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Ye Chen narrowed her eyes and looked at Qin Shuang lightly.

The other party's joyous face is obviously not pretended, so why is he so? It would not be a sigh of talent for the Chinese martial arts community.

Seeing Ye Chen's expression, Qin Shuang also seemed to realize that she had lost her gait and coughed twice, and said: "Cough, rude, Ye Wushen, to return to the truth, this Liu Ruochen, can you give us Long Teng?"

Ye Chen heard the expression, and looked down: "Huh?"

Qin Shuang hurriedly waved his hand and said: "Ye Wushen should not misunderstand. There is absolutely no intention of protection, but this person has collusion with the blood alliance. Listening to Colonel Tang’s report, it should be the Liu family helping the eighth black cardinal to escape our eyes and enter Huaxia's."

"We have to interrogate him to find out how many people there are in the blood alliance, and entered the China, and we have to find out...whether he has surrendered to the blood alliance himself or is related to the entire Liu family. It is important, please also Ye Wushen is calm, you can rest assured that we will let him pay for the crimes he has committed!"

Hearing this, Ye Chen nodded and nodded. Although he overlooked sentient beings, he certainly still has feelings for his country. It is related to China’s security issues, and naturally he will not be bothered.

Seeing him nod, Qin Shuang also exhaled for a long time, waved his hand, and then walked outside the door a group of heavily armed soldiers, led by the broken army, took Liu Ruochen out.

At this time, Qin Shuang turned around and smiled at Ye Chen: "Ye Wushen killed Arthur and caught Liu Ruochen this time. It can be said that he made a great contribution to Huaxia. We Dragon invite you..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Chen waved his hand: "I know the meaning of General Qin, but I can't give you an answer at this time."

Speaking of which, he looked up and said to Inner Hall: "You must save the silly girl first..."

In the inner hall, there stood five people, namely Ye Chen, Qingchuan Sayuri, Bai Zhanqi, Tang Shiyu and Qin Shuang. As for Lu Xinghe and Qingchuan Ying, the space here is not large, so they are not allowed to come in.

The silly girl was lying on the bed, her youthful body, but at this time she was as thin as a wood, as if all the blood had been sucked away, she could clearly see the dry blue blood vessels in his body. The heart was almost paused, only out of breath, no more breath.

Ye Chen frowned, and a breath of water, a healing aura from the water system, was transported past, and suddenly made her cough twice and opened her eyes.

"Stupid girl!"

Bai Zhanqi shouted in surprise, his eyes suddenly filled with hope. These days he looked for famous doctors in Yanjing. None of them could wake up his daughter, but Ye Chen did it by raising his hand.

Excited, he wanted to kneel: "Thank you Ye Wushen..."

However, this prayer, but failed to come down, Ye Chen raised his finger, and there was an invisible force dragging him, frowning: "The trouble is big."

Everyone was awe-inspiring, even when facing the blood demon projection, Ye Wushen was also reckless and did not bow his head, but at this time he said the word "trouble in trouble", how terrible the curse was.

Bai Zhanqi's eyes showed despair, his face was pale, and the six gods had no way of saying: "Ye Wushen, you save my daughter, save my daughter, I will give you a horse, I will give you..."

Ye Chen waved his hand, beckoning him to be quiet, said lightly: "Relax, I will save her."

Hearing this, Bai Zhanqi collapsed on the ground all at once, but felt that the heavy burden on his heart had disappeared, and his face was full of tears of joy.


The silly girl coughed twice, and Ye Chen immediately turned to look. She saw that she was leaning on the head of the bed, her body was rickety, and she was as thin as a bone. When he saw Ye Chen, there was a look of surprise in his eyes, his arms shook slightly, and he wanted to lift it up. But he couldn't even lift a finger. Obviously at the age of sixteen or seventeen, she is like the old lady in the wind.

"You, aren't you that fool? Are you hungry..."

Hearing this, Ye Chen's heart suddenly shivered softly and touched the hair of the silly girl: "I am not stupid, and soon, you will not be stupid again."

Along with his movement, a black figure emerged from the body of the silly girl. It was the blood demon of the blood alliance. He looked at Ye Chen and said with a sneer: "Boy, it is indeed very strong. It can kill my believers, but you can Must this curse of unsolved blood be opened?"

"When my blood demon is out of the customs, I must step down Huaxia and wash with your blood..."


Ye Chen shattered the ghost image of Gorefiend with only one flick, which was just a little thought of Gorefiend parasitic in the body of the silly girl, far less than the projection on Arthur.

Hearing this, Qin Shuang immediately horrified and said: "The curse of blood?"

Seeing the people turning their heads, Qin Shuang recalled and said seriously: "This curse is one of the oldest curses in the world, it is a curse without solution."

Hearing this, the white banner that had just appeared in amusement, suddenly "gurgled" and collapsed completely on the floor.

Qin Shuang face apologized, but he continued to explain: "It is said that the man of the curse, the power of the curse will accompany her for life, deep into the blood and bone marrow. Every seven days, the blood in his body will be necrotic by half. He must constantly exchange blood, constantly He used various elixirs and spirit grass to treat him, and constantly used the energy of the top strong to cultivate him to strengthen his vitality, so that people can survive."

"Unless the other party is completely awakened and becomes a new vampire, a blood fiend's servant, otherwise... there is only one death."

"How is this..." Tang Shiyu covered her small mouth with her hand, tears in her eyes. She was a kind girl and could not bear to see such a tragedy.

Bai Zhanqi is even more desperate, where is he going to find those panacea, the top strong come to give his daughter a life!

Ye Chen's eyebrows were closed after he probed with Shen Nian, and he said:

"This curse of blood is indeed difficult to entangle. I swept through the body of the silly girl with a divine idea. It is found that the power of the curse is rooted in the bloodline. Unless she can abandon this flesh and reincarnate or take away, it will be forever. It cannot be eliminated, and will even be passed on to future generations. It is worthy of being the oldest spell on earth."

His remarks burst into countless surprises, and everyone was stunned. What abandoned the flesh, what was reincarnated, what was rebirth... are things that everyone dare not think about on weekdays.

Ignoring the dull people, Ye Chen's face sank like water, frowning and thinking hard. Even if it is placed in the universe, this curse can flow up and down. I didn't think of a remote small star earth, which could be found.

"It's just..." Ye Chen touched his chin with his hand, and said inwardly, "Why does this curse make me feel familiar?"

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