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Just like a long whale swallowing the sea, a pale white air flow is sucked in from Ye Chen's nostrils. This air flow is composed purely of aura that condenses like substance. Every time Ye Chen breathes, the water level in the Lingquan drops a little.

He spent one day refining Jindan's aura, which was more than a month's savings in Zhuanlong. Only in the Xuanxian cave mansion, which accumulated hundreds of years of spirit vein energy, can satisfy Ye Chen's squandering.

But even in this way, the spiritual fluid in the Lingquan drops slowly at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. If you can't condense Jin Dan in one fell swoop, it will be too difficult to find such a rich aura in the future...

At this time, in another stone room, Lu Xinghe took a long breath and opened his eyes.

During these twenty days, he was not practicing at all times. The magic of the star evil sword spectrum was far beyond his imagination. Even if Lu Xinghe knew nothing about himself, he created the qualification of Lingbo Seven Swords and practiced it. Just like sailing against the current, you can't carelessly for a moment.

However, just practicing three strokes, Lu Xinghe has broken through the shackles of Master Wu Dao and set foot in the sanctuary. At this time, his skin is shining with crystal clear luster, and the entire popularity is becoming stronger. This is less than a month. It is better than ten years of hard work.

In addition to the cultivation of Xingxie Sword Spectrum, the little aura that escaped from the stone chamber is also the key to Lu Xinghe's ascension, and this is just the aura that spilled out during Ye Chen's cultivation. The aura absorbed by Ye Chen is probably more than a hundred times that of Lu Xinghe. How terrifying is that?

Lu Xinghe could not imagine...


At this moment, a vast breath burst out of the stone chamber in an instant. In front of this breath, Lu Xinghe felt unbearable and could not help backing away.

If it was a few days ago, Lu Xinghe would be very excited, thinking that Ye Xianshi had broken through, but at this time he had calmed down, and in the past few days, there would be roaring sounds in the stone room. Lu Xinghe just shrugged, then Continue to lower your head and immerse yourself in the star evil sword spectrum.

Only Sayuri Aokawa still rushed past every time he heard the noise, and finally returned disappointed, this time too.

Seeing her look, Qingchuan Ying couldn't help but ridicule: "Before your master retreats, the command sent to you is to practice well. How do you practice like this?"

The sisters had already spoken for more than 20 days. After knowing her sister’s experience, Qingchuan Ying also expressed her understanding of her choices, but she understood it. Her attitude towards Sayuri, Qingchuan, was still very serious. bad.

Only Qingchuan Ying knew that she was jealous. Then Lu Xinghe just got the star evil sword spectrum, but Ye Chen gave Qingchuan Sayuri's classics, but it was even more terrifying!

Lu Xinghe was originally a master of martial arts, and dedicated to the study of star evil sword spectrum, which was able to break through and become Wu Sheng.

But Qingchuan Sayuri is just an ordinary onmyoji, even far away from the master of spells, and is not very focused when practicing, as long as there is a voice outside, he must run over to see if Ye Chen has passed the level.

Even so, Qingchuan Sayuri had already advanced to Sanctuary three days ago. How does Qingchuan Sakura face this?

I studied at the age of six and studied hard with my teacher for 13 years, and I still learned the strongest swordsmanship in the island country-the ultimate sword flow. So far, it is just a master of martial arts.

"Don't that Ye Chen lie, the skill he gave to my sister is far more than the star evil sword spectrum, otherwise, how could this be?"

Qingchuan Ying's face was uncertain, she put on her favorite meditation posture on weekdays, but she could not enter the state of being aware of Kendo, but kept thinking about it:

"If my elder sister swears allegiance to him likewise, will I be rewarded with the merits?"

She is confident that her talent is far higher than that of Sayuri Aokawa. If she can get a higher skill than Xingxie Jianpu, what is the Holy Land? Even if it is a **** realm, it is not impossible!

At this moment when the girl kept counting, the leaf dust in the stone room had reached the most critical moment.

"Boom Boom--!"

A vision emerged from Ye Chen.

Two golden flames appeared in his pupils. These two golden flames, like a lotus flower, condense to the extreme, and even make the space fluctuate. This is the vision of wood burning.

Under Ye Chen, a surging wood-based aura sprang up. As soon as this aura appeared, countless vine branches and vines grew out of the entire stone chamber, and even a grass seed in the stone crack directly squeezed away The stone seam grows to a few meters high, which is a vision of the wood-type aura itself.

After seeing him again, a huge gigantic wave was surging. Above the tip of the wave, a king with long hair flying and a dragon surrounded by giant dragons appeared on his side. This is the golden water, which made the sea emperor's glass body advanced. Illusion.

All the virtual images flew by, and Ye Chen's eyes opened sharply. At the same time, the tree heart in front of him also suddenly shook and expanded outwards instantly, which contained seemingly infinite energy, all of which must escape.

"bring it on."

Ye Chen spoke to Na Jindan lightly, and then both sides rushed towards the other party, just like the enemy of life and death.

The figures of the two sides crossed, but there was no sound of collision, but they slowly merged into one...

Gradually, Ye Chen's body surface began to appear blue-gold, he suddenly burst out, and the Emperor of the Emperor's glass body appeared, turning into a blue-haired flying, beautiful and beautiful god.

"Jin Dan Realm...Success!"

At this moment, Ye Chen's body suddenly became like a white jade color, crystal clear, can be clearly seen, in his middle house, the tree heart Jindan is sitting at the end.

His violent breath gradually stabilized.

At the same time, Lu Xinghe, who sensed Ye Chen's breath, finally could not help opening his eyes, revealing a terrified expression.

"This, this is a breakthrough to the **** realm?"

Ye Chen’s previous fighting power was terrifying enough to kill such murderers as Ito Musashi. Now that he has reached Divine Realm, does not even Xuan Xian have the power of a battle?

It can be said that once he goes out of the customs, it is enough to push the world! Lu Xinghe did not dare to imagine how strong Ye Chen was at that time.

I'm afraid that by then Ito Musashi's sword of death can't even cut Ye Xianshi's clothes corner?

Thinking about it this way, Lu Xinghe was also very happy. After all, he was not a cultivator. He was still a bit overwhelmed by this long-term retreat, especially the retreat that was not even visible to the sun.

He was anxiously looking forward to the other party going out, but after a few hours passed, the breath in the stone room was quiet, and there was no meaning to come out at all!

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