The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 273: Advanced Curse

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Because the duel was so lively, the Penglai Inn was always overcrowded. After taking Ye Chen a buddy's clothes, the boss was busy going out to greet the guests, leaving only Ye Chen and silly in the back hall Niu two people.

When he was idle, he talked to the silly girl, maybe because of the same disease, the silly girl was very kind to him. Although most of them asked Ye Chen to answer, he also knew a lot of things. .

Silly girl is not really stupid. She just suffered a catastrophe when she was about ten years old, which caused her mind to stay at this age. That is to say, although she was 16 or 7 years old in appearance, her IQ was nothing like a 10-year-old child. different.

Ye Chen probed with Shen Nian, and found that she was not stupid because of illness or brain damage, but was suffering from a certain curse.

"This is a very high-level curse, and she was too young at the time she cast the spell, even I can't act rashly, otherwise it may cause the girl to die."

Ye Chen frowned slightly. If it was an ordinary curse, he wouldn't mind helping the stupid girl get rid of it, but even if he wanted to eradicate this advanced curse, it would take a lot of time and energy.

Just when he hesitated, the fat boss came back and said to Ye Chen: "That... this little brother, there are so many guests today. Would you mind coming out to help? Of course? , I will pay you the wages."

Through the conversation just now, Ye Chen already knew that all of the friends who came to the inn were martial artists. He was also a little interested in it, so he nodded and stood up to walk outside.

Entering the lobby, the table is full of people, all with sharp eyes, full of energy, and it looks like they are practicing.

"I see, there are so many masters of martial arts, and the others are non-influential guys. Wu Sheng has no one, not even a person who can compete with Tang Zongze."

Ye Chen swept away casually, and looked at the strength of all the people in the hall, and could not help feeling a little bored. This time, he was wrong. As the so-called Wushengrulong, every strong man in the sanctuary has his own pride, how can he live in the same room with these ordinary martial artists?

The vast majority of Wu Sheng are not short of money, so why not stay in a five-star and seven-star hotel and come to stay at this hotel? Even a few nostalgic parties, such as Hong Dafu and others, will not openly appear in the lobby, otherwise the warriors who come up with friendship will be too much for them to eat anything.

Then, I don't know if it was a coincidence. Another person screamed and fell downstairs...

Luo Peng is a 30- to 40-year-old man with a square face, a burly figure, and a sharp eye. When he pushed open the door of the inn, the warriors in the lobby all made such a judgment:

"This person is not easy to mess with."

In fact, this is also the case. Luo Peng's physical strength is at its peak, and his strength is also master of martial arts. The experience of rivers and lakes is more abundant, but these are not the most critical. The most critical is his identity...

This is a Chinese official. At least on the surface, the official and the military are two parallel lines that do not intersect each other. As long as these military do not kill civilians indiscriminately, the fighting and vendetta between them, Luo Peng and other "civil servants" "I don't care. Anyway, it is useless to ignore it. It is better to let them complain and revenge.

So he came this time, just to deal with the body, so as not to cause more trouble, if the deceased has the kind of relatives and friends of the same kind, even save the trouble of handling the body.

Let the men put the body on the sack and get on the car. Luo Peng looked at the warrior in the lobby and sneered: "I know that the pinnacle of the two great peerless swordsmen is coming soon, and the star evil spirit spectrum is born, let Everyone is very excited and restless, but Luo Mou still advises you from a personal standpoint, please exercise restraint."

No one answered him, and even a few warriors, with a disdainful expression on their faces, twitched: "dog legs."

The position of the warriors has always been very subtle in China. They feel that they are detached from the world. However, in the eyes of the officials, they are just some villagers who are not disciplined.

Those real masters are more or less related to the major forces, such as the relationship between Tang Zongze and the Yang family, such as the relationship between Qiu Lingyun and the Qing Gang, and even Xiao Yijue, who is the first master of China, is directly in the army. In the name.

And these open-mouthed warriors are the kind of non-influential characters. They are too poor in strength to get solicited by the big forces, but they also show a high profile to devalue those who devoted to the official forces, saying In the end, it was nothing but jealous.

Luo Peng heard this, but nothing happened. On the surface, he was still smiling, but suddenly his body moved!


I saw a silver light suddenly swept across the lobby, and the few murmured warriors sat under the stool suddenly and neatly split them apart, and threw them heavily on the ground.

Before these people had turned their heads, everyone was kicked. The person who first spoke of the dog's legs was trampled on the head by one foot and could not get up anyway.

"Everyone, I can understand your mood, but someone has a mission." Luo Peng looked around and said in a loud voice, "I can see that you are all about to hold back the urge to find someone. Two tricks."

"Here, I finally advise you once again, don't act rashly, after all... here is Yanjing."

His remarks have made those who have no plans in their minds all honest. Yeah, but this is the capital of China. Even if they are people in a house with two doors, three doors and four schools, they dare not make trouble casually. What storms can these people make?

As soon as I thought about it, those warriors who used to domineering on weekdays could not help but shed their cold sweats, and think about it carefully, this Yanjing had Xiao Fu sitting in town. Whichever of the seven dragons came out, I am afraid that it is the end of the corpse wilderness.

Seeing that these people were honest, Luo Peng showed a satisfied smile. During these days, he had to make several trips to this inn every day, knowing that the hearts of these martial artists had become more and more restless, so he chose to take action today to deter them, so as to avoid any major incidents from this group of guys. Bad ending.

After warning everyone, Luo Peng was not in a hurry to go, but instead took a seat at a table and called a bowl of porridge and two buns.

However, just as the man walked towards himself with breakfast, Luo Peng's face sank suddenly.

Because of the knife in his waist, there was a sudden "click".

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