The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 220: Original Water Excalibur

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Henglan Mountain is the first high mountain in the three provinces of East China. It is nearly thousands of meters above sea level. It is tall and straight, and it is inserted into the sky. It seems to be blocking the castration of the Canglan River. It is named Henglan Mountain.

At this moment, on the towering mountain top, the two unique silhouettes are standing proudly. Qiu Lingyun and Ye Chen, a pinnacle representing the older generation of warriors, a leader known as the new generation of warriors, at this moment, it is the time when the new and old collide and the times change.

"Chou Lingyun, I will make you regret today and dare to hurt my disciple."

The cold light in Ye Chen's eyes skyrocketed. Where could he be exhausted in the confrontation? He was just too lazy to delay the time, and couldn't wait to start.

"Ye Chen, you should know that when you and I are in this state. The apprentice's revenge, the woman's hatred, but the cloud of the eyes. Only the glimpse of the **** realm is the ultimate goal of me and so on."

Qiu Lingyun looked indifferent and talked eloquently, not seeing that he came to avenge his apprentice.

"If Cheng Boxuan and his followers, how could he know the pursuit of martial arts by my generation of martial arts? He exhausted his life, but in the end he could only set foot in the early days of the sanctuary, but he was still complacent there, doing what a dream of a prosperous career. And I was decades ago It has entered the middle of the Sanctuary and is now at the top of its peak. In the world, there are only a few people who can match you and me."

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed and said lightly: "Well? You don't want to revenge Huo Lan's revenge?"

Qiu Lingyun laughed, disdainfully: "Huo Lan? What kind of thing is he? It is not normal for a warrior to fail because of his inferior skills. How could the old man waste time for this kind of waste?"

Speaking of which, he snapped his smile sharply and said coldly, "It's you, Ye Chen who really interests me!"

"You are twenty years old, and you will be able to set foot in the Holy Land. The future is bound to be limitless. These talents are even three points higher than those of me and Xiao, who can make you grow up?"

"Today, the old man is going to cut you off here, and stepping on this kind of seedling that may step on the ground, it really makes people feel happy!"

After all, Qiu Lingyun slammed the whole person's toes lightly, rushing to Ye Chen like a falcon, his hands clenched.


Just listening to the sound of explosions from the air, like thunder bursting, lightning roaring, and even the surrounding trees and rocks were shattered.

This is Qiu Lingyun's famous stunt, Ben Lei Zhang!


Ye Chen lifted his fingers with ease, and swept across.

I saw a water-blue light flashing across the sky, cutting the palm winds on both sides into two in the middle. The invincible palm wind couldn't stop him from making a stroke.

Seeing this situation, Qiu Lingyun's face sank. He had given Ye Chen a high enough rating in his heart, but now it seems that his own rating is still low!

With just that finger, this leaf dust is enough to be proud of the heroes, looking at the entire China and even the earth, only a few people can match it.

"But... the show is just beginning!"

Qiu Lingyun raised his mouth slightly, and once again slapped. I only saw a translucent invisible energy with golden light, and suddenly traversed the void. This energetic speed is extremely fast, and it is difficult to see loomingly. If it is replaced by ordinary martial arts, I am afraid that it has already been written.

But Ye Chen was not afraid at all, still condensed into a sword, and went straight away. He already owns the Emperor's glazed body at this time, so the condensed True Energy Sword is also accompanied by light blue, which is contained in the surging water aura, which not only can make the blade sharper, but also freeze the enemy, let The opponent's speed is greatly reduced.


When the palm wind collided with the sword, it was actually a sound of gold and iron. Unexpectedly, this time the palm wind was not divided into two, but persisted for a few seconds before disappearing.


Ye Chen raised her eyebrows in surprise. The inner strength of ordinary martial artists is often rough, which is far from the true element of the immortals. Just like the gap between pig iron and gold. Therefore, Ye Chen can sweep many martial arts even with the foundation-building period, and even the Wusheng of the Cheng family is like ants in front of him.

But Qiu Lingyun's applause is very condensed and almost substantive. This inner strength is no different from the true element of the immortal. In other words, he did not gain the upper hand for the first time in terms of internal strength.

However, Ye Chen was still calm. He had fought against the world in his last life, and he didn't know how many times he defeated the strong and defeated the desperate situation. What's more, this time, he still had his way?

No matter how powerful this Qiu Lingyun is, it is nothing more than a flesh, and he can't fight against the Emperor's glass body.

Ye Chen nodded and applauded: "I didn't expect your inner strength to be able to condense to such a level. Given time, it is not impossible for you to enter the realm of God."

Qiu Lingyun proudly said: "The master quenches the body, sacred domain refining gas, and divine state condenses. Over the years, I have traveled the world and encountered countless powerful people who have been hiding in the world, and have read through countless classics. The inner strength of the warrior is as real. It can be seen that if the true qi can not be condensed in one body to achieve a qualitative change, this life can not set foot in the realm."

"You can have this perception, not bad."

Ye Chen commented lightly, as if the old man in front of him was not an enemy, but his younger generation.

As he said this, the sword of true energy in his hand grew stronger, raising his hand and slashing at the other party.

Qiu Lingyun waved his hands again and again, lifting up 18 Qiqi walls in front of him. Each of these walls is infused with his unmatched internal strength, so tough that he can't even break through armor-piercing projectiles.

But in front of Ye Chen's pale blue swordmans, it was easily cut like a tofu block. When the blue mansions flashed by, Qiu Lingyun suddenly changed his face, and his body retreated suddenly.

Fifty meters back out, he looked down ugly and looked at his clothing corner-it had been evenly divided into two, if he pulled away slowly, I am afraid he would be ripped .

And in front of him, there was a tens of meters long gap in the gap. In the gap left by the sword marks, all the trees and rocks were all divided into two, without any spare.

Qiu Lingyun sank like water, coldly said: "What are you doing?"

Ye Chen said lightly: "This is the original water sword, but unfortunately I can only exert one percent of its power, otherwise I can cut you with only one sword."

The original water sword is a supernatural power of the Emperor's glazed body, and the condensed fairy soldier contains the purest aura of the water system, which is indestructible and sharp.

Although Qiu Lingyun's internal strength is like real yuan, after all, there is a gap with the true fairy spiritual power. This original water sword can even break the spiritual power, not to mention Qiu Lingyun's internal strength.

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