. In recent years, I can stand in the current world and compete with other big countries. But even so, it is also in a situation. Difficult, after all, the Holy See is pressing hard, and other forces are not well-intentioned. If it is not the many cards of Shuangyelou, I am afraid that it will be broken long ago.

Speaking of which, Wang Xiaohu sighed.

"So this is the case? Since the arrival of the Overlord Galaxy, have those powerful races and so-called gods also begun to recover?"

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, shining coldly.

All of this is very different from his previous life. Not only did the appearance of the Overlord Galaxy advance, but also many unknown ethnic gods, and he was no longer a mysterious Xuanchen Emperor, but Frost Leaf Immortal Venerable, no , Frost Leaf Fairy Emperor!

But these things are not what Ye Chen cares about most now. He mainly asks about Shuangyelou.

A glance at his mind, he has seen Hongfeng Mountain become a ruin, but his family, friends and women have no worries of life, otherwise Ye Chen would have violently violently wiped out these aliens.

"The present Frost Leaf, but the pillar of our China and even the East, is constantly eroding countries in various aliens and occupying a land of aura. The Frost Leaf Tower is the first to receive the impact of the Holy See and the major aliens."

Speaking of the Frost Leaf Tower, Wang Xiaohu admired.

But Frost Yelou is not vegetarian, not mentioning Ye Nian Qin Hongshuang and others, they all get the true biography in Xianzong, Venerable Peng and Qingchuan Ying, but they get a lot of true stories from Ye Chen, and ordinary Xianzun is not an opponent at all, plus The infinite potential of the small sky fox Liu Bingyao, Yin Youpian, who was most trusted by Ye Chen in the past, and Lu Xinghe, who had a lot of hair, the Holy See failed to take advantage of it.

Although the Red Maple Mountain was finally broken, the upper floor of the Frost Leaf Tower was not damaged. Instead, the Holy See fell two saints and an angel, and he dared not act rashly for a while.

"Senior, you care so much about Frost Leaf House, is it related to Frost Leaf?"

Wang Xiaohu hesitated.

Ye Chen said nothing but turned his head silently.

When Wang Xiaohu saw his face, his pupils shrank suddenly, as if to see something incredible. Wang Xiaohu stepped back and forth again and again, pointing to Ye Chen and trembling:

"You... are you Shuangye Xianzun?"

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