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Tianwen swordsmanship is the life of Xiao Yi’s undisputed swordsmanship, his talents, and his own thinking about the world and heaven. Every move is not only a sword spirit, the essence of the "question", if it is an opponent If you can't answer it, you may be damaged in heart and heart and unable to evade it.

In all the previous moves, Ye Chen not only attacked and counterattacked him, but also responded to Xiao Yijue's "question", even shaking the opponent for a time.

But at this moment, facing this most powerful sword, this last question, Ye Chen's expression suddenly solidified.

Yes, he couldn't answer, even if the previous life was noble as an immortal emperor, he knew a great deal of magical powers and magical methods; Xingyu's understanding of Cultivation Avenue was far above everyone's; Tens of thousands of goddesses in the fairy palace.

However, he still couldn't answer...

Because Ye Chen doesn't know, what is love?

It was the moment when the figure stopped, Xiao Yijue's fierce sword qi of the crown of heaven had slammed over!


Facing this seems to be able to split Tianyu's sword.

Ye Chen's eyes were dignified, and the dazzling body protector was instantaneously spread out, covering a ten feet square, and the rain curtains were all lined up. But the cyan light, in front of Bai Hong Jian Mang, was cut like butter with knife, and was easily cut apart. In the fingertips, Xiao Yi was only one foot away from Ye Chen.

"Boom Boom--!"

A series of body protection immortals burst at this moment, turning into colorful masks, trying to protect Ye Chen. But now Ye Chen is nothing more than a golden pill. The low-level body protection immortal method exhibited on display can't stop Bai Hong Jianmang.

Xiao Yijue's sword of Yuanshen finally rushed in front of Ye Chen. This old swordsman with an incomprehensible sword now had a naive smile on his face, whether it was during his rampage to China or the closed sword tomb. Time, never had such a happy time.

For Xiao Yijue, the sword is everything. At this time, he can understand the supreme sword intention, even if he is dead, he has no regrets.

In the end, even Xiao Yijue's Hao Tianjian couldn't bear this power, and the pieces were broken apart, but the sword in his hand was more and more radiant.


In the eyes of everyone, Baimang Jianhong and the blue light slammed together. A sound comparable to a rocket lift-off erupted. Between the whole world, only this piece of light is left. Even everyone's ears were temporarily deaf.

A vast surging energy spread from the junction of the two to all directions in an instant. Like a twelve-level typhoon crossing, the entire Huashan Mountain was blown like a dangerous building, crumbling. Many stone trees are uprooted.

Despite the instantaneous opening of the protective magic circle, there are still many ordinary people who are pale and spit out blood, and many martial arts sages have retreated, and only many gods can stand at the forefront and watch this scene.

"Who wins and loses?"

In the eyes of most people, Xiao Yi has been practicing hard for a hundred years, and the sword he finally burned out is the real Xuanxian. No matter how strong Ye Chen is, he should not be able to stop it, even if he doesn't fall, at least he is seriously injured.

There are a few gods, and most of them are so speculative, even malicious people, who are preparing to take advantage of the fire and aim at this dusty weakest moment, have killed him!

After all, Xiao Yijue's last sword is too strong. If released to the surroundings, I am afraid that the entire Huashan Mountain will be razed to the ground. Even if all the gods on the scene joined hands, there was not much hope to block this sword. Besides, Ye Chen had only one person?

"How is this possible?!"

But suddenly, Joyce's face changed wildly and he exclaimed incredulously.

Immediately afterwards, Langri Living Buddha, War Wolf King and other gods changed their colors. In the end, even some people at the peak of Wusheng, such as Xiao Fu and Tai Qingtai, couldn't help but froze on the spot.

"what happened?"

Others did not have the skills of the strong, and opened their eyes wide, trying to see the scene clearly.

I saw that the storm gradually subsided, the True Elemental Vortex also stabilized, the light scattered, and a strange scene appeared in the middle of the world...

A young man wearing a blue-golden armor and shrouded in the glow of the sun, his whole body was covered by this strange-shaped scale armor of unknown material, and he didn't even block it, but he let himself be stabbed by the trick "what is love".

This sword stabbed Ye Chen's heart impartially, but the bluish-golden scale armor shone dazzlingly, and stopped the white sword rainbow, no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't get in.

One second, two seconds...

Five seconds later, above Bai Mang, the phantom of Xiao Yijue appeared. His expression at this time was very strange. Although he still realized the happiness of Xuanxian's sword, he also had some regrets.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, even if I realized the sword of Xuanxian, I couldn't help you anymore. No matter, the old man lost."

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Xuchang's swordmans burst into bursts, turning into inches of white light, and scattered around.

There was only one man with blue hair fluttering, extremely handsome, and a man wearing a blue-golden armor, standing proudly in the void. At this time, the dark clouds spread out, and the first ray of sunlight reflected on his face, making the other party look like real. The gods are ordinary.

All of a sudden, there was a loss of voice...


After a while, there was a sound that broke the silence. It was a swordman who let go of his subconsciously and dropped the beloved sword that he never left, falling to the ground.

However, he didn't realize this at all, but trembling his lips, said in an incredible voice: "Sword God... lost?"

This sentence seems to have opened some kind of gate. Almost all swordsmen covered their faces and wept, while everyone else looked like they were.

"Xiao Yi never lost..."

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly."

"Even Xuanxian can't help Ye Chen, what monster is he?"


Amidst a low voice of discussion, Xiao Fu, a faithful old servant, had fallen to his knees and howled: "Master..."

Although Xiao Yao was also in tears, he clenched his teeth and stared at Ye Chen stubbornly, and what appeared in his heart was his unlimited desire for power.

The War Wolf King on the side saw this scene, embraced his hands, shook his head and sighed: "This is the taste of the world..."

The Living Buddha of Langri also announced the sound of the Buddha, sighing: "Everyone is suffering, even the son of the sword god. He enjoys glory and joy in the first half of his life, but in the second half of his life, he is destined to be displaced and can escape Ye Chen's. Chasing, or two..."

The others all looked sympathetically at the people in Xiao Fu. A few minutes ago, they were still the largest family in Yanjing and the largest in the Chinese martial arts world. But now that Xiao Yijue is gone, this group of people is just like nothing. The water of the source, the wood without the root.

Not to mention reviving the door court, whether they can survive or not depends on Ye Chen's mood.

At this moment, Ye Chen, who had been standing proudly in the void, moved...

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