The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 269: Boiling killing intention

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For a time, everyone frowned, and said that the earth buns were earth buns. They actually made such rude behavior under the broad public in the hall.

Seeing everyone's eyes looked over, Qin Shuyao felt embarrassed and hurriedly moved his chair to lean on the other side, to show that he was not familiar with this surname Ye.

Even Qin Hongshuang felt a little inappropriate, and poke Ye Chen gently: "Ye Chen, if you are hungry, let's go back to the hotel and eat again, don't lose the gift."

Ye Chen put down the porridge bowl and shrugged: "Isn't that just eating next to the dining table? Those people sitting here are chatting, is it really rude, haven't you ever heard of food and said nothing?"

Qin Hongshuang was amazed by these words, which made other people laugh out loud:

"Hahaha, this dumpling, I really thought I came here for dinner."

"After all, I haven't seen the world, and I don't know the importance of connections."

"Hey, these delicacies are probably delicacies that he hasn't seen in his life, and he can understand it for a while."


After listening to the whispering of everyone around, Qin Shuyao was almost ashamed to get under the table. She gave Ye Chen a hard look, and the red on the pretty face almost dripped out of water, but at this moment, there was a light laughter But it rang.


It was Mr. Liu who made this laugh, and when he saw his expression, everyone around him talked louder.

"It's broken. This surnamed Ye didn't understand the rules, and made Mr. Liu angry."

"Yeah, that's how it looks when you are angry."

"Listening to Master Liu, when the old man laughed like this last time, there was a lot of stock market turmoil, and many people went bankrupt and committed suicide!"

The more the group said, the more evil it was, as if there was a tendency to demonize Grandpa Liu. Upon hearing this, Yang An's eyes flashed with excitement, and he was proud: "Although I can't help this Ye Chen, but see his work You can’t even use this uncle's shot when you die!"

At the same time, Qin Hongshuang also changed her face. She hurriedly stood up and wanted to speak, but she saw Liu Laohan smiled and said: "This little brother Ye is right, we are holding a banquet today, banquet banquet, just eating Don’t patronize the conversation and forget the occasion.”

In this way, he took the first piece of pastry and put it in his mouth. Others were the first time they saw Mr. Liu eating in public, and he was stunned.

Everyone's mind flashed an idea: Ye Chen, wouldn't it be Mr. Liu's illegitimate child?

But since Liu Lao brought her hair, how dare others not follow? They all followed suit, forcing themselves to shift their attention from the conversation to the food in front of them, and for a time, the sound of chewing one after another.

"Cut, old fox."

On the other side, Ye Chen, who was the initiator, narrowed his eyes instead. At this time, he was in the state of the emperor's glazed body, and he had reached the state of digging the valley. Even if he did not eat for three to five years, his body could absorb the aura from the outside.

Coupled with Ye Chen's last life as an immortal emperor, what delicious dishes haven't been eaten, even if these ordinary dragon, liver and phoenixes have never been eaten in his life, he is tired of eating, how can he be regarded as a small bowl Porridge?

His rude behavior was nothing more than trying to test Mr. Liu. Through his reaction, he judged whether this guy was giving Qin's face or knowing his own things.

But this old man Liu's response was also watertight. When Qin Hongshuang stood up and wanted to talk, he didn't open the siege, so even if Ye Chen couldn't guess, he was giving Qin Hongshuang a face, or giving himself a face.

After three rounds of drinking, the atmosphere of the banquet has reached its peak. Mr. Liu said with a smile: "Everyone, everyone I know the purpose of this banquet held by Liu today, everyone knows it, but let me announce this good news to everyone again. "

"Starting today, my Liu family and Xiao family will always be good for Qin Jin!"

Despite having heard this, the crowd applauded very much and congratulated Mr. Liu loudly.

"Congratulations to Mr. Liu, Mr. He Xiliu!"

"It can be said that everyone is right, and Wang Heng is right."

"Haha, Brother Liu, call out the new guy and show us."


Listening to the congratulatory voice of everyone, even the grand palace of the old man Liu, could not help but leak a smile and said: "Then invite the two newcomers to appear."

Then, the lights suddenly dimmed, leaving only the light shining at the entrance of the hall, just like a spotlight, and then... a man and a woman walked in slowly from the outside.

The man is tall and handsome, with a tall figure, dressed in a pure white suit, and strode forward with his chest raised. Between his walks, his arms waved vigorously, his pace was steady, and he was obviously a warrior.

No, maybe stronger than that, under the sweep of Ye Chen Shennian, this guy is clearly a strong man in the sanctuary!

The talent of such a young Sanctuary is still above Lu Xinghe, and it is worthy of Xiaoyao, the young master of the Xiao family of Yanjing.

But Ye Chen's attention never stayed on this guy for even half a second, because the girl who walked behind Xiao Yao and walked with empty eyes was Liu Bingyao!

She wore a moon-colored dress today, with a pearl crown on her head, and set off her charming and charming face to be noble and generous, but... the eyes of the girl were dull.

With her head down along the way, she just walked behind Xiao Yao in a daze like a puppet.

"Oh, my granddaughter and grandson-in-law are here."

Grandpa Liu showed a kind expression, beckoned the two to come over, sat on his side, and said, "Thank you all for enjoying the light today, to participate in the most important engagement ceremony of my granddaughter's life..."

Ye Chen didn't even care about what the old guy was talking about. He was just Liu Bingyao's empty expression, and his anger surged in vain.

That... is no longer Liu Bingyao I know, but a puppet with the same shell, but the soul has long disappeared. That lively and cute girl, who has some naughty but very understanding girl, what did this group of guys do?

At this time, under the announcement of Grandpa Liu, the second round of the banquet has officially started, but a sky-high murderousness has suddenly emerged!

In an instant, the crystal lamp in front of the hall burst out in unison, and the sudden darkness caused the crowd to fall into panic and surprise, but Ye Chen had stood up with a furious expression.

He had never felt that the murderous intentions were so boiling, and he wished that everyone present would be unified! System! kill! Off!

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