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After being rebutted by the man in this way, Zhao Ya'er suddenly said angrily: "It's not just casually saying, when Ye Xianshi said this, he was very serious!"


Her naive words suddenly caused a burst of laughter, accompanied by the unscrupulous words of the group of warriors:

"Oh my god, who is this little girl, I laughed to death."

"Little sister, I am actually your dear brother for many years, do you believe it?"

"It's such a cute little girl. Wu Sheng has already made a conclusion. She still insists on believing that the surname is Ye. I don't know if she can be so confident after seeing the guy's body."

Everyone was laughing, but they saw that the Thunder Grid on the top of the mountain was gradually tightening. Wherever they passed, all the trees and rocks were crushed, let alone people.

Hong Dafu and Hu Huahao glanced at each other and said in unison: "The outcome is divided, Ye Chen is dead."

Hearing the words of the two martial saints, the other warriors also leaked their expressions, leaving only Yang Lin’s ship, who lost their souls, such as mourning.

Yang Lin sighed and fell on the deck with a pale face: "Unexpectedly, our Cao family is still unable to escape."

Zhao Linger and Sun Xiaoxiao on the side were crying into tears. Zhao Renqing patted her on the shoulder, but she was speechless and couldn't stop smoking.

Compared to them, Kong Wanling actually felt in a good mood. Although she didn't laugh out loud in front of everyone, she still thought proudly:

"Dead Leaf Dust, always make you stand tall and look down on people. Now you know that there are people outside and days outside, right?"

Bai Xiaoxuan is also a complex face, unable to speak, only Zhao Yaer cut the railroad: "I don't believe it!"

She said this, she ran to the side of the ship in a few steps, and shouted, "Master Ye Xian! You have nothing to do, right? If you can hear me, just say it!"

Others sneered at the girl's reckless behavior:

"Idiot, under the thunderbolt of that level, where is it possible for people to live?"

"It's a pity that she is infatuated. I'm afraid that the surnamed Ye is dead."

"Hey, wait for a while, Qiu Wusheng will come down and see this guy who yells and screams, will she give her a hand?"


Listening to the opinions of people around, even Lan Cai'er was frustrated, but Zhao Ya'er still shouted again and again.

Seeing this, Hu Huahao frowned, and said lightly: "Little girl, the old man and the Hong gang master have already said that the outcome has been divided. You are so arrogant, don't you believe our judgment?"

Hu Huahao hated Ye Chen for his own death. Both his daughter and grandson died because of him, but the old guy knew that he was not Ye Chen's opponent, and he had never shouted revenge.

But at this time Qiu Lingyun was born and Ye Chen was killed. Hu Huahao didn't mind killing his women and disciples anymore!

Hearing Wu Sheng's words, Zhao Renqing hurriedly covered her daughter's mouth and apologized, but Zhao Yaer was still struggling constantly, stubbornly saying: "Yesian Master will not lose, he promised me!"

Hu Huahao snorted coldly and said angrily: "Enough! You little girl who doesn't know how high and thick, the old man said, under such a terrifying thunder grid, that Ye Chen don't say victory, even escape is a luxury!"

"You are so defiant, I will..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a faint blue light that suddenly flashed over the top of the mountain. At the same time, the thunder grid that completed the enclosure like a bird cage was actually directly divided into two!

Afterwards, a figure radiating from his head fell straight down from the top of the mountain, stepping on a few stones in the air in a row, and finally fell on the water in embarrassment, kneeling on one knee.

All the warriors were suddenly upset. It turned out that this guy who looked embarrassed was the Qiu Lingyun and Qiu Wusheng who had just been touted by everyone and almost touted to heaven!

Qiu Lingyun knelt on one knee on the water, gasped, and gritted his teeth: "Okay, an original water sword, an Yechen Ye Xianshi!"

At this time, Ye Chen slowly fell down from the sky. Compared with Qiu Lingyun, he not only looked unscathed, but also didn't even stain his clothes.

The crowd was immediately horrified. Originally in their speculation, Qiu Wusheng should have been hitting Ye Chen, but now it seems that the situation is quite the opposite.

Among them, the most frightened is Hu Huahao. He just wanted to find an excuse to kill Zhao Ya'er, but now he is glad that he has slowed down. Otherwise, when Ye Chen returns and wins, will the entire Hu family be destroyed?

When I saw Ye Chen's unscathed appearance, the happiest was Yang Lin's daughters. Zhao Ya'er applauded and laughed happily: "Yes Xianshi, you really are fine."

As soon as she said this, she could not help making the warrior who had just made a mockery a hot face. I didn't expect that so many people analyzed the situation. After analyzing for a long time, it was not as good as a girl.

Qiu Lingyun snorted and shouted, "Don't think you won!"

With that, he flicked with two fingers, and actually caused thousands of drops of water to slam away in all directions. Obviously, at this time, Qiu Lingyun didn't care how many people would be injured by mistake, or it would be better to accidentally injure him. As long as the surname Ye was a little distracted, he would have a chance to get in!

The idea is good, but...

Ye Chen smiled coldly, and said, "The class gets axe."

With his remarks, all the splashed water droplets were directly still in the middle of the air. This is the power of the sea emperor. Where there is water and blood, the sea emperor can do everything!

Qiu Lingyun used True Qi to control water in front of Ye Chen, which is tantamount to playing a big sword in front of Guan Gongmen!

At this moment, Ye Chen only needed a thought, and stopped every drop of water that flew out, and then flew straight to Qiu Lingyun with his control.


This time, Qiu Lingyun was really shocked. He never thought that the kid in front of him had such a powerful force. Without checking for a while, the turbulent water droplets shrouded like raindrops, and each one was extremely solid enough to penetrate steel!

Qiu Lingyun hurriedly ran to Lei Palm, trying to smash those water drops with palm wind. But Ye Chen pointed at any finger, and the drop of water drops actually sucked the aura from the Canglan River and turned into a three-inch translucent blade!

The condensed water becomes a blade. For Ye Chen, who possesses the Emperor's glazed body, it is as natural as eating and breathing, but falling in the eyes of others is terrifying.

I saw that Hong Dafu took a step back and rounded his small eyes and said: "I can actually use the inner strength like an arm so perfectly and meticulously, is he... a **** realm?"

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