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The decoration in Liujia Villa is not much different from that of Hejia. Perhaps it is relieved that the money is too high to a certain extent. Compared with the luxurious atmosphere, these real wealthy men are more simple and practical.

Of course, this "simpleness" is also relatively speaking, even though it looks much better than the homes of the upstarts, it is definitely not comparable to those of second-rate families.

In addition, the Liu family's villa decoration also has a style of the Republic of China. It is said that it was because Liu’s grandfather Liu, who was a handyman in a big family in the Republic of China when he was young, later caught up with the turmoil in the current situation. He took advantage of the opportunity to seek money and killed his family’s wealth. Out of today's giants.

Of course, what the matter is like, no one cares, people can only see the glory of Liu's family at this time, and the high status of Liu's grandfather, which is enough.

Ye Chen followed Qin Hongshuang into the hall. The layout here was no different from that of the Hejia Reception. The difference was that Qin Hongshuang was surrounded by a variety of luxuriously dressed men as soon as he entered the door. Squeezed aside.

However, this made Ye Chen feel comfortable and was surrounded by a group of people to welcome this kind of thing. He had experienced too much in the last life. In this life, he can hide and hide, and he can avoid.

He picked up a glass of juice at random and walked around slowly. Perhaps it was the people around him. He had never seen such a man dressed in such a common way but still looking like a grandfather. Ye Chen was surprised to find that even if he didn't do anything, he also became the object of crowd observation.

In that group of people, he saw his cheeks swelled up and looked at his own Yang An with bitter eyes, but although this guy was fierce, he dared not take any action.

First of all, this is the site of the Liu family. Anyone making trouble will be regarded as the enemy of the Liu family. Second, the relationship between Ye Chen and Qin Hongshuang has really made them guess.

So Yang An can only hide in the crowd, staring at Ye Chen with his eyes, and murmured in his mouth: "Who is this guy in Queen Qin?"

Tang Zongze on the side was very puzzled: "Who is it, is it important?"

The concept of the warrior is far less complicated than these vulgarities, that is, the weak eats the strong, and the strong respects the strong. In the eyes of Tang Zongze, the "Ye Xianshi" is just a guy with poor strength, and he can be shot to death. Although he seems to have heard the name somewhere, as long as he doesn't remember it, it means nothing more.

Yang An looked at Tang Zongze and suppressed the disdain in his heart, explaining patiently: "Queen Qin Hongshuang is the leader of the Yanjing Empire, and is also one of the Qin family of the four major families. If the kid has a relationship with Queen Qin It was very close, and I hurriedly offended her. I am afraid that our Yang family will not be confused."

After hearing this, Tang Zongze suddenly said, "That is to say, if that kid had nothing to do with Queen Qin, you would have thrown him from Hongfeng Mountain long ago?"

"Is this **** nonsense."

Yang An scolded in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it, he could only laugh: "Mr. Tang is really smart."

On the side of Tang Zongze, he didn't feel the sarcasm in Yang An's words. Since he was a child, he closed with his father and practiced. Recently, he only got rid of the troubles, so in terms of character, he still looks like a blank sheet of paper.

His idea is also very simple. Since Yang An is kind to himself, that is my friend. If the friend is in trouble, I have to help.

So Tang Zongze immediately turned into a folding fan and chuckled lightly: "In fact, if Brother Yang wants to be angry, I have a plan here."

Yang An heard that his eyes suddenly exuded a figure, and he didn't care to despise that the other party was a dumpling who had never seen the market. He was surprised: "What way?"

Tang Zongze smiled slightly, motioned to the other person to come to his ear, and whispered a few words. Yang An immediately raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Well, this is a great plan!"

Ye Chen was hanging around idly, but was suddenly patted on the back shoulder, turned his head, and found Qin Shuyao's smiling face.

"looking at what?"

Ye Chen shrugged: "It's nothing, just look around."

Qin Shuyao said abruptly: "Is it not longing for this kind of life in an upper society, you should be secretly jealous in your heart now, it is also a head and two legs, people can stand tall and participate in this luxurious banquet, but you They are not qualified to sit on equal terms with them."

Hearing this, Ye Chen almost laughed out loud, sitting on an equal footing? The entire Huaxia, who is qualified to sit on his own, is probably Xiao Yi.

As for everyone here? Even if it's not all rubbish, it's no different from ants.

On the other hand, Qin Shuyao still feels good about himself, shaking his head and saying, "Actually, you don't have to be too lost. You still have some skills. You can come up with an East China United Chamber of Commerce, which is considered a young talent."

"As long as my second aunt is willing to carry you, as many as three to five years, and as little as one or two years, you can enter the upper class, and then you will marry another lady, and develop steadily, under the protection of the Qin family, said Maybe the Ye family can be developed into a new family... Hey! What are you laughing about!"

It turned out that Ye Chen couldn't hold back when she heard this, and she snickered while covering her mouth, making Qin Shuyao embarrassed and angry.

Just when she wanted to have a seizure, there was a contemptuous voice behind her: "Huh, uncultivated redneck, it's really unbelievable to appear at this banquet!"

Hearing this, Ye Chen hadn't responded yet, but Qin Shuyao first showed an angry expression, but she turned around and saw Yang An's high-bulged face, but it was "poo" and laughed out loud. .

The two obviously knew each other, and Qin Shuyao laughed politely: "Ha ha ha ha ha! Yang An, what's going on with your face? Wouldn't it be walking on the street and hitting a tree!"

Yang An gritted his teeth, but did not dare to offend Miss Qin, and could only turn his grudge on Ye Chen. Qin Shuyao also discovered this and turned his head to look at Ye Chen and said in surprise, "You hit it?"

Ye Chen shrugged and said, "He has to practice with me."

At this moment, Qin Shuyao laughed louder, even brought the eyes of the people around him, making Yang An blush angrily, clenching his fists tightly.

But Miss Qin is obviously not the kind of woman with a big brain. She pretends that she can’t stand up straight and put her hand on Ye Chen’s shoulder, but took the opportunity to remind her quietly:

"You have to be careful, the Yang family is also regarded as a wealthy newcomer in recent years, the background is not very good, the bad guys of the upstart have learned ten percent, you make Yang An ugly, they will definitely find a way Against you!"

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